TDEE Calculator - Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (2024)

Use this TDEE calculator to estimate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) and from it your optimal daily calorie intake you need to keep your weight stable, to gain or to lose weight. TDEE is often used by fitness coaches, bodybuilders, and other athletes to determine food requirements and dietary limitations.

Quick navigation:

  1. Notes on the TDEE calculator output
  2. What is TDEE and why it matters
  3. Estimating Total Daily Energy Expenditure
  4. TDEE formula
  5. TDEE and losing weight
  6. How many calories do you need?

Notes on the TDEE calculator output

TDEE metrics used: 1 Calorie = 1 kcal (1 kilocalorie) = 1,000 calories. A single asterisk (*) accompanies the calorie intake estimation denoting that this is a rough guideline. We recommend you use our calorie calculator for weight loss for a much more precise estimate.

What is TDEE and why it matters

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure and it is a measure of how much energy in Calories or kilocalories (kcal) you expend during your day and this is exactly what our TDEE calculator helps you estimate. There are three main things that affect it: physical activity, dietary-induced thermogenesis, and the climate you spend your day in. For women pregnancy is also a factor as it increases the energy cost of physical activities. Of the three, the most profound is the effect of physical activity - usually between 15 - 30% of TDEE [1].

Your diet comes in at second place due to the thermic effect of food on total energy expenditure. Its range is between 10-13% of the energy provided by the food. Hot climate can increase your TDEE by 5-20%, but cold climate can have similar effects due to shivering and increased metabolism to maintain core temperature.

Body size and body composition both play a role in your TDEE and this is reflected in the output of our calculator. For example, women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat and smaller muscle mass, resulting in lower energy expenditure relative to their weight. Age is also a factor, with older individuals expending less energy than individuals of the same weight and gender of a younger age as you will note if you enter a different age in our online total daily energy expenditure calculator.

Daily energy expenditure estimates are used in a variety of clinical settings as well as sports / fitness activities. TDEE is also a useful predictor for your daily water intake requirements.

Estimating Total Daily Energy Expenditure

To determine the TDEE one needs to estimate or know:

  • the resting metabolic rate (includes basal and sleeping conditions and the cost of staying awake)
  • the thermogenic influence of any food consumed during the day
  • the energy expended during physical activity and post-activity recovery (physical work, sports training, etc.)

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the minimum energy requirement to stay alive and awake. It is measured by the oxygen uptake under strict conditions, namely: no food consumed and no undue muscle exertion in the 12 hours preceding the measurement; the measurement is taken after 30-60 min of resting or lying quietly in a temperature neutral environment [2]. Values measured this way are only slightly lower than the resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is measured under less strict conditions. You can use our Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator and our Resting Metabolic Rate Calculator to do these calculations, but if you are only interested in total daily energy expenditure, it is unneeded. See TDEE vs BMR for more on the differences.

Body surface area (BSA) and Body Mass Index (BMI) are sometimes used to estimate TDEE. Accurate measurement of BSA is a challenge, so usually estimations are used, based on studies, while BMI is mathematically defined, so no estimation is needed.

Our software uses body mass, stature, gender, and age to predict resting daily energy expenditure (RDEE). To calculate TDEE it then combines the outcome with the level of exercise you specify to arrive at an accurate total daily energy expenditure estimate [1] in Calories. To accurately calculate your TDEE it is important to correctly specify your activity level since it has a multiplicative effect. Fitness and bodybuilding practitioners and professional athletes should be especially careful in selecting their physical activity level for best results.

TDEE formula

The formula used to calculate TDEE in this daily energy calculator is: TDEE = BMR x Activity Multiplier, where BMR is calculated using:

BMR = 10 x weight(kg) + 6.25 x height(cm) - 5 x age(y) + s

where s is a gender constant set at 5 for males and -161 for females. The activity multipliers are averages and thus the whole result of the TDEE calculation might be skewed if you select an exercise level that doesn't correspond to your actual energy expenditure during workout.

TDEE and losing weight

Knowing your TDEE is a great way to control your weight. Even estimating it with a tool like our total daily energy expenditure calculator, while not as precise as medically accurate procedures, is still much better than eyeballing since many people do not have an accurate idea of how much energy they need. This in term leads to a widespread obesity problem some people claim is of epidemic proportions especially in the West. Understanding what factors influence energy expenditure - as explained above and elsewhere is also a good start, so if you are not yet asking yourself "how many calories should I eat a day?", you should!

