Wednesday, Jan 19, 1921
Graettinger, Ia., Jan. 17, 1921
C.C. Larson, of Cedar Rapids was here last weekvisiting friends and looking after business matters.
Thomas McCarty, whose home is in the state of Idaho,arrived last Tuesday for a visit with relatives.
Anton Weinholzer, who was in business here 20 yearsago, attended the funeral of his brother Michael last Wednesday.
J.A. Suss was at the county seat last Saturday lookingafter business matters.
Miss Cunningham of Sioux City is a guest at the home ofher brother, Rev. Cunningham.
J.A. Spies went to Sioux City the early part of theweek looking after business interests.
Ray Roush, who has been employed in the office of theRoyal Lumber Company of Graettinger, is now in charge of the business of thatcompany at Osgood.
Mrs. and Mrs. Herbert Thwait departed Monday eveningfor Los Angeles, California. They will make their home in that state.
B.F. Reeves was at Algona Tuesday attending a sale ofpedigree stock.
Mrs. Gene Kane of Emmetsburg has been visiting at thehome of J.A. Spies during the past few days.
Miss Neva Oleson has returned to Carroll to resume hercourse in training at a hospital.
Mrs. Sweeley is assisting in the telephone office.
Mrs. and Mrs. Joe Hickenbottom are rejoicing over thearrival of a boy at their home.
Sam Haddy was recently called to Cedar Rapids to attendthe funeral of a cousin.
Herman Norland delivered two sows of the Duroc breed onSaturday to Frank O'Halloran. They weighed 1300. Some weight. Mr. Norland surelyknows how to fatten hogs.
Lutheran Church Notes
English services in Emmetsburg Sunday morning at 11o'clock. Norwegian service in the evening at 8 p.m. Luther league at 7 p.m.Sunday school and Bible class at 10 o'clock.
Services in the South church Sunday afternoon at 3o'clock.
All welcome. C. Munson, Pastor.
Putting Up Ice at the Lakes
Ice dealers at Spirit Lake and Arnolds Park are busythese days putting up their annual supply. Spirit Lake ice is from 16 to 18inches thick while at Arnolds park the thickness is from 14 to 15 inches. Thisis good weather for ice men. A large number are given employment at the lakesduring the winter season.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 2, 1921
Vincent Claer, son of Chris Claer, who was in the naval radio service, was
mustered out a few days ago.
He arrived home the first of the week. He enlisted in September. He reports
that 1700 other men were given their discharge papers.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 16, 1921
She Was Indicted for Burning Her Stock of Millinery at Ruthven
The case of the State vs. Miss Lulu Littleton, who wasindicted for burning her stock of millinery goods at Ruthven on the night ofOctober 21, was tried yesterday. The case, after the evidence of the statewas presented, was taken from the jury by Judge Lee and a verdict for theplaintiff was directed. Miss Littleton occupied the Harold Barringer building onthe north Main street, at Ruthven. She had her stock insured for $1,000 andlater increased the amount to $6,000. The evening of the fire she accompaniedH.A. Wagner to Emmetsburg on an auto trip. They attended the movies and drovehome, she going to her room in a residence in town. Later she learned that herstock of goods had been damaged by fire. The insurance company adjusted her lossat $2,000 and paid her that amount. Some time later she left Ruthven. She spentsome time in Kentucky. After she was indicted by the Palo Alto grand jury forarson, Sheriff Jackson located her and brought her back at an expense of $350.
No evidence was introduced showing that the building or thegoods had been deliberately burned or that Miss Littleton was in any wayresponsible for the fire. Among the witnesses who testified for the state wereH.A. Wagner, Mrs. Mabel Duree, Mrs. Spencer Hanson, Paul Barringer, G.W.Osterson, R.W. Osterson, and H. W. Rasmussen. The deputy state fire marshal alsotestified. Attorney Nefstead prosecuted and Attorney George Heald of Spencerdefended.
During the term the appeal case of Geo. B. McCarty against anexcessive assessment in Drainage District No. 41 was tried. Judge Lee has notyet given his decision.
Mrs. John Brook was granted a divorce.
Ft. Dodge Merchant Murdered.
Saturday night Berthold Halfpap was shot in his store at FortDodge by two robbers. They held him up and he refused to comply with theirdemands. He was engaged in business in that city for sixteen years. A man namedPeterson, a floater, has been arrested for the crime.
Emmetsburg School Election.
At the school election held in Emmetsburg on Monday, 260votes were cast. Dr. Theile received 213, C.J. Berger, 176 and Mrs. FrankFordyce 50. Dr. Theile and Mr. Berger were declared elected.
Mr. Linderman and Miss Hazel drove to Des Moines a week or 10 days ago. Theyfound good roads on the way down but they were not so good when they were comingback.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, March 23, 1921
Stirring Address at the K.C. Hall by Mr. Tuohy of Bloomington, Ill.
The St. Patrick's day exercises held in Emmetsburg this year were, from
every standpoint, very creditable. The day was bright and pleasant and was
almost as warm as a May morning.
At 9:30 high mass was celebrated at the Assumption church, Father Savage
officiating. Many of the members of the Ancient Order of Hibernians attended
in a body and the church was fairly filled with other members of the
A splendid dinner was served by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Assumption
parish in the basem*nt of St. Thomas' church. They were liberally
patronized. The net receipts were something over $285. Many strangers who
were in the city enjoyed the feast and they pronounced it better than meals
they had often paid from $1 to $1.50 in the cities. We need not say that the
ladies feel grateful to the many who patronized them.
The evening exercises were held in the K.C. hall. There did not begin to be
standing room for the large number who attended. The room was tastily
decorated with American and Irish colors. P.H. Donlon presided. A number of
young ladies from St. Mary's academy rendered a lengthy medley of splendid
Irish songs. They acquitted themselves with great credit and were warmly
applauded for their efforts. A few young ladies from St. Ellen's academy
followed, giving a patriotic production with delsarte effect. It was a high
class number and was well suited for the occasion. William Coonan, Jr. sang
the beautiful song composed by Russel Hennessey of this city some time ago.
It more than pleased the large audience. Mr. Coonan, as usual, was the
favorite with his hearers.
The address by Attorney J.M. Tuohy of Bloomington, Ill. was one of genuine
merit. In his preliminary remarks, he referred at some length to the eight
years of struggle of the American people for the right of
self-determination. Every individual who truly prizes liberty, naturally
sympathizes with those of other lands who are battling for the privilege for
which we struggled from 1775 to 1885. The people of Ireland have for
centuries fought for the right to govern themselves. The same power, which
by force tried to crush our republic in 1776, and during subsequent decades,
is now resorting to the most disreputable and oppressive of methods to hold
the people of the Emerald Isle in economic slavery and to deprive them of
the blessings of free government. The people of struggling Ireland do not
want the United States to go to war to assist them. All they ask is
recognition by our government the same as we have recognized fourteen other
republics in our past history. Why should we not sympathize with any people
who are earnestly striving to organize our form of government? There are two
kinds of authority in Ireland today. One is based on the will of 80 per cent
of the people of our country-a large majority than was ever given to an
American president. The other government rests exclusively on brute force
exercised by a foreign monarchy. Which government shall we, as champions of
free government, recognize? If we favor rule by force, by the sword, we must
cease boasting of our undying zeal for the cause of human rights. Mr. Tuohy
referred to the timely aid the people of Ireland had given to the Allies
during the world war and the great assistance they had rendered at other
times and in other lands, to those who were fighting for liberty and
justice. He also called attention to the long and heroic struggle which
Ireland has made for home rule-a compromise measure-from 1886, when William
E Gladstone, championed their cause, until a local self government measure
was passed in 1914 and was signed by the king. But the British government,
true to its record, broke faith with John E Redmond as the official
spokesman for the Irish people. Public sentiment in every land where liberty
is prized is with the people of Ireland, and they are bound to win. Mr
Tuohy is a gentleman of pleasing personality, is clear headed, logical and
convincing, is earnest and forceful in his delivery and made a splendid
impression on his large audience. He was at all times on the best of terms
with his attentive hearers and he was applauded again and again for the
admirable manner in which he handled his subject. The people of Emmetsburg
hope to have the pleasure of hearing him again on some future occasion
Marriage licenses have been issued to the following named parties since last
Wednesday: Harry Barkve and Selma Jacobsen of Cylinder, Ulrich Juhl and
Agnes Nordby of Cylinder, Vernon A Smith of Terril and Mildred May
Crookshank of Ruthven.
A Rousing Meeting. You Cannot Afford to Miss It
There will be a rousing meeting at The Iowa Opera House this evening. It
will be held under the auspices of the American Association for the
Recognition of the Republic of Ireland. One of the noted speakers of the
United States will be present. Every lover of liberty and justice in our
community who can come out should make it a point to hear him. There will be
no admission charge. Let the opera house be jammed.
For Benefit of Irish Sufferers
A dancing party will be given at the K.C. hall next Wednesday evening under
the auspices of the American Association of the Recognition of the Irish
Republic. A splendid orchestra has been secured for the occasion. The
proceeds will be given to the fund for the assistance of the suffering
people of Ireland.
Are You Prepared for This Tax?
Yesterday the Olson bill passed the Iowa senate by a vote of 40 to 8. It
provides for a head tax of $3 for every resident of the state over
twenty-one years of age, the amount to be placed in the school fund. All
employers are to act as tax collectors, deduct $3 from their workers' wages
and remit the fund collected to the county treasurer. The plan is to raise
$1,000,000 in this way. This bill is now before the house.
Died At Tucson Arizona
James, Son of Mr and Mrs Peter Cullen who lived near Graettinger for many
years, died at Tucson, Arizona, on Tuesday of last week. The remains were
brought to Cedar Rapids, the home of Mrs. Cullen, where they were interred
on Saturday. Edward Keane of this place, a cousin of Mr Cullen, attended the
funeral. Mr. Cullen was 25 years of age. He is survived by his mother, Mrs.
Elizabeth Cullen, and his sister, Miss Zita Cullen, who live at Cedar
Rapids. A brother Thomas resides at Waterloo and a second brother, Peter, at
Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mr. Cullen was a hotel clerk in Chicago. He went to
Tucson five weeks ago hoping that the change of climate would benefit him.
The many friends of the family in this county will learn with profound
regret of his death.
C.J. Stillman Wants $7,500 From C.R.I.P. for Failure to Deliver Cattle
The case of C.J. Stillman vs. the Rock Island company for $7,500 damages for
failure to carry promptly 199 head of fat cattle to market last April, was
commenced in the district court last Friday. It is still in progress,
Morling & Morling are appearing for Mr. Stillman and Mr. Howland of Des
Moines for the Rock Island company. A large number of witnesses have
appeared for both sides. The company sent representatives from Osgood,
Estherville, Des Moines, Kansas City, and other places to give testimony.
It seems that the cattle were loaded at Osgood April 3, 1920. A short time
late the company notified Mr. Stillman that there was a strike in the
Chicago terminals and the cattle could not be shipped to that place. Mr.
Stillman refused, we believe, to take back the cattle and the cars were
brought to this city where they were sidetracked. later the cars were
returned to Osgood and finally the agent at that place induced Mr. Stillman
to ship to Kansas City. He consented to do so but for some reason a freight
which came along took four of the loaded cars and left the other four at the
station. The cattle that were left behind were unloaded and placed in Mr.
Pentico's field where they remained over Sunday. Monday morning they were
loaded again and the train left at 9:30 but did not reach Kansas City before
3:30 on Thursday. While on the way they were unloaded at Des Moines where
they were kept for a day.
Mr. Stillman claims he lost $7,500 on the shipment because of shrinkage in
weights, on account of the unnecessary delays, and the decline in prices. It
will probably take two or three days to finish the case.
The case of the estate of the late Katharine Driscoll vs. Peter McMahon was
tried in court last week. It seems that a few days before her death Miss
Driscoll drew quite a sum of money out of the Farmers Savings Bank. Daniel
Burns, the administrator and Miss Driscoll's brother, Attorney J. Driscoll
of Madison, S.D., tried to prove that the amount was loaned by her to Mr.
McMahon, for whom she kept house for many years. Mr. McMahon claims he had a
note made out for the money but did not deliver the note to Miss Driscoll.
Dan Kelly and Mr. Driscoll appeared for the administrator of the estate and
W.J. Fisher for Mr. McMahon. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the
Edward Riley Sundayed with relatives at Whittemore.
Mrs. W.T. McNally spent Sunday with her brother, James Collins, who has been
in the hospital at Algona for a couple of weeks. He is, we are pleased to
report, getting along nicely and will be able to come home the latter part
of the week.
J.N. Brisbois, who has been busy for a month representing the Kelly Sales
Company in Missouri, writes us that he will be in Emmetsburg for Easter.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 6, 1921
Mrs. C.J. Berger Undergoes an Operation
Monday Mrs. C.J. Berger of this city, who was quite ill for some time,
underwent a surgical operation for an ulcer on one of her kidneys. Dr.
O'Keefe, one of the hospital specialists at Sioux City, assisted by Dr.
Hennessey and Brerton, performed the operation. Mrs. Berger's condition is
still considered quite serious and her relatives and friends have reason to
feel worried regarding her chances for recovery. Dr. O'Keefe came from Sioux
City to Fonda over the Illinois Central where Carl Berger met him by car and
brought him to Emmetsburg. He is the surgeon who operated on Miss Kirby some
time ago.
T.B. Walsh Has Mishap
Tuesday while scuffling with a friend, T.B. Walsh fell and injured one of
his legs quite badly. The limb annoyed him some last year. His neighbors and
friends hope to see him about again soon.