TDEE Calculator - Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (1)

Our TDEE calculator automatically converts the energy you expend per day to Calories (1 Calorie = 1 kcal = 1,000 calories), so in fact it tells you how many calories you need per day - in other words, how many calories you should eat to maintain weight. Then you can use a macro calculator to come up with a good mix of proteins, carbs and fats for your diet.

If you need to know how many calories to eat to lose weight, our calculator shows you exactly that: it displays how many calories per day to consume to lose 1 or 2 pounds per week (0.5 - 1 kg per week), assuming you maintain your current exercise level. Don't stretch yourself and do not forget that having a diet you can follow every day, no exceptions, is key in permanently losing weight.

Alternatively, you can explore how increasing your physical activity level can increase your energy expenditure and thus assist in weight control or weight loss. Just select a different activity level in our online tool and watch the numbers shift. Finding a good compromise between a healthy diet and a good, but not risky exercise level is a must.

You should beware not to use naked BMR to base your food consumption on, as it will significantly underestimate the required calorie intake, leading to negative consequences such as malnourishment.

Finally, while you may get the mathematics of weight loss right, there is a psychological and emotional component to the process which should not be underestimated. Knowing your TDEE is useless if you cannot find the will and motivation needed to keep to a strict regime over prolonged time.

How many calories do you need?

The TDEE calculator shows your energy expenditure per day in Calories per day (equal to kcal per day). This is the amount you need to preserve your current weight. The tool then shifts that up or down to show you estimates of the recommended caloric intake to achieve a certain weight goal, assuming you maintain your current exercise level. It is a good idea to keep track of your weight as you go and adjust accordingly.

Here are some averages for different ages and age groups of both genders calculated using our calculator based on weight and height data from the U.S. NCHS National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011-2014) [3] and assuming light physical activity.

TDEE Calculator - Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (2)

Mean (average) TDEE by age
Age or age groupMale TDEE (kcal / day)Female TDEE (kcal / day)
5 years1,6541,404
6 years1,7611,523
7 years1,8781,633
8 years1,9841,754
9 years2,0741,870
10 years2,1931,965
11 years2,3242,094
12 years2,4122,259
13 years2,5902,330
14 years2,7342,401
15 years2,8562,454
16 years2,9232,462
17 years2,9462,481
18 years3,0052,475
19 years2,9832,481
20-29 years2,9882,477
30-39 years2,9702,459
40-49 years2,9072,384
50-59 years2,8262,306
60-69 years2,7492,197
70-79 years2,6072,100
80+ years2,4971,922

It is easy to see that total daily energy needs increase with age to about 20-25 years of age, and then decline slightly, but steadily as one ages. Males of all age groups require 10-20% more calories per day, on average, which is reflected in the math equations used in the tool.

The above are just general guidelines and you should always consult with your physician or nutritionist before undertaking a diet or a significant change to your dietary and exercise routine based on calculated TDEE.


1 Katch V.L., McArdle W.D., Katch F.I (2011) "Essentials of Exercise Physiology", fourth edition

2 Henry CJK, (2005) "Basal metabolic rate studies in humans: Measurement and development of new equations." Public health nutrition. 8:1133-52.

3 US NCHS (2016) "National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2011-2014)" DHHS Publication No. 1604, s.3, N 39

TDEE Calculator - Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure (2024)


How do you calculate total daily energy expenditure? ›

Calculating TDEE using the formula TDEE = BMR x Activity Factor involves two steps:
  1. Step 1: Calculate your BMR using the following formula. BMR = 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (years) + 5. ...
  2. Step 2: Multiply your BMR by your activity factor to calculate your TDEE.

What is the most accurate TDEE calculator? ›

The Mifflin-St Jeor equation is recommended by the American Council on Exercise as an accurate method for calculating Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). This equation includes considerations for basal metabolic rate and an activity multiplier, providing an individualized estimate of TDEE.

What is the normal range for total daily energy expenditure? ›

There is no standard for the number of calories you should expend during a day. Many factors are involved, including body size, age, gender, and most importantly your level of physical activity. The average daily energy expenditure is 3000 kcal for men and 2100 kcal for women between the ages of 19 and 22 years.

How is total daily energy expenditure determined? ›

TDEE is calculated by adding four numbers together: basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of feeding, exercise energy expenditure, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

What is the formula for energy expenditure? ›

Energy expenditure (calories/minute) = . 0175 x MET (from chart) x weight (in kilograms) (To find out your weight in kilograms, simply divide your weight in pounds by 2.2.) the same time period. (The MET for sitting is 1.0.)

What is the most accurate calorie calculator? ›

FAQ #1: What is the best calorie calculator? If you don't know your body fat percentage, the Mifflin-St Jeor calorie calculator equation tends to produce the most accurate results. If you know your body fat percentage, the Katch-McArdle equation is the most accurate.

Does walking count as exercise in TDEE? ›

That activity can be exercise in the form of workouts at the gym, yoga, pilates, or running. That activity can also be walking, cleaning, or playing with your kids in the park. The TDEE requires you to include your activity level - and that activity can be anything that requires you to move around.

Should I eat less than my TDEE to lose weight? ›

Your TDEE represents the number of calories required to maintain your current weight. To lose weight, you typically aim for a calorie intake that's 10-20% lower than your TDEE. This ensures a gradual and sustainable rate of weight loss, generally recommended at about 0.5 to 1 kilogram (1 to 2 pounds) per week.

What is the difference between a calorie calculator and a TDEE calculator? ›

On the other hand, a Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) calculator estimates the total calories you burn in a day, including your basal metabolic rate and physical activity. While a calorie counter focuses on intake, a TDEE calculator provides a broader picture of your energy needs.

Which organ requires the most energy while a person is resting? ›

At rest, organs such as the liver, brain, heart, and kidney have the highest metabolic activity and, therefore, the highest need for energy, while muscle and bone require less energy, and body fat even less.

What is considered light exercise in TDEE? ›

If you're lightly active, your daily activities include: Activities of daily living, such as shopping, cleaning, watering plants, taking out the trash, walking the dog, mowing the lawn and gardening. Exercise that is equal to walking for 30 minutes at 4mph 2 times per week.

What is a good resting energy expenditure? ›

Resting energy expenditure (REE) represents energy expenditure while a person lies quietly awake in an interprandial state; under these conditions, approximately 1 kcal/kg body weight is consumed/hour in healthy adults.

What is the most accurate way of measuring total daily energy expenditure? ›

A much more accurate method for determining TDEE is to determine your basal metabolic rate (BMR) using multiple factors, including height, weight, age, and sex, then multiply the BMR by an activity factor to calculate TDEE.

How to accurately calculate TDEE? ›

How Is Total Daily Energy Expenditure Calculated?
  1. For men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5 (kcal / day)
  2. For women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) -161 (kcal / day)
Jun 14, 2024

How to increase TDEE without exercise? ›

NEAT refers to the energy you burn through all daily activities that are not planned exercise, such as walking, cleaning, fidgeting, and standing. NEAT can vary significantly between individuals and can contribute a significant amount to TDEE. Increasing NEAT can help boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

How do I calculate my daily energy usage? ›

Energy Usage Calculation Formula

To calculate energy consumption follow this simple formula. Energy (E) in kilowatt-hours (kWh) is equal to the power (P) in watts (W) multiplied by the number of hours used (t) per day divided by 1,000 watts per kilowatt. You can find more information about watts and kilowatts here.

What is the DRI equation for total daily energy expenditure? ›

Men, 19 years and above
InactiveTEE = 753.07 – (10.83 × age) + (6.50 × height) + (14.10 × weight)
ActiveTEE = 710.25 – (7.01 × age) + (6.54 × height) + (12.34 × weight)
Very activeTEE = 511.83 – (7.01 × age) + (9.07 × height) + (12.56 × weight)
14 more rows

How do you measure energy expenditure? ›

Energy expenditure can be estimated by measuring macronutrient or oxygen consumption, or heat production or carbon dioxide production.

What is the formula for total energy consumed per day? ›

E = P*(t/1000); where E = energy measured in Joules or kilowatt-hours (kWh), P = power units in watts, and t = time over which the power or energy was consumed. Thus, whenever someone asks you how to calculate power consumption, you can calculate and answer using the above equation.

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