Frank P. Boies Knew It Was Used Against Irish Before He Left France
Frank P. Boies of Leon, Iowa, has mailed us a very fineaddress on the
Irish question in pamphlet form which was delivered at the Irish National
League meeting held at Des Moines on September 27, 1886. The date was
thirty-five years ago. Chas. Stewart Parnell was at that time the leader of
the Irish parliamentary party. The struggle was then for home rule. Mr.
Boies knew the address would be appreciated by the writer and he is
doubtless convinced that the right of the people of Ireland for the right of
self-government has been continued for a long time. Mr. Boies met in France,
while overseas, many of the youn men from Ireland who were serving in the
British army and he was convinced that British propaganda circulated on
continental Europe at that time to the effect that the Irish were not doing
their part in aiding the allies was anything but reliable. He told the
editor of the Demcrat about the matter when he was home visiting after his
return from France. Mr. Boies was employed in this office a number of years
ago. He is at present operating a linotype for the Leon Journal.
For Those Who Will Guard Banks and Other Property
Des Moines, April 5- Iowa bankers will learn to shoot!
The Iowa Bankers' Association has completedarrangements with the war
department so that guns and ammunition for use by vigilantes can be
purchased at actual cost.
Sheriffs in Iowa who have formed vigilance committeesto rid the state
of yeggs, murderers, automobile thieves, and other criminals should list
their vigilantes; take their orders for guns and ammunition, then
communicate with the Iowa Bankers' Association in Des Moines.
Revolvers such as those used in the army can bepurchased for the
vigilantes from $5.50 to $8.00 each; and rifles at $5.00 and $6.00 each.
However, vigilantes must join the National Rifle Association, which calls
for a membership fee of $2.00 a year. This is necessary in order to keep
record of the rifles.
Ford District Dealers Can Not Fill Orders for Thirty Days
Ft. Dodge, Ia., April 6- Curtailed auto manufacture anddifficulty in
delivery has made a shortage of cars in Fort Dodge unequalled in the history
of the Fort Dodge auto industry. At the monthy meeting of the Fort Dodge
Auto Dealers' Association a roll call of autos among the fifteen dealers was
answered by 202 cars. In ordinary times this would be sufficient for ten
days' business.
The Swaney Motor Company is completely out of Fords andhas sales ahead
for thirty days. The entire district is cleaned out of Fords, the dealers
reported although a carload is expected here tomorrow which will ease the
local situation.
Mrs. E.B. Soper Jr. Has Amusing Experience Made Up as a Gypsy
Last Friday an April Fool party was given at one of thehomes in this
city. The ladies who were in attendance were requested to dress suitably for
the occasion and we understand that orders were obeyed. Mrs. E.B. Soper, Jr.
was attired as a gypsy fortune teller. At the close of the party she came up
town and called on C.W. Beck, Mr. Greengo of the Northern Iowa Gas &
Electric Co., Justice Stuehmer, Mr. Soper, her husband and several other
local business men. Her make up was so good that they did not know her and
she was very persistant about telling their fortunes. She denies that she
was ordered out of any of the places she visited but she has an interesting
story to tell about how she was treated. All know how welcome the average
gypsy's fortune teller is when she enters any of the stores or offices of
our community.
Supt. Florence Underwood Will Go West at Close of Term in September
Contrary to general expectations, Miss Underwood wasnot a candidate
for re-election as county superintendent at a meeting held yesterday. Hence
the presidents of the city,town and rural district boards of the county who
met did not take any definite action in the matter. Miss Underwood intends
going west at the close of her term in September. Hers services as a officer
have been more than satisfactory and the public in general had no idea that
she intended retiring. At yesterday's meeting Ralph Smith, Mrs. W.S.
Schroeder and Dr. Keeney were re-elected as members of the county board of
education and a committee was appointed to meet with the county supervisors
to discuss the salary question and consider applications for superintendent.
Has Capital of $200,000. Begin Work on April 15
The Milford Sand & Grave company will commencebusiness on April 15.
Its capital stock is $200,000. A large tract of land was bought some time
ago and a fine electrically equipped plant for washing and screening sand
for gravel and building and construction purposes was installed. The present
equipment has a capacity of forty cars daily. The board of directors
consists of L.L. Bingham of Estherville, F.D. Pearce of Mason City, J.H.
Yelp of Bancroft, Fred Spies of Graettinger, W.G. McGowan of Mason City,
George F. Sokol of Sibley and Floyd Goodrich of Humboldt. They are all
practical men, have had years of experience and are well prepared to manage
the ocmpany profitably.
Attorneys Dan Kelly and L.W. Reed Have Formed a Partnership
Attorney L.W. Reed, who recently served his connectionswith the firm
of McCarty & McCarty, has formed a partnership with Dan Kelly. The firm will
be known as Kelly & Reed. Mr. Kelly is one of the high class, experienced
lawyers of thsi section of the state and Mr. Reed is a graduate of the law
department of Drake University of Des Moines. He was in the service during
the world war and soon after the signing of the armistice he entered the
office of McCarty & McCarty. He is a bright, capable gentleman, is a
promising attorney, and has a very pleasing personality. His many friends
are more than confident taht he will more than make good as a partner of Mr.
Kelly. The Democrat wishes the new firm success.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, April 20, 1921
Seventeen Courageous Locak Marksmen Are Prepared for Duty
It would be well for strangers and local parties who are criminally inclined
not to try to pull off any robbery in Emmetsburg. The city authorities have
bought a number of the latest and most serviceable deadly weapons and have
distributed them among the following named gentlemen who know how to use
them with telling effect: J.W. JACKSON, W.B. YOUNG, M.F. BRENNAN, Daniel
C.A. TAYLOR, H.P. JOHNSTON, Henry AGNEW and D.H. GLENN. The gentlemen named
will be ready at any time on the call of the day marshal or the night
marshal to respond to an emergency alarm and will be prepared to do
effective work. There are dozens of phones in our business and residence
districts that are at the service of our marshals at any hour during the
night and as our telephone lines are underground in the business section,
they cannot be cut by outlaws. Those who are bent on making trouble are
hereby notified to let Emmetsburg alone. It would be advisable for the other
towns of the county to form similar organizations and to call on Emmetsburg
should they be confronted with a threatening situation.
Supt FIFIELD, Principal, Marjorie BOSELY and Misses Gertrude and Margaret
KANE Elected
At a meeting of the Ayrshire school board hald a short time ago,
Superintendant FIFIELD was unanimously reelected. Miss Marjorie BOSELY was
chosen principal again, Miss Gertrude KANE is the eighth grade teacher and
Miss Margaret KANE, her sister, takes charge of the seventh grade. The
Misses KANE are daughters of Mr and Mrs James KANE, who live northwest of
this city. Their many local friends will be pleased to learn of their
re-election. Miss Gretrude has taught at Ayrshire for two years and Miss
Margaret for a year. A number of the other teachers are yet to be chosen.
The Ayrshire people hope to have their fine new consolidated building
completed this year. This will be a great benefit to the district.
They Riced Danny MACK
The Graettinger young ladies, who came to Emmetsburg Tuesday afternoon of
last week to rice a couple, met with disappointment but they claim they
showered the contents of their sacks on Danny MACK's head on their wayhome
to Graettinger. Mr. MACK is the genial brakeman on the Rock Island and is
still single. They should be able to do more than rice him.
Miss Kathleen McMAHON of Livermore spent the latter part of the week with
her mother, Mrs. Robert McMAHON of this place.
Is a Wisconsin Pioneer
James DOYLE, of Hazel Green, Wisconsin, who came to attend the funeral of
Miss BOUGH, is one of the pioneers of the central west. His father located
near Springfield, Illinois, in 1815. Mr DOYLE has several records in his
possession that were dated from 1850 to 1851. He can give a very interesting
account of pioneer experiences in northwestern Illinois and southwestern
Wisconsin. Mrs. DOYLE, who accompanied him on the trip, will remain a couple
of weeks to visit her sister, Mrs. Peter BOUGH. Mr. DOYLE returned home
Sunday evening. Mrs. DOYLE taught in the vicinity of Galena over fifty years
Surprised Mrs. C.P. PATTERSON
Last Wednesday a number of the neighbors and friends of Mrs. C.P. PATTERSON
of this city gave her a pleasant surprise, the occasion being her
sixty-third birthday. After spending a couple of hours in social recreation,
a two course luncheon was served. Among the out of town guests were Mrs.
Joel TAYLOR of Algona, Mrs. Earl SCHMUTZ and baby Kenneth of Curlew. Baby
Kenneth is the great grandson of Mrs. Joel TAYLOR.
Leases Electric Ball Park
George GODDEN of thsi city has leased the baseball ground on electric park
on the south shore of Lost Island lake. He will arrange to have high class
games during the season. He hopes the people of Emmetsburg will give
substantial encouragement in his undertaking. A strong local team will
doubtless be organized. Mr. GODDEN is a lover of wholesome amusem*nt and
will do his best to satisfy the desires of the fans of Palo Alto and
neighboring counties.
Market Reports
Hens 25c, ducks 23c, springs 23c, geese 12c, stags 18c, eggs 20c, butter
40c, corn 35c, oats 24c, hogs $7.50.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 11 May 1921
Details of Drowning of M.F. Brennan's Little Grandson
M.F. Brennan and his daughter, Mrs. Thomas Currans, arrived home from
Milwaukee Sunday evening where they were called two weeks ago by a telegram
announcing the drowning of Mr. Brennan's grandson. For ten days several
hundred friends and neighbors labored diligently to find the body of the
missing child but without success. The river was dragged, several divers
searched the bottom of the channel and a dam of sacks filled with sand was
thrown across the river. Members of the life saving service of the city were
in constant attendance but they could not find any trace of the body. We
need not say that Mr. Brennan, our efficient city marshal, was one of the
hardest and most persevering workers in the long but fruitless search.
On the day of the drowning the oldest brother, who is about six years old,
was let out from school half an hour early and on his return home, he and
his younger brother who was something over four, together with a companion,
went to Silver Creek, about a mile away to play. As they were walking along
a high bank, loose dirt gave way and the older brother fell into the water.
The younger child, Lawrence, grabbed him by the hand and he succeeded in
catching some grass or shrubbery and landed on the bank in safety, but in
the struggle, the younger brother lost his balance and tumbled in. A
neighboring lady witnessed the scene but, instead of notifying the police
station, as is generally done on such occasions, she walked nearly a mile to
the home of the boy's mother, Mrs. M.J. Brennan, and notified her of the sad
affair. Silver Creek is not very deep but there was a cloudburst a day or
two before and the water raised rapidly and the current was swift. A short
distance from the scene Silver Creek empties into the Menomonee river. Four
miles farther down the river reaches Lake Michigan.
A reward has been offered for the recovery of the body. This will cause many
to watch closely for it, should it rise to the surface of the water. The
Sunday before Mr. Brennan's grandson was drowned a man sank in the Wisconsin
river. The body came up last Friday. Two men were drowned in a lake some
distance from Milwaukee on April 10. The bodies came up to the surface on
May 1. Hence it is likely that the remains of the missing child may be
recovered. When the weather is cold parties who are drowned do not come to
the surface so soon as they do during warm weather. It is claimed that the
water in Lake Superior is so cold that parties that are drowned never come
to the top.
We need not say that Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Brennan are heartbroken over the sad
affair. Lawrence was a stout, hardy, lovely child and was a favorite among
his little companions. The afflicted parents have the sincere sympathy of a
wide circle of Palo Alto relatives and friends, all of whom will be anxious
to learn of the recovery of the missing child.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 1, 1921
Short Items of Local Interest
Leo SHEA visited friends at Estherville Monday evening.
Theo. MILLER of Silver Lake township is building a large barn.
Peter METZ enjoyed Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. M.M. MILLER of Terril.
Mrs. J.T. LAUGHLIN has added a fine sleeping porch to her residence in this
Fred KAHLEY and son John of Ayrshire were visitors in this city Monday.
John and Charles JOYNT went to Chicago Saturday. They have relatives at that
County Attorney E.F. NEFSTEAD spent the first of the week at his home at
Mrs and Mrs J.P. KIRBY of Estherville enjoyed Monday with Emmetsburg
Miss Mayme SULLIVAN of Sioux Falls was the guest of friends in this city
Monday evening.
The Ayrshire Chronicle reports a new boy at the home of Mr and Mrs Michael
Miss Lelia CAGLEY spent the first of the week with relatives and friends at
Charles City and Mason City.
Mr and Mrs O.L. BECK, who spent some time with Emmetsburg relatives returned
to Chicago Sunday.
The Ayrshire Chronicle says that Mrs. RICHLEFS and her brother will spend
the coming winter in California.
Fred McCARTY, Frank FORDYCE and W.P. McNALLY went to Spirit Lake Monday
where they spent the day fishing.
Miss Lucile SCHENDEL returned from West Bend Monday. She spent Sunday with
her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Frank KOCH.
Editor STURDIVANT of Wesley is a candidate for postmaster in his home town.
W.W. FINN has held the position for eight years.
J.A. WINDERS, William LAUGHLIN and P.H. KIRBY were passengers to Fort Dodge
Monday. They went to attend the race meet.
Miss Josephine WALSH of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, arrived the latter part
of the week for a visit with her father, Joseph WALSH.
Joseph LAUGHLIN, who spent some time with his mother, Mrs. J.T. LAUGHLIN, of
this place, returned to Chicago Monday evening.
Roy ROGERS came from St. Paul the first of the week. He will spend some time
with his parents, Mrs and Mrs M.M. ROGERS of this place.
Harold AGNEW arrived home from Chicago the latter part of the week for a
visit with his parents, Mr and Mrs Henry AGNEW, of this city.
Dr. and Mrs. H.A. POWERS were passengers to Pittsburg, Pennsylvania Monday
evening. They will spend some time with relatives at that place.
S.P. McTIGUE returned to Des Moines Monday evening. He spent several days
visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs Dennis McTIGUE and other local relatives.
Misses Martha ATKINSON, Kathleen McMAHON and Mary and Anna MILLEA went to
Cedar Falls Tuesday where they will attend summer school at the Iowa State
Teachers' College.
Peter FARRELLY came from Denison yesterday to be present at the investiture
of his brother, Monsignor P.F. FARRELLY. He is one of the high class,
prosperous gentlemen of his home community.
The Purchaser is N. STAMPOUNAS of Spencer
Nicholas STAMPOUNAS, a Greek gentleman living at Spencer, has bargained for
C.A. TAYLOR's building and cafe. He pays something like $11,000 and $1500
for the equipment. He will take possession on June 15. We understand he will
add to the equipment or put in a new outfit.
Tuesday evening of last week a high wind blew down the barn on the old
Michael ROACH farm in Independence township, which is now the property of
Mr. WEISBROD. We have not been able to learn particulars. The roof of a
large chicken house on the old BECKMAN & SCHROEDER place east of this city
was removed by the wind and carried perhaps 100 feet. So far as we have
learned no other damage was done in the county.
George W DOWNS, secretary of the Palo Alto County Mutual Insurance company,
reports several losses by lightning during the past few days. Leo
FITZPATRICK of Ayrshire lost a three-year-old horse, Isabella ANDERSON of
Ruthven a two-year-old colt, Frank GARRELTS of Ayrshire a large hog, O.P.
CARPENTER of Ruthven a cow, BRECKWOLD, MAHER & KING of Ayrshire, a
two-year-old steer, Fred HULBERT of Graettinger a cow and Fritz BLOCK of
West Bend four tons of hay.
Our esteemed fellow citizen, George E. HENRY, died at his home in this city
early Friday morning. He was ill but a short time. The funeral was held on
Sunday. Definite particulars will be given next week. We tried on several
occasions since last Friday to secure the facts for an obituary notice but
they did not reach us until half an hour before we were ready to go to
press. Hence it is impossible at this late hour to give details.
Military Funeral of Van KING, Death of Mrs. J.M. FISK
Curlew, Ia., May 31
The body of Van KING, who died overseas during the world war, reached here
Saturday evening. A soldier, Mr. MAX, accompanied the remains. The funeral
was held in the Baptist church Monday afternoon. Many of the members of the
Amercian Legion and the Service Star Legion of Emmetsburg attended. The pall
bearers were Ray WHITMER, Walter SHEA, Dwight GROSS, Tom COAKLEY, Leo
PROSCHASKA and Alfred LYONS. The remains were interred to rest in the
cemetery south of town.
Mary E. ABEL was born in Lee County, Illinois, April 3, 1850. She died of
cancer at the home of her daughter, Mrs. REINBOLDT, of Gilbert, May 24, at
5:30 a.m. She was seventy-two years one month and twenty-one days old. The
remains were laid to rest by the side of her husband and sons in the Curlew
cemetery on May 27.
Mary E. ABEL was married to John M. FISK in Lee county, Illinois, in 1864.
To this union were born six daughters and four sons, all of whom preceded
her in death except two daughters, Mrs. Oren LAKE and Mrs. Virgil REINBOLT
of Gilbert, Sam of Spencer and Earl of Sumner. She had twenty-eight
grandchildren. Mr and Mrs. FISK moved to Gilbert in 1876 and to Curlew in
1892, where deceased resided until her health began to fail. She then moved
to Gilbert where she had the unfailing care of her daughters....[rest of
article cut off]
[photo of Rev. J.J. SMITH]
Appointed first pastor of Assumption church in 1871- fifty years ago.
Completed first Catholic church in old town, which was commenced fifty years
ago. His jurisdiction extended over the eight counties of Kossuth, Palo
Alto, Emmet, Clay, Dickinson, O'Brien, Sioux, Lyon and Osceola. In the
territory described there are today 31 Catholic churches, a Catholic
population of approximately 17,000, and church and school property valued at
Emmetsburg Democrat, Wednesday June 29, 1921
Will Be In Parade Fourth. To Be Placed In Harrison Park.
Mrs. Walter G. Middleton informs us that the Daughters of theAmerican Revolution of this city have secured the Patrick R. Jackman log cabinin Walnut township, which Mr. Jackman was generous enough to give them. Itwas built 65 years ago. It is still in fairly good condition but will needsome repairs. It will be used on a float in the parade on July Fourth,after which it will be placed in a good position in Harrison Park where it willbe preserved. It will be a reminder of the experiences of the members of thefirst Irish settlement in our county. We congratulate the ladies onsecuring such a historic landmark. It will be prized during the years tocome. Mr. Jackman, who lives with his daughter, Mrs. Paul Schaney, of thiscity, is still in good health. He will doubtless occupy a front seat onthe float July Fourth.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, July 13, 1921
Lost Their Infant Baby
The one-year-old baby of Mr and Mrs George HARRISON passed away Sunday
morning. The funeral was held on Tuesday. The burial was in Evergreen
cemetery. Mr and Mrs HARRISON live east of this city. They have the sincere
sympathy of all in their sorrow.
Mrs. Clint SMITH Dead
Mrs. Clint SMITH died of diphtheria at Okoboji the last of the week. The
remains were brought by car to Emmetsburg for burial on Sunday. The burial
was in Evergreen cemetery. Mr. SMITH's child died about a week before. He is
having more than his share of misfortune. His local friends extend sincere
sympathy to him in his great sorrow.
Were in Cyclone
W.T. JONES and J.H. BRENNAN of Oakes, North Dakota
Oakes, North Dakota, the home of W.T. JONES, had a disastrous cyclone the
evening of July 2. Hundreds of buildings were ruined or damaged and crops
suffered heavily. The total losses foot up $500,000 but fortunately no one
was killed. Some of the buildings on the farms of Mr JONES and J.H. BRENNAN
were damaged and all felt that they had a close call.
The Sheriff's Heart Melted
Trying Experience of Rolfe Bride and Groom at Mason City
Monday Geo. HOLT and Ilda Geraldine HARLAND of Rolfe drove to Mason City to
get married. While securing his license, the sheriff arrested HOLT for using
a 1920 license on his car. He did not have enough money to pay his fine and
the justice of the marriage fee. The heart of the sheriff finally melted and
the couple were allowed to wed and return home.
Dr. J.M. KERWICK arrived home from Detroit Monday morning. He served over a
year in one of the leading hospitals of that city. He is looking fine. He
has not yet decided on a location but has several places in view.
He Forged Several Checks
Saturday evening a stranger signed W.J. DUNNIGAN's name to a number of
checks and gave them to several of our merchants. They were drawn on the
Farmers Savings Bank and Mr. DUNIGAN keeps his account in the First
National. He bought goods at each store and received the balance in cash for
his check. The Hub was victimized for $33.85, NOLAN & NORVELL for $33.85,
James GOWANS for $17.85 and Cobbs Bootery for $17.85. Herman MARKS was also
reported among the losers but he sayd the rumor was an error. The stranger
tried to pass a check on Bert HUGHES but Mr. HUGHES was suspicous of him and
did not cash it. The fellow has not yet been located.
Mrs. Ellen CARMODY Dead
Mrs. Ellen CARMODY passed away at her home in Chicago yesterday. She was ill
for some time. She was over ninety years of age. The remains arrived in this
city early this morning and were taken to the home of her son, James
CARMODY. The funeral will be held tomorrow. Services will be conducted at
the Assumption church. The burial will be in St. John's cemegery. Mrs.
CARMODY was one of the pioneers of our county. Definite particulars will be
given in our next issue.
Curlew, Iowa, July 12
The Catholic Ladies' Aid will have an ice cream social at the Jim Smith home
west of town August 19. The public is invited to attend. Provisions will be
made to serve the crowd after the chautauqua. Curlew will have a chautauqua
August 19 to the 23rd, evenings only.
Mr. Elder, Sr. came home from the Soldiers' home last week for a visit with
his son.
Mr and Mrs. O.V. Critz and children of Emmetsburg were Curlew visitors
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Art Bohn, a daughter, July 7.
Mrs. C.K. Ferguson and Mrs. Chas. Prohaska had their tonsils removed July 7.
Dr Snyder and Dr. Keeney of Mallard did the work.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Oct 26, 1921
Local Team Romps All Over Field With The Visitors
Piling up 42 points in the first half and an additional 32 in the last, the
local Academy boys on Friday romped over Garner to the tune of 76 to 7. It
was evident from the first few plays of the game that the Hanco*ck county
boys had stepped into too fast company. They were on the defensive for the
biggest part of the contest, being able to score only once by means of a
forward pass.
It was a great workout for the Emmetsburg team. Smashes and end runs netted
yard after yard and considerable was done towards perfecting the forward
pass and all at Garner's expense. Many substitutes were run in during the
game and all of them more than came up to expectations.
Prouty GARNER's right end, proved adept at punting and PULBRY, full back of
the squad, played a consistent game for the losers.
Regarding the local boys- the line as is usual, displayed its full strength
and the entire backfield worked with harmony and precision. Several
sensational runs were made by the home backfield men.
The result has proven a great stimulant to the boys for their game with
Worthington, Minnesota on Friday.
The following was the line-up:
Subsititutes:-CONLON for RILEY, O'HALLORAN for D. JOYNT, MARTINI for J.
In Honor of Mr and Mrs Lawrence REILLY Held Thursday Evening
Thursday evening Mr and Mrs Lawrence REILLY of this city enjoyed another
pleasant surprise from their many friends. The callers did not propose to
allow them to depart for their new home near Litchfield, Minnesota, without
substantial evidence of friendship and good will from their numerous friends
in this community. Cards were enjoyed for a couple of hours after which a
splendid lunch brought by the visitors was served. Mr and Mrs REILLY were
presented with a fine set of silver knives and forks, which will often
remind them of the enjoyable occasion. Several families from Whittemore wre
in attendance. They included the BUTLER and FANDEL folks. John BUTLER
brought along his elegant violin and treated all present to some of the
music that was so popular at dancing parties at Whittemore from twenty-five
to thirty years ago. We need not say that the light fantastic was tripped
for an hour or more and that a few of the step dancers of Emmetsburg and
Whittemore distinguished themselves. The gathering will be happily
remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present. Mr and Mrs REILLY
have every reason to feel pleased over the good will manifested towards them
by their friends and neighbors.
Armstrong Journal, November 23, 1921
Train Hits Ford: One Man Killed
On Wednesday morning of this week the passenger going west hit a Ford drivenby John Jackman of Graettinger and Anton Guerdet of this city, atthe Earnest Smith crossing east of town and Jackman died from the injuries. Themen were going south across the track and were conversing together and did notsee the train. The Ford, which was a truck affair with an enclosed top over theseat was knocked fifty feet. The train was stopped and the trainmen picked upthe injured men and brought them to town. Dr. Knipe and Dr. West weresummoned and rendered first aid. Anton Guerdet suffered three broken ribs andother injuries and bruises and will recover from the accident. Mr. Jackman wasinjured internally and a leg in two places and died a few minutes after he hadbeen put to bed in a hospital in Estherville. He had no pulse from the firstexamination and gave no response to treatment. Dr. Knipe accompanied him to thehospital.
Mr. Guerdet lives on a farm 4 ½ miles northeast of Armstrong and Mr. Jackmanlived in Graettinger. The car was smashed to splinters with barely a place thatcan be salvaged.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Dec 7, 1921
Palo Alto Tribune - John Flynn sold his tract of landsouthwest of town the latter part of the week to a man from eastern Iowa. Theprice was $400 per acre. Mr. Flynn purchased this land from Anna Donovan in 1919for $375 an acre. Iowa land is still going up.
A joke is being told upon Fritz Granzow, the genial band man,and at one time leader of the Ruthven band, says the West Bend Journal. AtEstherville recently Fritz just had 20 minutes in which to get shaved.Stepping into the first barber shop he found a lady barber nursing herbaby. Putting the baby down the lady said to the astonished Fritz, "You'renext." "No, thanks," replied Firtz as he bolted out the door,"I only wanted a shave."
- Donald O'Brien of Charles City is in this city for a few days visit at thehome of his brother, W.J. O'Brien.
- C.H. Munsell, formerly M. & St. L. station agent in this city has moved toAberdeen where he has accepted a position with the M. & St. L. people.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rustan and children have moved to Ruthven and are occupyingthe Paul Barringer residence.
- Dance at the opera house Friday, December 9. Music by Rasmussen's orchestra.
- Miss Tileen Johnson, who has been attending school in this city, has gone toher home at Milford where she will complete her high school course.
-Miss Ruth Currans went to Sioux City the last of the week for a few days visitat the home of her sister, Mrs. Thos. McDevitt.
- John Anderson, the well known editor and publisher of the Forest CityIndependent died in the hospital at that place on Monday of last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Frost of Pioneer arrived in this city the first of the weekto make their future home. Mr. Frost is our new M. & St. L. station agent.
- Nels Simonsen of Emmetsburg was a business visitor in this city Tuesday. Heinformed this office that Mrs. Koch of West Bend died Tuesday morning. Hearttrouble was the cause of her death. Mr. Kock is editor of the West Bend Journal.[note: two different spellings of Koch/Kock were in original article.]
- Alva Avenell, a young man of Storm Lake was dangerously injured in a collisionbetween his automobile and the T.M. Jones car of Spencer. The accident occurredon the Air Line 3 miles north of Spencer.
- Governor Kendall is taking steps to reduce the number of illiterates in Iowa.At present there are over 20,000 people in Iowa who can neither read nor write.This puts Iowa in fifteenth place in this respect, whereas she used to besecond.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, December 14, 1921
- We are late in reporting the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. J.P.Brennan. The young lady arrived on December 1.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swain are the happy parents of a baby girl, born on Thursday,December 13.
- Mrs. Fred Smith left the first of the week for Fresno, Cal., where she willspend the winter with relatives.
- Joe Carberry of Sheldon refereed the Hartley-Ruthven basket ball game in thiscity Friday evening. He is a very fair and capable official and is fair enoughto keep up with the game. He is an athlete of Iowa City fame.
- Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lathrop of Plover were to the city Sunday visiting at thehome of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. E.H. Rhinehart.
Cinders in the Eye
Roll soft paper up like a lamp-lighter, wet tip to remove or use medicinedropper to draw it out. Rub the other eye.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, December 21, 1921
George Weaver passed away at his home in this city onThursday, Dec. 15, at 4:30 a.m. following an illness which lasted for about ayear and a half. Funeral services were held from the Catholic Church onSaturday, Dec. 17, Father Connolly officiating and the remains laid to rest inthe Catholic Cemetery.
Thomas George Weaver was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weaver. Hewas born at Onigum, Minn. in May, 1892. He received his education at Flandrau,S. Dak., and Pipestone, Minn. On December 20, 1915, he was united in marriage toMiss Myrtle Watrus, at Walker, Minn. To this union three children were born, allof whom remain with the mother to mourn his loss. He came to Ruthven about sixyears ago and opened up a tailor and dry cleaning establishment. He was anexcellent ball player and made a very good record in athletics during hisresidence here, until his health broke, and he was then practically helpless. Hewas a good hearted and free giving person and made lots of friends in hiscommunity. His wife and children have the sincere sympathy of all.
Marion Raepe has been appointed assistant mail clerk on the M. & St. L. lineto serve during the holidays. He commenced his duties Monday, running betweenRuthven and Fort Dodge.
Every home in the Elk Lake district was represented at thefuneral of Dr. Baldwin. The people feel his death as a personal loss, especiallythe older families to whom he has been a family doctor and friend for overthirty years. Dr. Baldwin was not a worldly man. Many an act of charity had beendone by him of which very few knew. He was a man of whom envy and malice was nota part. His was a heart that was kind and patient and his genial and sturdypresence will be greatly missed by a host of friends and business associates. Hewas not capable of taking undue advantage of his patients and making highcharges for his services as many other physicians might have done. Althoughfitted for leadership he had no desire for government offices, and to reap thehonor of public office had no attraction for him.
The Misses Wichmann returned from Spencer Saturday where theyhad been attending a dress making school. They are well pleased with resultsobtained for the time spent.
It is reported that Mrs. John Rossacker is gaining in healthsince she went to the presbyterian hospital in Chicago.
Mrs. W.R. Rench and Mrs. Alex Monk will entertain the NorthLogan and Southeast Freeman clubs on January 4, 1922 at the W.R. Rench home.They will be assisted by the Misses Iva and Cecil Griffin. A dress formdemonstration will be held.
The Palo Alto County Medical Association members attended theDr. Baldwin funeral in a body Monday. Among the faces we recognized were Dr. H.A.Powers, Dr. Robert Powers, Dr. Hennessy, Dr. Walker, Dr. Brereton, and Dr.Cretzmeyer of Emmetsburg, Dr. Kenefic and Dr. Cretzmeyer of Algona, and Dr.Bruce of Dickens. There were many other doctors there whom we did not know.
Miss Minnie A. Phoenix served a family dinner Tuesday eveningin honor of the 55th wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr .and Mrs. J.R.Phoenix. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. E. ?. Cape,Mr. and Mrs. Rex Hubbard of Spencer and Mis Minnie A. Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs.Phoenix have resided in this community for fifty-one years and are among ourmost highly respected people.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, December 28, 1921
Mr. Rae Hubbard, formerly of this city and Miss MaeHarris of Fort Dodge, were united in marriage at the Methodist Parsonage in thatcity at 3 o'clock p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17. They will continue to make theirhome in Fort Dodge where the groom is employed as a brakeman on the M. & St.L. Railroad running between Fort Dodge and Des Moines. The groom is a son ofMrs. E.G. Cope of this city and resided her until a few years ago, when he tookup railroading. The bride is a Fort Dodge young lady and is said to possess manycharms.
State of Iowa, Palo Alto County, ss:
To All Whom it May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that an instrument in writingpurporting to be the last Will and Testament of G. Baldwin, deceased, was thisday produced, opened and read by the undersigned, and that I have fixed Mondaythe 23rd day of January 1922 as the day for hearing proof in relation thereto.
Witness my Official Signature, with Seal of said Court heretoaffixed, this 24th day of December, 1921.
E.M. Thompson,
Clerk District Court
E. Spaulding has moved onto the Needham farm north east ofRuthven.
Mrs. Jens Sandvig of Graettinger passed away in this cityThursday at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ole Sandvig. She came here fromher home in Graettinger for a visit and was taken seriously ill. Her conditiongrew worse and she died on Thursday. The remains were taken to Graettinger forburial Saturday.
The entire stock of silks in the Berg & Brennan storemysteriously disappeared last week. They were not missed until Friday noon whenone of the clerk had a silk customer, and they were no where to be found. Themembers of the firm have no idea how the theft was committed, but the goodsdisappeared sometime between Thursday evening and Friday noon. There was noevidence anywhere of entrance having been forced and the supposition is thatsomeone must have concealed themselves in the store in the day time and madetheir get away with the silks at night. Silks are a very popular thing to stealthese days. They are valuable and are not bulky. In fact a man could easilycarry two hundred dollars worth under one arm, and then have no heavy load.
Mrs. W.R. Rench and Mrs. Alex Monk will entertain the NorthLogan Farm Bureau women at the W.R. Rench home on January 5. On January 4 therewill be a big Farm Bureau meeting for men and women at Spencer. All are invitedto attend the meeting. There will be some interesting speaking on farm businessand home economics.
Miss Annabelle Vanderhoff is enjoying her Christmas vacationwith her parents at Pleasant Valley farm.
The Rhinehart school taught by Miss Lily Hansen is having atwo weeks vacation. Miss Hansen is having good success with her work in thisschool.
Friends in this vicinity received letters from the MelvinHart family at Ledyard, California.
Mr. Ole Garo of this city and Miss Marie T. DeVere of IowaCity were united in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage in Newton on Thursday,December 22, at noon. The wedding comes as a surprise to Mr. Garo's many Ruthvenfriends. He was a very popular young man in this community. He is a son of Mrs.Cecelia Garo and was born and reared here. He was in the navy during the war andhas been a very active member of the American Legion. During the past year hehas held the important post of Commander of Ruthven Post No. 33. During thewinter he has been taking a course in architectural engineering at Ames.Concerning the wedding, the Register of Sunday has the following to say:
"The marriage of Miss Marie T. DeVere, daughter of Mrs.Nellie R. DeVere of Iowa City, and Ole Garo of Ames took place Thursday noon atthe home of Dr. W.H. Blancke, pastor of the First Lutheran Church at Newton.
Dr. Blanche was assisted in performing the ceremony by Dr.G.P. Mitchell of Des Moines, at whose home the bride has resided the past yearand a half.
The bride wore a gown of canton crepe trimmed with silverbrocaded lace and a corsage bouquet of roses, lillies of the valley andorchids. After the ceremony a five-course wedding breakfast was served tofourteen guests by Mrs. Blancke, assisted by Misses Lillian and Edna Blancke.
Out of town guests in attendance included the bride's motherfrom Iowa City, the Rev. and Mrs. G.P. Mitchell of Des Moines, Miss LillianSwanson, Iowa City; Miss Rosali Bireline, Oxford, Iowa; Miss Harriet Darling,Roen Island, Ill; Miss Allee Armstrong and Miss Bertha Shaw of Des Moines. Thecouple left, following the ceremony, for a wedding trip to Chicago and othereastern points.
The bride took her work at Augustana College at Rock Islandand post graduate work at the University of Iowa. The past two years she hasbeen teaching English in the Des Moines high schools. During the war Mr. Garoserved in the navy and at present is a student in the architectural engineeringdepartment at the Iowa State College at Ames."
- Miss Hilda Gaard, who is attending school at Iowa City,arrived home on Friday to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.C.Gaard.
- Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Lathrop, of P? spend Christmas in this city at the homeof Mrs. Lathrop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Rhinehart.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.J. O'Brien went to Emmetsburg to spend Christmas at the home ofher parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.D. McCarty.
- Miss Anne Hermansen, who is attending school at Cedar Falls, arrived in thiscity to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Hermansen.
- Ralph Toland is home from Sioux City where he is attending MorningsideCollege, for a visit with his parents.
- Mr. and Mrs. Phil Strobel came up from Gowrie to spend Christmas at the homeof Mrs. Strobel's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Torphy.
- Miss Ruth Anderson, who is attending school at Davenport, arrived in this cityThursday to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Anderson.
- C.C. Anker came down from St. Paul to spend a few days at the home of hisuncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Gaard.
- The jury was unable to come up with a verdict in the case of E.B. Wells ofMarathon, charged with fraudulent banking. The ballot is said to have stood fromthe firm to the last , eight for conviction and four for acquittal.
- Miss Agnes Gaard, a nurse in the Moe Hospital at Sioux Falls, S.Dak., arrivedin this city Thursday for a visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.C.Gaard.
- Word from Alfred Gates is that he is now serving on the U.S.S.Lawrence, a newship that was put into commission in August. At present he is at Charleston,South Carolina, but he states that they are soon to leave for Cuba and othersouthern countries.
Term of Court to Begin January 2.
Grand Jurors.
Will Geelan, Highland
Fred F. Clark, Emmetsburg
John Bough, Great Oak.
H.N. Mercer, Rush Lake.
Jos. Turner, Fern Valley.
H.D. Fules, Booth
Oscar Bargstrom, Highland
Alex Jenswold, Fairfield
Alex Gowans, Independence
F.C. Weigmann, Walnut
Manuel Newgard, Highland.
Petit Jurors.
Oliver T. Laude [or Lande], Lost Island
Robt. Runeby, Great Oak.
Sam Stroupe, Booth
Jacob Jacobsen, Fairfield
W.D. Carmichael, Rush Lake.
Oscar Knutson, Vernon
Guy Courtright, Highland.
Iver Christiansen, Walnut
Joe Needham, Lost Island.
Mrs. Mae Morling, Emmetsburg
E.J. Bradley, Walnut
Chris Johnson, Great Oak.
Carl Wendt, Highland
F.A. Christensen, Highland
C.G. Walters, West Bend.
John Graettinger, Walnut
W.F. Kemp, Booth.
L.J. Jurgens, West Bend.
Thos. Ottesvig, Booth
James Quinn, Walnut
Sam Olson, Independence
J.A. Halstead, Freedom
Charles Higgins, Great Oak.
H.A. Saldon, West Bend
W.L. Layman, Emmetsburg
Harry Whitman, Highland
H.A. Johnston, Booth.
H.J. Hahn, Emmetsburg
J.W. Brown, Freedom
Mrs. Edna Reid, Fairfield
Wm Mulroney, Emmetsburg
L.W. Bell, Freedom.
Geo Triggs, Booth
Henry Schuller, Rush Lake
Mrs. J.H. Anderson, Highland
Henry Stephas, Silver Lake
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, 15 Mar 1922
Short Items of Local Interest
W.D. DONOVAN was a Rodman visitor Tuesday.
Charles PAPADAKES was an Algona visitor the first of the week.
Mrs. N.J. WRIGHT was the guest of friends at Spencer Tuesday.
Mrs. Ethel SIMPSON of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday evening.
Will MONCRIEF has succeeded Harve BEATTY as assistant in P.F. McMAHON's
barber shop.
Dr. T.A. O'BRIEN arrived from New Hampton this morning to see E.J. HIGGINS,
who is quite ill.
Mrs. Maude McCLUNE of Denver, Colorado, is visiting her brother, B.F.
BRADLEY, and other local relatives this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McCULLUM and daughter and Mrs. C.W. MEYERS and son Keith
visited friends at Ayrshire Monday.
In many places the roads have been dragged during the past four or five
days. The ground is in fairly good condition.
Mrs. Charles SLAGLE and her daughter, Miss Winifred, of Cylinder, went to
Farley Tuesday to see Mrs. A.W. HEISLER, who recently underwent an operation
for appendicitis.
Mrs. M.B. KANE came from Ayrshire the first of the week to assist in taking
care of her niece, Miss Mary HIGGINS, who has for several days been very
ill. She is better at present writing.
Mrs. A. W. HEISLER, who will be remembered by our many readers as Miss
Lottie JOYNT, recently underwent an operation for appendicitis at her home
in Farley. She is, we hear, getting along nicely.
Saturday night the offices of three dentists of Mason City were entered by
burglars, who secured something like $1200 worth of gold fillings and other
valuable articles. The offenders have not yet been located.
Miss Gretta BRADLEY arrived home from Ames a few days ago where she spent
some time with relatives and friends. She was accompanied home by her uncle,
William BRADLEY of Jefferson, who will visit here for a few days.
W.B. BRADLEY visited friends in Des Moines over Sunday.
John CULLEN of Curlew was an Emmetsburg visitor Monday.
Mrs. Dan MURPHY went to Englewood, Illinois, Sunday to visit relatives.
John REDDEN of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this city
Mrs. Percy WARNKE was a passenger to Ruthven Monday. She is visiting
Miss Cecelia AGNEW went to Estherville Monday morning to take charge of a
William HAYDEN of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this city
Mrs. John McDONALD and her daughter, Miss Bernice, were Spencer visitors
Mrs. Patrick O'BRIEN and her daughter, Miss Colletta, enjoyed Monday with
friends at Spencer.
Bernard ULRICH, receiver of the Emmetsburg National Bank, went to Lawton,
Oklahoma, Sunday.
E.P. BARRINGER of Ruthven was an Emmetsburg visitor Sunday. He was on his
way to Des Moines.
Dan HIGGINS, Bernes FARRELL and Matt CONLON accompanied shipments of stock
to Chicago Saturday.
Grover YOUNG, who spent the past week with his wife and baby in this city,
returned to Allendorf Monday.
William CARPENTER of West Bend was in Emmetsburg Monday. He was a pleasant
caller at this office while in town.
Sheriff John LINDMAN of Spencer was an Emmetsburg visitor Saturday. He was
on his way to Kansas City on official business.
C.C. LARSON, formerly of Graettinger, now of Cedar Rapids, was looking after
business interests in this city last Saturday.
T.F. JOYCE, who was quite ill for some time, is able to be about again. His
many local friends will be pleased to learn of his improvement.
Mr. and Mrs. William WEIR recently purchased the John KERBER residence in
the first ward. They took possession Saturday. The consideration was $3,500.
John EAGAN returned home from Colorado Springs, Colorado, a few days ago. He
will spend some time with his mother, Mrs. T.C. EAGAN, and other local
Joseph KIBBIE was at Des Moines and other southern points during the past
week. He says there is less moisture in this locality than there is farther
Ed McNALLY has had his right wrist very badly sprained Friday evening while
cranking a Ford car. He has since been carrying his arm in a sling. He is in
his office as usual.
Mrs. N.J. WRIGHT was the guest of friends at Spencer Tuesday.
Miss Hazel LINDERMAN visited friends at Dubuque during the past week.
Lars EGGESOS of Graettinger was in Emmetsburg the first of the week.
Mrs. Charles SLAGLE of Cylinder spent Thursday with local relatives.
Thomas McCORMICK of Rodman was in Emmetsburg the first of the week.
John CASEY was looking after business interests at Graettinger Thursday.
Rev. K.G. NILSEN was visiting friends at Charles City during the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Con LEONARD of Graettinger were Emmetsburg shoppers Friday.
Theodore MELING of Cylinder was an Emmetsburg visitor the latter part of the
Mrs. Joseph HALSTEAD, who has been quite ill for some time, is improving
Mr. and Mrs. Tony GOEDERS and baby of Cylinder were Emmetsburg visitors
Mrs. Peter McMAHON has moved into one of the M.L. BROWN residences in the
First ward.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MINNICK went to Sioux City Wednesday for a short visit with
Misses Mary McELROY and Katharyn McCARTY enjoyed Thursday with friends at
James SPENCER of West Bend was looking after business interests in this city
the first of the week.
J.J. DOOLEY of Algona was looking after business interests in this city the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John WAGNER of Graettinger were visiting friends in this city
the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Ted HOSKINS of West Bend enjoyed Monday with her sister, Mrs. R.H.
STRATEMEYER, of this city.
Emiel MATTHESON of Curlew was looking after business interests in this city
the last of the week.
Mrs. J. ZIMMERMAN, who spent some time with relatives at Dell Rapids, S.D.,
arrived home Wednesday.
Mrs. Matt KIRSCHBAUM and daughter came from Whittemore Tuesday to visit Mr.
and Mrs. Peter COLLINS.
Mrs. J.E. KANE and baby of Ruthven spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Nick MARTINI, of this place.
Peter WALDRON of Ayrshire was looking after business interests in this city
the latter part of the week.
J.I. MYERLY returned to Okoboji Friday. He spent several days during the
past week in this city on business.
John LAUBENTHAL of Whittemore was an Emmetsburg visitor Friday. He was on
his way to Rodman on business.
C.W. BECK was looking after business interests at Luverne, Minnesota, and
Clear Lake, S.D., during the past week.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1922
Reidy-Davidson Players
The Reidy-Davidson Players will begin a 3 days engagement atthe Electric Theatre commencing Monday night November 20.
Hazel M. Cass, well known thruout [sic] Iowa as owner of theHazel M. Cass Players and the Cass-Parker-Rockford Players shows, a summertented organization, will have the injenue [sic] roles and will be surrounded byseveral people who were popular members of her own shows.
A reperroire [sic] of the latest plays have been leased andthe best of a weeks repertoires will be presented here during the three daysstay with vaudeville between acts.
The roster is as follows: Hazel M. Cass, Irene Blarner, GraceTabor, S. G. Davidson, Jack Reidy, Sidney Morris, Jack Royce, Harry Pierce andHarvey Clinton.
The admission prices for this engagement will be 25c and 50c.These prices include war tax.
A lady admitted free with each adult ticket purchased onopening evening.
Thru the efforts of Mr. E.P. Barringer of this city, SilverLake, near Ayrshire, will receive a carload of game fish in about two weeks.This will be a fine thing for Silver Lake and will make excellent fishing therein a short time.
Friends of David Madsen will be grieved to learn that he isto lose the sight of his left eye. Two weeks ago while spraying his chickenhouse with lice-killer he accidentally got some of the mixture in his eyes. Thelocal physicians advised him to see a specialist immediately and he went toMason City for this purpose. After a thorough examination and treatment, thespecialist told him that the right eye could eventually be restored to normalcy,but that he would lose the sight of the left eye. His many friends here willhope for his complete recovery despite the doctors opinion.
No hunting or trapping will be allowed on the lands I haveleased in the outlet of Lost Island Lake without the permission of H.E.Barringer.
Last week State Game Warden, Albert was here and placed inthe waters of Lost Island Lake, 15,000 pike, perch, blue gills, bass andcrappies, from one to two years old. The fisherman at Trumball also placed 5400pickerel weighing from 2 to 3 1/2 pounds and 2400 perch in the lake. Lost Islandis a deep water lake and an ideal place to stock with game fish. This is sure tomake Lost Island Lake more popular than ever with the fisherman.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1922
No hunting or trapping will be allowed on the J.H. Anderson, John Peglow, JoeRietzel or Elmer Meyers farms.
- Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leach, Mrs. Jane Leach and Mrs. Robert Wilkins of Iowa Fallsvisited in this city several days last week at the home of their uncle and aunt,Mr. and Mrs. John Estabrook. Mr. Leach has farming interests in this community.
- NOTICE: No hunting, fishing, trapping or trespassing will be allowed on thenorth half and the south east quarter of section 19. J.H. Thatcher, John A.Berg, John Ruthven
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
March 7, 1923
Short Items of Local Interest
William Bahls of Spencer was an Emmetsburg visitor Wednesday.
E.J. Bradley moved the first of the week onto the Korleski farm northeast of
this city.
John Wegener of Graettinger was looking after business interests in this
city Thursday.
E.P. Barringer of Ruthven was looking after business interests in this city
Mrs. E.F. Ault of Estherville spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Michael
Molloy, of this place.
Mrs. C.E. Heise returned to Algona Wednesday. She visited Emmetsburg
relatives for a short time.
Miss Florence Sammin, who spent the past week with local relatives, returned
to Onawa Wednesday.
Miss Mary Murphy arrived from Chicago Wednesday to spend some time with her
brother, Daniel Murphy and family.
Miss Bernice McDonald, who teaches at Laurens, spent the week end with her
mother, Mrs. J.J. McDonald of this city.
W.F. Hein, who was called up to Medford, Wisconsin, ten days ago to attend
the funeral of his father, arrived home Wednesday.
Maurice O'Connor recently moved into M.F. Dwyer's residence in the first
ward, which he purchased during the winter. The property will make Mr. and
Mrs O'Connor a neat, comfortable home.
Miss Nella Huesby recently resigned as operator in the Tribune office in
this city. She left the latter part of the week for Minneapolis where she
will spend some time at the parental home. Her mother has not been feeling
well for some time.
J.T. Maguire, James Degnan and John Maguire, Jr. of Booth township, B.L.
Maguire of Silver Lake township and John Anglum of Ayrshire came to
Emmetsburg Thursday to accompany the remains of John P. Fitzpatrick to
R.W. Winders and famiy of Redfield, Iowa, moved their household goods and
farm implements to this city the first of the week. They will live on the
King farm four miles south of this city. Mr. Winders formerly lived at
Haderstown, Maryland. he is a brother of J.W. Winders, of our local meat
Martin Ausland was a Graettinger visitor this morning.
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs James Collins Tuesday evening.
C.E. Delp has moved from a farm in Great Oak township to a place near
T.J. Elliott shipped twenty head of horses and mules to Cedar Rapids
P.H. Donlon and his sister, Miss Anna Donlon of Ruthven, are in Emmetsburg
W.F. Adamson of Whittemore wsa looking after real estate interests in this
city Tuesday.
Mr. Struhe of Estherville was looking after business interests in this city
the first of the week.
Mr and Mrs W.F. Kelly and daughter of Whittemore were Sunday visitors with
Emmetsburg relatives.
Miss Jennie Graver returend to Mason City Monday after spending a few days
with here brother, John Graver, of this place.
Mr and Mrs Sid Higley of Fenton were over Sunday visitors with Mr. Higley's
mother, Mrs. John Higley, Sr. of this place.
W.C. Richardson was a passenger to Elkton, South Dakota, this morning where
he will purchase several head of horses and mules.
Miss Anna Donahue arrived home from Fort Dodge Monday. Some of the members
of her family were quite ill for some time and she went to that place to
assist in caring for them.
John Larson, of Duluth, Minnesota, who was called to Graettinger the first
of the week to attend the funeral of his brother's wife, spent Tuesday
evening with Mr and Mrs Thomas Haugsteun of this place.
Mr and Mrs Walter E Blake have gone to Milbank, South Dakota, where they
will make their future home. Mrs. Phipps, mother of Mrs. Blake, received a
message a few days ago stating that they arrived at that place without any
Charles Sewell and family have rented the M.L.Brown residence in the First
ward. They moved into it the first of the week. Mr. Sewell had charge of the
tank wagon for the Home Oil company, a position which William Weir recently
A number of young ladies were entertained at the home of Miss Mildred
McNally last evening. Bridge was enjoyed until a late hour. Miss Irene
McMahon won the good prize and Miss Elizabeth Lawless took home the
consolation favors. All present report a most enjoyable evening.
Chris and Sam Manz of the Ayrshire neighborhood were in town Monday. They
were accompanied by their brother, Henry Manz and wife of St. James,
Minnesota, who were called to Ayrshire to attend the funeral of Manz's
father, John Manz. They returned to St. James Monday evening.
Those who came from a distance to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. W.J.
McCarty were Mrs. C. Williamson and daughter of Storm Lake, Ia.; Mrs. B
Rosenbalf of Blair, Nebr.; J.W. Brown of Parker, S.D.; Mr and Mrs P.D. Brown
of Parker, S.D.; Mr and Mrs. P.D. Borwn of Jefferson, Iowa; Mrs. Geo Graham
of Lohrville, Iowa; Mrs. R.V. Brown of Parker, S.D.; Mr and Mrs Merle Brown
of Watertown, S.D.; D. Marsh of Webster City, Iowa; and Mr and Mrs. Roy
Brown of Estherville.
Mrs. Hugh Mulroney in Charge
of Mrs. Ola Brown's Millinery Store
on South Broadway.
We understand that hereafter Mrs. Hugh Mulroney of this city will be in
charge of the Mrs. Ola Brown millinery store on South Broadway. Miss Lucile
Reno, who conducted it for some time, has returned to Spencer. Mrs. Mulroney
is said to be capable and experienced and will no doubt handle the business
very successfully.
Donaldson Indicted for Rape.
A report from Spirit Lake sayd that Mr. Donaldson, who was indicted some
time ago for stealing an auto, has also been indicted on the charge of rape.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., March 14, 1923
Short Items of Local Interest
Charles Maguire of New York City spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Susie
Maguire and Edward Ryan and family of this place. He left in the evening for
Chicago. He was called to some point in southeastern Iowa on a business trip
and came to Emmetsburg to see his mother. he is still in the commission
business and doing well.
Mr and Mrs John Finn mourn the loss of their baby son, James William, who
died last Thursday. He was seven months old. The funeral was held Friday. Mr
and Mrs Finn have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in their
loss. Several members of the family have been sick during the last week.
Miss Anna Redmond was an over Sunday visitor at the homes of her sisters,
Mrs. M.L. Murphy and Mrs Martin Aylward.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
April 4, 1923
Was Afraid Early Morning Prowlers Were on His Trail
Chas. Joynt had an experience Monday morning about four o'clock that he will
never forget. He had just reached home from Ellington township and, as
Sunday was April Fool's day, his friends placed several tin cans and old
dishes on a shelf above the door of his bedroom so that when he would enter
they would tumble down on to his head. The scare was worse than anticipated.
A burglar alarm was sounded and every one in the house aroused. it took some
time to quiet Mr. Joynt's nerves, but he was able to report to duty at the
Milwaukee depot on Monday. He is coming home early next Sunday night.
Mr. John THOMPSON and Miss Marie MARKVE of Cylinder the Contracting Parties
Mr. John THOMPSON and Miss Marie BARKVE, both of the Cylinder neighborhood,
were united in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage at 4 o'clock Thursday
afternoon, Rev. O.R.A. TOLLEFSON officiating. They were attended by Mr. nad
Mrs. Albert MITCHELL. The young couple will make their future home on a farm
near Cylinder.
The groom is an energetic, thrifty, dependable young man. He has followed
farming for several years. He has many warm and devoted friends. The bride
is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Thor. K. BARKVE. She is deserving and is highly
esteemed by her many friends. All will united with the Democrat in extending
congratulations to the newly married couple.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
May 16, 1923
Dr. and Mrs. D.E. Kulp came from Titonka Sunday fora short visit with local friends.
A few days ago the Iowa fish and game warden placed5000,000 pike in Storm Lake.
William Fiscus of Ruthven was looking after businessinterests in this city Monday.
Mrs. Peter Peterson arrived home from Algona Tuesdaywhere she spent several days visiting relatives.
Harvey Beatty arrived home from Ottawa, Illinois, thefirst of the week. He was visiting friends at that place for a short time.
A few days ago, while standing in his barn door, ArthurT Grouth of Elmore, Minnesota, was killed by a thunderbolt. A cow in the barnwas also killed.
C.J. Berger arrived home from Dubuque on Monday afteran absence of two weeks. He was visiting his son, Leo, who is a student atColumbia College.
Mrs. J.A. Duffy and Mrs. John McNamara will leave forSioux City Friday to attend the state convention of the Catholic Daughters ofAmerica. Mrs. McNamara will represent the local court and Mrs. Duffy is statetreasurer of the organization.
J.A. Duffy was a Milford visitor last Friday. He has been outwriting insurance for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. M. McTigue of Estherville, visited overSunday at the Dennis McTigue home in this city.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parks on Saturday.Mrs. Parks and the baby are in the local hospital.
George Telford had been quite sick for some time. He isin the Palo Alto hospital. All hope for his early recovery.
Palo Alto Tribune, Wed. July 11, 1923:
Killed Cow and Calf Damage Auto
Chas. Higgins of Great Oak was coming to town Monday evening when his autoran into a cow and calf on the paved road south of town. Both cow and calf werekilled. The front tires, the radiator and three fenders of his car were damaged.The cow and calf belonged to Owen Thompson. He paid for the damage to the autoand closed the incident
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed. June 14, 1923
Mrs. Walter Hughes left Wednesday for Mitchell, South Dakota, to spend
several days with her husband, who is a traveling salesman.
Miss Hazel Cattell, who spent the past week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Cattel of this place, returned to her home at Clarion on Thursday.
Mr and Mrs Eli Swenson of this city and Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Oustrus of
Mitchell, S.D. autoed to Fort Dodge Saturday to spend the day with relatives
and friends.
Russell Hennessy, E.L. McEvly and Franklin O'Halloran arrived home from
Dubuque Thursday. They were students at Columbia College during the past
Charles Kibbie arrived home from Winona, Minnesota, Thursday to spend the
summer months with his parents, Mr and Mrs Joseph Kibbie. He attended St.
Mary's College during the past year.
Messrs. Carl Berger, LeRoy Lawless, Ross Moses and J.A. Chaim were among the
Emmetsburg fans who attended the boxing bouts at Ft. Dodge Friday evening.
They made the trip by car.
Mrs. Michael Golden and little daughter returned to Valley Junction Friday.
She spent several days with her brothers, M.C. and Austin Hoben and families
and other relatives in this locality.
L.T. Jackson of Toulon, Illinois, was looking after business interests in
Emmetsburg during the past week.
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Henry Schuller of Spirit Lake Thursday,
May 31.
W.H.J. Steiner, Harold Higgins, Philip Bough, Will Millea and W.T. Branagan
autoed to Fort Dodge Friday evening to take in the boxing show. The card was
not up to standard and a few felt that they had not received their money's
Mrs. J.T. Maguire and her son Edward of Booth township came to Emmetsburg
Thursday to meet Maurice, who arrived during the early morning from Winona,
Minnesota. He attended St. Mary's College at that place during the past
The Jefferson Herald says that little Jean Sammin, the 11-year-old daughter
of Mr and Mrs J.P. Sammin, formerly of Emmetsburg, who has been dangerously
ill with pneumonia, has passed the crisis and is now slowly convalescing.
Mr. and Mrs. W.G. Middleton were passengers to Iowa City Wednesday. Mr.
Middleton, who has not been feeling well for some time, will take treatment
in one of the hospitals at that place. His many friends hope to learn of his
early improvement.
Mrs. Joseph Clennon and daughter were called to Emmetsburg from Sioux Falls,
South Dakota, Wednesday by the serious illness of Mrs. Clennon's father,
Patrick McNally.
Miss Evelyn Reichenecker left on Thursday morning for Yellowstone Park where
she will spend a couple of weeks with friends. From there she will go to
Beach, North Dakota, for an extended visit.
The Journal says that Mrs. G.G. Fitz and son Herbert of Paul, Idaho, are
visiting J. Thatcher of West Bend. Mrs. Fitz is a daughter of Mr. Thatcher.
Dr. and Mrs. Fitz lived in Emmetsburg a number of years ago.
Superintendent J.H. Trefz of the Fenton schools has refused to sign a
contract for the coming year. He claims the board has not made any
arrangements to accommodate the increased number of pupils at that place.
Clarence Farrelly, Monsignor Farrelly's nephew, who was in Emmetsburg two
years ago, graduated from Columbia college last week. He intends studying
for the priesthood. His parents, Mr and Mrs James Farrelly, live in Chicago.
Leo Berger informs us that Columbia college at Dubuque finds it necessary to
increase its capacity for taking care of boarding students. The attendance
during the past year was 650. It has grown wonderfully during the past few
Emmet Jackman, who graduated from St. Mary's Academy Sunday evening, tells
our reporter that he will enter Columbia College at Dubuque in September. He
made a very fine record in St. Mary's and will prove a dilligent student in
Columbia. He is a fine young man.
Superintendent and Mrs. A.E. Johnson arrived home from Boone last week where
they visited Mr. Johnson's father for a couple of days. His condition is not
improving. He is eighty years of age. He came from Europe thirty-three years
John Hall arrived home from Des Moines Friday morning. He attended Des
Moines college during the past year. It was formerly known as Highland Park
Institution. Mr. Hall is a diligent student and generally always makesgood
in athletic work. He intends to return to Des Moines in the fall to continue
his studies during the coming year.
Adolph and Miss Leola Rosel, who live eighteen miles northeast of Mason
City, attended the high school at that place regularly during the past
winter. They drove back and forth in their car. They missed their daily
trips only a week or two when they stayed in town. A sister, who taught in a
country district, also boarded at home and rode with them.
Monday we enjoyed a call from D.W. Mugan of Jefferson, who came to
Emmetsburg Saturday to be present at the graduation of his niece, Miss Mary
Mugan. Mr. Mugan was postmaster of his home town for eight years and proved
a very efficient officer. He has not yet made any arrangements for the
future. He owns a business house and considerable property at Jefferson and
has been busy for some time improving it. He has many relatives in this
locality and will visit them for a few days.
Mrs. Patrick O'Brien arrived home from Spirit Lake Friday. She spent a
couple of weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Owen Golden and Mrs. H.M. Schuller
of that place.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 23, 1923
A couple of weeks ago Mr. ALBERT, the state game warden, deposited 26,000
black bass in Storm Lake. They were from two to four inches in length.
Mr and Mrs F. A. KASSELL of Ayrshire recently returned from an auto trip to
Elcelsior Springs. They also visited eastern Iowa and Illinois points during
their absence. They intend taking a run to Duluth after harvest.
Mr and Mrs F.J. NAURETZ of Milwaukee arrived by car in Emmetsburg Thursday
to spend a couple of days at the home of Mr and Mrs. W.P. REINDERS of
Ellington township. Mr. NAURETS [different spelling] is a nephew of Mr.
REINDERS. He is claim agent for the Milwaukee Electric Railway company. He
reports that the found splendid roads all the way. Even the Iowa dirt
highways were good. Mr. and Mrs. NAUERTZ are likely to take a trip to the
Twin Cities on their way home.
Mrs. I.J. FOY and son Howard of Ruthven visited Emmetsburg relatives
William KELLY, of Ayrhire, spent Friday with his son, Edward KELLY, and
family of this place.
Mr and Mrs. F.L. EATON arrived home from their Minnesota trip Saturday. They
report an enjoyable trip.
Mrs. Lou MOSES returend from Independence Wednesday where she was visiting
her mother, Mrs. Edward POSTEL.
Mrs. P.R. WELLS and daughter returned to Minneapolis Thursday after spending
some time with Emmetsburg relatives.
Sarsfield DENEEN came from Houston, Texas, a few days ago for a visit with
his parents, Mr and Mrs John DENEEN of this place.
Mr and Mrs Matt KILROY of Mason City spent several days during the past week
with Mrs. KILROY's mother, Mrs. Thomas CONLON, of this place.
Mrs. Frank SNYDER of the Cylinder neighborhood is doing considerable
remodeling on her farm buildings. Elf SWENSON of this city has the contract.
Gus WHEDKIND arrived in Emmetsburg from Raymond, Illinois, Saturday. He will
assist Charles STILLMAN in operating a threshing machine outfit.
Fred STUEHMER and children came from Minneapolis Thursday for a several day
visit with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs Louis STUEHMER of this place.
Mrs. William JOHNSON of Chillicothe, Ohio, who spent some time with her
mother, , Mrs. Louise McCOY, of the Ayrshire neighborhood, returned home
Miss Kathleen DENEEN arrived home from Cedar Falls the latter part of the
week. She was attending the Iowa State Teacher's College summer school.
KAUTENBERG Brothers, former publishers of the Alta Advertiser, who moved to
Ashton, Wisconsin some time ago, have bought the Washburn News. They have
also an office at Ashland.
Alex McNALLY, Mr and Mrs Alex McNALLY and their son Curtiss of Waterloo and
Mr and Mrs John McNALLY of this place autoed to Ayrshire Monday to spend the
day at the E.H. McNALLY home.
Alex McNALLY and his son, Alex, and wife and their son Curtiss came from
Waterloo Sunday morning to spend several days with the formers' brothers,
John, Myles, Edward and his sister, Mrs. J.J. KANE of this city.
Mrs. J.C. THOMPSON left for Sutherland Thursday to visit Mr and Mrs Wilbur
Mr. LIEBENSTEIN, formerly of Whittemore, has disposed of his store at
Hartley. He owns another store at Garner.
Will HUGHES of Havre, Montana, who was visiting local relatives, left for
St. Paul Thursday. He has a good position in the round house at Havre.
Buttermaker J.C. JENSEN of Ringsted recently won third prize on a tub of
butter exhibited at the National Buttermakers' convention at Milwaukee.
Mrs. August MIELKE, on of the esteemed ladies of the Whittemore
neighborhood, died a few days ago. The burial was in the Lotts Creek
Frank GAZETTE's Ford car, which disappeared from Whittemore three weeks ago,
was recently located in a garage at Fort Dodge. It was undergoing repairs.
A short time ago Sam CARTER of Swea City had his nose broken by a horse
which switched his head about quickly to get rid of flies and struck him in
the face.
Mrs. Chester HALL and son and Miss POWERS returned to Omaha the middle part
of the past week. They spent some time at the John FICKBOHM home near
Mrs. R. PAULSEN and baby and Miss Gertrude MALONEY were Emmetsburg visitors
Wednesday. Mrs. PAULSEN resides at Nora Springs. They were on their way to
Sanborn for visit with relatives.
Mrs and Mrs O.J. SAMPSON arrived home from Fort Dodge Tuesday evening of
last week where they spent a few days with their son. They also visited
relatives at Webster City while absent
Mr and Mrs James DEGNAN were Emmetsburg visitors Friday. They were on their
way to Cedar Falls to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, E.J.
SWEENEY. The funeral will be held at Osage.
A.A. HALLECK and son of Estherville were Emmetsburg visitors Friday.
John F. HUGHES, Veterman Trainman on Milwaukee
Engineer John F. HUGHES, well known to our many citizens, has been in charge
of a passenger engine on the Milwaukee line for forty-one years. He did odd
jobs for the company at McGregor in 1869. He became a brakeman in 1872 and a
fireman the following year. He ran between McGregor and Austin. He was made
an engineer on the Mississippi river division in 1878 and was transferred to
the north Iowa run in 1879. He located at Mason City in 1881. Later he made
his home at Mitchell, South Dakota, for some time, but finally moved back to
Mason City. His present run is from that place to Sanborn. He has passed
through Emmetsburg regularly for may years. He is the third engineer in
length of service on the system, although he has put in more actual time
than any other engineer with the company, Mr. HUGHES is a native of Durham,
Quebec. He was born in 1857. His parents moved to McGregor in march 1868. He
was married to Mary FINLEY in December 1880. His only daughter, Mrs. Harve
J. BRYANT, lives at Mason City. We understand that Mr. HUGHES was never in a
serious railroad wreck. He is a very fine type of a gentleman.
Reports are to the effect that the Cadillac automobile belonging to Mrs
WEBB, of Sioux City, was wheeled off from in front of the Inn on Friday
night of last week. The car was left standing in front of the Inn overnight
and hte next morning no trace could be found of it. It was reported to the
sheriff's office but as Mrs WEBB was not familiar with the number they had
to be procured from Sioux City. It was insured. The C.A. OLSON Ford was
stolen from Arnold's Park Sunday evening.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 27, 1923
List of Rural Graduates Who Averaged from 90 to 96
Audrey Goranson, Vernon, 96 percent; Gergrude Bale,Ruthven, 95; Salome Antoine, Silver Lake, 94; Mary Noonan, Silver Lake, 94;Wilma Wobbe, Walnut, 93; Alton Moffitt, Walnut, 93; Hazel Mishler, Silver Lake,92; Myrtle Mileham, Great Oak, 92; Jas. Antoine, Sliver Lake, 91; Lyle William,Ruthven; 91; Willard Rooker, Walnut, 91; Lottie Rigg, Ruthven, 90; Lee Goeders,Cylinder, 90.
Buford Henry won the first prize of $5 given by theService Star Legion for the best all around patriotic booklet. SEcond prize waswon by Willard Rooker and Wilma Wobbe took third place. These booklets containedan essay on "What Can I Do to Promote Citizenship in my School,", aposter and ten patriotic quotations which have inspired me to be come a bettercitizen and ten good health rules; also several miscellaneous pages containingpoems, stories, etc.
The G.A.R. prize for the best essay on "Iowa andthe Principles for Which it Stands," was won by Mathilde Simonsen ofGraettinger. Miss Allison Gowans of this place is her teacher. There were 150graduates in the county this year.
While on a Raft in Des Moines River near Fort Dodge.
Sunday evening at eight o'clock five ladies narrowlyescaped drowning above the dam at Fort Dodge. They were riding on a raft andwere thrown into the river. Mrs. Etta Cox, a member of the party, was unable toswim and became hysterical. She would undoubtedly have drowned had not threeyoung men hurried to her rescue in a motor boat. The other ladies were barelyable to keep afloat but they managed to reach the shore. Three of the members ofthe party were Schabacker Sisters and a Miss Gruenwald. The fifth young lady'sname was not reported. Mrs. Cox was promptly taken to Mercy Hospital.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Sep 12, 1923
Joseph Nestor and his son Robert of Sayre, Oklahoma who were visiting
relatives in this city for a couple of weeks, left for Dubuque Tuesday where
they will remain for a short time. They were accompanied by Mr. Nestor's
niece, Miss Lucille Donahue.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Sep 26, 1923
William Hutchinson, Jr. came from Maxwell Wednesdayto visit her mother, Mrs. Dan Sherlock.
Miss Marie Sherlock arrived from San Diego, California,to visit her mother, Mrs. Dan Sherlock.
R.P. McTigue of Farley recently spent several days withhis brother, Dennis McTigue, Sr. of this place.
Mrs. John Galliger went to Graettinger Thursday for ashort visit with her daughter, Mrs. John Sullivan.
Thomas Brennan, of Owatonna, Minnesota, was the guestof local relatives a few days during the past week.
Mrs. James Collins and baby arrived home from Galva,Illinois, Wednesday, where they were visiting relatives.
Arthur Schlutesmeyer arrived home from Chicago Fridaywhere he had been for a few days attending to a business transaction.
Earl Hoben, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hoben, ofHighland township, broke his wrist Thursday while cranking his car.
Mrs. Kenneth McLaren and baby arrived from MinneapolisWednesday for a few day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martini.
Mrs. Swanton returned to her home at WhittemoreThursday after a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Glen Lockle, of thisplace.
Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson returned home to Des MoinesWednesday after a few days' visit with local relatives. They made the trip bycar.
F.L. Patton, who was manager of the Western Electrictelephone company, resigned his position and went to Spencer Wednesday where hewill visit relatives for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. C.M. Johnston, of Boone, were visitors inthis city on Wednesday. They were on their way home from Spirit Lake where theyattended the state fireman's convention.
Dan O'Brien and Henry Whalen of Streator, Illinois, whowere called to Bancroft, Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Latimer, wereguests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Burns a few days during the week.
Miss Hall, principal of the Emmetsburg High School, wasa Charles City visitor Sunday.
Congressman and Mrs. L.J. Dickinson, of Algona, leftfor Washington, D.C., last Saturday.
Miss Elsie Siba went to Sioux City Saturday. She willtake treatment in a hospital at that place.
Maurice Murphy, son of Dan Murphy of this place, isattending the Commercial College at Mankato, Minn.
Charles Roupe, of Algona, who drove to Los Angeles ashort time ago, has bought a fine new bungalow at that place.
T.J. Huntley and Mrs. Laura Severns of Halfa werevisitors at the H.B. Reynolds home in this city on Sunday.
Miss Ella Donahue left for Plankington, South Dakota,Saturday, where she will teach during the coming year.
B.N. Espland and family autoed from Blue Earth, Minn.,Sunday, for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rasmussen.
A new town on the Rock Island has been established inHebron township, Kossuth county, some distance northeast of Germania.
Ben Grady returned home from Windom, Minnesota, thelatter part of the week where he was visiting his brother Ted for a short time.
Last week Spirit Lake won on the gridiron from Jackson,Minnesota, by a score of 37 to 0. The Indians are a promising bunch this season.
Robert Beatty, who was assistant cashier of theSecurity Trust and Savings Bank at Storm Lake, has resigned to accept theposition as assistant state bank examiner.
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week the Catholics ofBancroft will have a fall festival for the benefit of their church. FatherMeyers of Milford will umpire the base ball game.
Robert and Joseph Kane returned to Bauman, SouthDakota, Sunday evening. They spent some time visiting their mother who has beenseriously ill. She is we are glad to report, much improved.
Mr .and Mrs. Joe Leuer and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fogartyof Mallard returned home Thursday after spending a week with relatives atDubuque and Potosi, Wisconsin. Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Leuer's mother, returned withthem to spend several months.
Four business houses at Germania, Kossuth county, weredestroyed by fire a few days ago.
O.T. Lande and family of Graettinger visited relatives andfriends in this city Sunday.
Mr .and Mrs. Joe Logan of Forest City visited Mr.Logan's mother, Mrs. Will Slater, last Sunday.
Kilgore & Klockon have bought the Dolliver hardwarestock and have moved it to Estherville.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meeker of Clarion recently visitedMr .and Mrs. Ben Cattell of this place.
W.F. Frederick went to Spencer Saturday to visit for afew days and to attend the county fair.
K. Miller recently shipped in forty head of cattle fromSioux City. We presume he will feed them.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNamara and family and Mr. and Mrs.Ben Cattell were Ayrshire visitors Sunday.
Miss Ella Sampson went to Spencer Saturday for a fewdays' visit with Mr. and Mrs. O.V. Sampson.
Miss Opal Stedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sim R.Stedman of Marion City, is attending Iowa University this year.
Archie Sheire of St. Paul recently lost a six round goto Connie Curry of Sioux City. The bout was said to be very fast.
Representative W.E.G. Saunders and daughter, MissSaunders, were Ruthven visitors Tuesday afternoon of last week.
Mrs. William McNamara, Mrs. Ben Cattell, Mrs. JamesMcNamara, Mrs. Nellie Dugan and Mrs. Monroe Johnson were Spencer visitorsSaturday.
John Joynt and his crew have been in this vicinity forthe past few days making repairs on the bridges along the Milwaukee track westof the city.
The Sun says that Tuesday noon of last week while someboys were chasing Elmer Johnson of Laurens, he stumbled and fell and broke hiscollar bone.
Dr. Brerton, accompanied by his sister, Miss Mary, leftFriday evening for Chicago, where the latter will attend college during thecoming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Anderson of Graettinger left bycar last week for New York City to remain for some time. They will have a long,interesting trip.
The Woman's Foreign missionary society of the will join their regular meeting and social tea at the home of Mrs. JohnAllen on Friday afternoon, September 28.
Charles Joynt is at present acting C.M. & St. P.agent at Whittemore. From there he will go to Iona where he will serve as agentfor a few days. Later he will become an operator at New Hampton.
Sunday a son arrived at the home of Mr .and Mrs. HowardSteil.
George Nesshoefer of Mallard, the well known autodealer, was in Emmetsburg Saturday.
Mr. Ben Cattell presented his wife with a beautiful newpiano Thursday. Mr. Cattell believes in enjoying the fruits of his labors.
Misses Gertrude and Winifred Jackman have gone toWinona, Minnesota, where they will attend college during the coming year.
Wm. Hastings, who is attending college at Ames, arrivedhome Friday evening for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. FrankHastings.
Miss Margaret Higgins came from Schaller's to attendthe marriage of her brother Charles, which took place on Monday. She teaches inthe schools at that place.
Carl Newgard of Humboldt has accepted the position ofsecond man in the local creamery. He has had three years' experience in his lineand has a state testing license.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Jan 2, 1924
A few days ago Ralph Tap of Clay county his hisemployer, Henry S. Siebker and paid a fine of $25 for the offense.
William Collins of Selfridge, North Dakota, spent Christmaswith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Collins, of this place.
Miss Gabriella Srstka of Tyndall, South Dakota, arrivedin this city Monday for a short visit at the L.T. Mitchell home.
Mr. and Mrs. M.E. Conlon returned to Sioux Falls, SouthDakota, on Thursday after a few days visit with relatives in this city.
Dr. F.R. Weber of the National Community Federation willaddress the county Farm Bureau meeting at Spirit Lake next Monday.
A fine Buick car driven by Wesley Scharf of Spencer wasdamaged at Mason City Friday evening by a Decker Packing Company Truck.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moses and children arrived in this cityfrom Virginia, Canada, the last of the week. They will spend some time withrelatives in this locality.
John Martini came from St. Cloud, Minnesota, the last of theweek for a short visit with his brothers in this city. He returned to his homeon Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Whittinger and daughter of Madison, Wisconsin,arrived in this city last week to spend the holidays at the J.H. Brown home.Mrs. Whittinger is a granddaughter of Mr. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bladke of Milbank, South Dakota,who have been visiting relatives in this locality, have returned to their home.Donald Metcalf, Mrs. Bladke's brother, accompanied them home.
Mrs. Bert Ryan was a passenger to Iowa City Tuesdayevening. She accompanied her son John to that place. He is having trouble withone of his arms and will consult a specialist in that place.
William Coonan, Jr. and Maurice Laughlin left Wednesdayevening for Des Moines where they will attend a M.W.A. convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lauf of Nevada township are spending theholidays with relatives in Illinois. They formerly lived in that state.
Wm. Nolan and Gene Ganley arrived home from Aurora, Illinois,Monday of last week to spend the holidays with their parents.
Mrs. L.H. Lashman returned to Edgeton, Minnesota, severaldays ago, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Dave Chapman of that place.
George Wilkins, a former Britt banker, died in California afew days ago.
Miss Nellie Martin, who teaches at Spencer, is home for theholidays.
Mrs. Mary Callahan is building a new barn on her farm inHighland township to replace the one that was destroyed by fire a couple ofweeks ago.
Miss Lila McAllister, who is principal of one of the schoolsat Spencer, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. McAllister, during theholiday season.
Mr. and Mrs. John Holmgren of Ruthven have been enjoying avisit from their daughter, Miss Etta, who is employed in the J.W. Cory lawoffice at Spencer.
Dr. H.E. Farmsworth has been chosen president of the StormLake Kiwanis Club. He has for some time been an active and influential member ofthe organization.
Joseph Jackman, his daughter Margaret and his son William andMrs. Thomas Cullen left by car Friday for Dubuque to visit Mr. Jackman'sdaughter who is in the Mt. Carmel convent.
Miss Alice Jackman returned today to Worthington, Minnesota.She is employed as a stenographer in the Western Union Telegraph office at thatplace. She spent the holidays with local relatives.
Wm. Christiansen,who travels for the Dickson Fruit Company ofSpencer, reports that his sister, Mrs. C.R. Earhart, was recently killed byMexican bandits. She formerly taught school at Onawa.
December 24 Mr. and Mrs. F.M. VanVolzer of Esthervillecelebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. They lived on a farm nearPostville until 1883 when they located in Emmet county.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bradley and family drove by autofrom Mason City Christmas day and have since been spending the holidays at theCharles Metz home. Mr. Bradley returned home on Wednesday.
Miss Cecelia Larsen is home from Sioux Falls, SouthDakota, where she is employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walters and baby were Ruthvenvisitors last week.
Charles Meyers of Cylinder was a Ruthven visitor lastFriday evening.
Francis and George Slagle of Cylinder were visiting inRuthven Friday. George played basket ball Friday evening with Alumni team.
Mrs. Mary Cronley of Madison, Wisconsin, is spendingthe holidays with her father, John Brown, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur of Graham, Mo., are here visitingat the John Cullah home. Mrs. Arthur is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cullah.
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn of Sexton were visitors at the JohnRedeen home on Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. N.C. Rouse attended the funeral of Mr.Rouse's brother which was held at Ayrshire Thursday afternoon.
Our present postmaster received an officialcommunication from the post office department at Washington on December 21notifying him that his re-appointment as postmaster at Ruthven had beenconfirmed by the senate. This means that Mr. Foy will serve his patrons foranother four years.
Miss Lumley of Morningside college of Sioux City ishere for a visit with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Lumley during the vacationdays.
Mr. Orvin Wallace Crookshank died at his home in thislocality Saturday, December 22, 1923, at ten o'clock. His death was the resultof a stroke of paralysis. He was sixty-one years, five months and three days oldat the time of his death. He was born July 19, 1862, in Lill county, Iowa. Hewas united in marriage to Miss Opal Fink of Dickens in March, 1890. Fivechildren survive-Guy, John and Henry, who live at home and Erva of Springfield,Mo., and Mildred who lives near Ruthven. An aged father mourns his death...[restof article missing.]
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Feb. 27, 1924
Former Ayrshire Man has Thrilling Experience at Spencer
Fred. D. WAGGONER, well known farmer living a mile east of Gillett Grove
furnished considerable excitement in the office of CLAER & DYER, real estate
and insurance, Monday noon that included threats with a gun, according to
member of the firm. Frist challenging P.J. CLAER to a "battle" andoffering
him a second gun, he forced Mr. CLAER to write him a check for $2,480 and
took it away with him when the real estate man refused to take the gun.
A warrant was issued Monday afternoon for WAGGONER's arrest, and he was
taken that evening at his home by County Sheriff John M LINDMAN and Deputy
Frank SMITH. Before Justice of the Peace H.T. McLANE he entered a plea of
not guilty to the charge of robbery and waived a preliminary hearing. He was
bound over to the grand jury at the March term of Clay county district
court. His bonds were fixed at $1,000 and he was released when his bonds
were signed by L.A. WITTER, Gillett Grove and Greenville banker.
The drawing of guns and taking the check is said to be an aftermath of the
sale of the Jim HANSEN farm near Gillett Grove several years ago. CLAER &
DYER had the farm on contract, sold it to WAGGONER and when another place
south of Gillett Grove went back to its original owner, the HANSEN place did
likewise. Mr. WAGGONER is said to have lost his first payment, around
Several Republican Candidates
We understand that Attorney J.W. FAY is a candidate for the republican
nomination for county attorney, that Ed THOMPSON is an aspirant for clerk
and that Alela VEDDER, Mrs. Anna SPOHN,and Mrs. SORENSON are in the field
for county recorder.
Simon LYNCH informs us that his brother, Ed, who made such a great record in
athletics at Dartmouth, is at present in the employ of a large bonding house
in Minneapolis. he was line coach at Dartmouth for a year after his
graduation but he felt that his present position offered more of a future to
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Jan 2, 1924
Mrs. M.F. Anderson and baby of Fremont, Nebraska, spent the past couple of
weeks with her parents, Mr and Mrs P. Nally of this place.
W.H. Nally who travels for the George W Goethal company, spent the holidays
with his parents in this city. He left Friday for New York.
Mr and Mrs Harry E Kahn of Kirksville, Missouri were dinner guests at the
home of Mr and Mrs W.P. McNally last Sunday. They are neighbors and intimate
friends of Mr and Mrs Stookey who live at Kirksville. Mrs. McNally and Mrs.
Stookey are sisters.
[Note: Mrs. Stookey must be either Julia or Anna Drummy. Mrs. W.P. McNally
is Josephine Drummy]
March 12, 1924
Thomas Nally, who is employed as a section foreman on the RI railroad, had
one of his fingers taken off Wednesday while working in the yards.
Dec. 24, 1924
W.P. McNally Scorched
A day or two ago while looking into an oil burning furnace to see how it was
working, W.P. McNally had his face badly scorched. There was a sort of an
explosion. Friends regret to learn of the accident. He was unfortunate.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., May 14, 1924
Trying P.J. CLAER Case
Judge COYLE, who was under the weather for several weeks, is at present
holding court at Spencer. Several important cases are up for his
consideration. Among them is the criminal action against Fred WAGGONER, who
at the point of a revolver, compelled P.J. CLAER to write him out a $2,400
check last fall. George HEALD is assisting the county attorney in
prosecuting and Wilson CORNWALL is defending Mr. WAGGONER. Another important
suit is that of C.F. CONRAD against S.W. and Anna F. SCOTHORN. He is asking
the foreclosure of a $50,000 mortgage on a half section farm. He claims that
since the deal was made he paid $3,600 in taxes on the property.
Sugar Beet Force Arriving
The last of the week fifteen Russians arrived to work in the local sugar
beet fields. Seven more families will come this week. A family has been
stationed on the Ora GREEN farm and one at Mr. WENGER's. Two families went
to Ringsted. There have also been arrivals at Cylinder and Rodman. A large
number of fields of sugar beets will be planted in Palo Alto this year. The
industry is one to be encouraged.
Edward McDONALD Dead
We regret to learn that Edward McDONALD, one of the fine old gentlemen of
Silver Lake township, died a few days ago but we have not learned
particulars. We hope to be able to secure them for next week.
Our City Marshal is 71.
A few evenings ago Mr. and Mrs. M.F. BRENNAN were surprised by a number of
their friends, the occasion being Mr. BRENNAN's 71st birthday. Cards were
enjoyed for a few hours after which a delicious luncheon was served. There
are no more hospitable people in Emmetsburg than Mr. and Mrs. BRENNAN. All
who were present will remember with pleasure the evening's gathering.
He Plants Corn Early
W.E. JACKMAN had 90 acres of corn in the ground before the late cold spell.
He generally plants early and he very seldom has to replant. However, he
thinks that corn put in about May 20, is as a rule, as good as any that is
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
July 9, 1924
And They Also Stacked Thirty Loads of Hay for Him
On Monday, July 7, the members of the Farm Bureau and friends of John FINN
gathered at his home in Emmetsburg township and powed 65 acres of corn and
stacked 30 loads of alfalfa hay for him. Mr. FINN had been il for a couple
of weeks and was unable to attend to his crops. The following named
gentlemen were present: Wm. HARVEY, Wm. Henry M.W. BRENNAN, J.W. JOYCE,
FELTON, Donald JOYNT, Gregson PRATT, Tom McNULTY, Wm GANLEY, Jr., Joe T.
A picnic supper was served by the following named ladies: Mrs. Henry MILLER,
Mrs. Wm SULLIVAN, Mrs. Joe WALSH, Mrs. Frank ROBINSON, Mrs. Chas. KANE, Mrs.
M.T. JOYCE, Mrs. Celia LEAHY, Mrs. Joe JOYCE, Mrs. M.W. BRENNAN and Miss
Margaret HENRY.
This is the kind of spirit that should prevail in every community. Mr. and
Mrs. FINN must appreciate the kindness and the sympathy of their benevolent
neighbors. We hope Mr. FINN will soon regain his health.
There will be a dance at the John HIGGINS barn in Great Oak township Friday
evening. There will be good music. All are invited.
P.J. HESTER, Who Was in Business in Our City 22 Years Ago.
Saturday we enjoyed a pleasant call from P.J. HESTER of Walla Walla,
Washington, who came to Emmetsburg a few days ago to visit relatives and
greet old friends. He was engaged in business in Emmetsburg for many years
before going west. He kept a drug store on the present location of the post
office. He was in the banking business at New Rockford, North Dakota, for
some time after leaving this city and later located at Lewiston, Montana.
Mrs. HESTER and her only daughter died at that place. Mr. HESTER tells us
that his son Ray, who was married seven or eight years ago, has a good
position in the First National Bank at Pendleton, Oregon. His second son Joe
has become quite a musician. He plays regularly on pipe organs in the
theatres in Los Angeles.
Mr. Hester looks exceptionally hearty. He left Emmetsburg twenty-two years
ago. He has not aged much, although he has a few gray hairs. He is surprised
to notice the great improvement that has been made in Emmetsburg and
throughout northwest Iowa during the past quarter of a century. He took a
trip with Mr and Mrs E.M. THOMPSON to the lakes Friday afternoon and noticed
in the localities that he visited many evidences of thrift and progress. He
sold considerable land in southeast North Dakota during the big boom and
some of it is coming back to him. he made the trip east to look after
business affairs and could not resist the temptation to come to Emmetsburg
to spend a few days with those whom he knew so well in the early history of
our county. His brother Michael came home from Davenport last week and was
of course very glad to meet him.
(Omaha Daily Bee)
Heirs of the late G.E. SHUKERT, millinoaire Omaha furrier, cannot recover
$13,000 on a federal estate tax on a transfer made by deceased in May, 1921,
according to a decision by Federal Judge WOODROUGH, in United States
district court. Attorneys for the heirs contended that the transfer was not
made in contemplation of death and therefore was not taxable. Revenue Agent
James J. DRAKEFORD considers the decision one of far-reaching improtance on
the subject of transfers. The government was represented at the trial by
Attorney E.J. LEWIS, Washington, District Attorney KINSLER, Agent T.W.
JOHNSON and Chief Estate Tax Officer J.H. SHERLOCK.
Last Wednesday, while working on the John ALLEN house with R.J. DOOLEY, in
the northeast part of town, Joseph KELLY fell twelve feet from a ladder and
injured his shoulder quite badly. He was fortunate that he did not fall on
his neck. He has for several days had his arm in a sling.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wednesday, Aug 27, 1924
Curlew, Ia., Aug 25
The Ray Whitmer family of Emmetsburg visited the A.A. Whitmer home here
J.K. Fisher celebrated his birthday Sunday with a family reunion. A number
of friends were also present.
Mrs. A.A. Hatch and daughter Idella were passengers to Des Moines Monday to
attend the State Fair.
Mrs. Shadley visited relatives at New Sharon last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Locke were Des Moines visitors last week. Muriel Locke
had charge of the barber shop during their absence.
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Jay Droun August 18
Mrs. Groff and son Vincent were Ft. Dodge visitors the first of the week.
The latter had a growth removed from his nose.
Loretta Blake, who has been visiting her sister at Calender, returned to
Curlew last week.
Mrs. Klinge had her tonsils removed Tuesday and was called out on a case
Cahterine Matthiesen had her tonsils removed Tuesday. Dr. Snyder of Des
Moines performed the operation.
James O'Connor of Ft. Dodge visited his home here during the past week. He
will attend school in Chicago during the coming year. He will take up
electrical engineering.
Everet Jensen and family of Gohner, Nebraska, autoed to Curlew last week to
visit Mrs. Jensen's parents, Mr and Mrs George Tressler.
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Roy Coltis Sunday.
Charles Schmuck of Graettinger
Burial at Rolfe
Charles Schmuck, who recently worked for Charles Herrington of Graettinger,
passed away at the Colman hospital at Estherville a few days ago following a
surgical operation. Several weeks ago, while doing some carpenter work for
Mr. Herrington, he jumped from the scaffolding in order to save himself
from a fall but he suffered an ugly fracture of the thigh bone. He was
promptly taken to the hospital but it was necessary to delay the operation.
It seems that he was not able to stand the shock and passed away. He was 37
years of age. The remains were interred at Rolfe. Two daughters, Mrs. R.J.
Latson of Graettinger and Mrs. E.C. Kelly of Fairmont, survive. Mr. Schmuck
came to Rolfe when a comparatively young man. He was a member of the
I.O.O.F. lodge. We glean from the Graettinger Times.
Had Big Family Reunion.
The Kane families had a reunion at Lost Island Lake last Sunday. Those
present were J.J. Kane and son Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kane and daughter of
this city, Mr and Mrs James Kane and children of Emmetsburg township, Mrs.
Gene Kane of this city, Mr and Mrs. Gene Kane and baby, who live east of
this city, Mr and Mrs James Kane and children of Freedom township, Mr and
Mrs. Edward Bradley and two daughters of Graettinger, Mr and Mrs M.B. Kane
of Ayrshire and Mr and Mrs John Ausbrook of Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
E.A. Morling W.H. Morling
Attorneys at Law
Examination of and titles a specialty
Loans and Insurance
Office over Farmers Savings Bank
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Dr. Harold H. Brerton, M.D.
Physician and Surgeon
Office in First National Bank Building
Residence Phone 179; Office 468
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Physician and Surgeon
Office second building east of Waverly
Hotel opposite Public Library. All
calls answered day or night.
Phones: Office 349-Residence 333
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Dr. L.C. Scott
Office over Mulroney's Bootery
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Palo Alto's Pioneer Chiropractor
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Phone, 275
Office over Knoblauch Block
Osteopathic Surgeon
Day or night calls answered promptly
Emmetsburg National Bank Building
Phones: Office 567. Residence 562.
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Veterinarian and Surgeon
Office Phone 87. Res. Phone 565
Office in Waverly Hotel Building
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Justice of the Peace
Real Estate, Loans, Abstracts and Insurance
Offices 4 doors south of P.O. upstairs
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Undertaking Parlors
Funeral Director
Office-Phone 113. Residence- 183
Emmetsburg, Iowa
If You Want
the best and cheapest
on earth
Fire, Lightning, Tornado
and Windstorm or a
policy in the
Town Dwelling Mutual of
Des Moines
call on or write to
Geo. W. Downs
Emmetsburg, Iowa
Office hours 10:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
here one day only and return every
28 days.
The regular and reliable Chicago
Specialist will be at the Waverly
Hotel, Emmetsburg, Iowa on
Tuesday, September 16
A piano allowed to remain out of
tune will lose its tone and its value
will depreciate very rapidly.
Have yours tuned at least twice
a year. Phone or write
Phone 172 Emmetsburg, Iowa
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Wed., 25 Mar 1925
Miss Mary Knoer Receives the White Veil
Last Thursday, March 19, forty-six young ladies who were postulants of Mr.
Carmel at Dubuque, were received as novices and were given white veils.
Among the number was Miss Mary Knoer of this place, who will hereafter be
known as Sister Mary Margaret Agnes.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
Aug 5, 1925
Bring Home Fine Baby Boy
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Fisher arrived home from Chicago afew days ago bringing with them a bright baby boy, aged six weeks. They willgive him a comfortable home and every advantage they can afford.
Coming from Colorado Today
Mrs. Dan Kelly and her sister, Miss Anna Rutledge, whohave been absent in Colorado for some time, will arrive home today. Weunderstand that Mrs. Kelly feels much better than when she left home.
Visited Wisconsin Relatives.
Mrs. Ann Rutledge returned from Watertown, Wisconsin,Tuesday morning after an absence of three weeks. She lived at that place aboutfifty years ago before coming to Emmetsburg. A sister from Ohio and another fromMinnesota came to Watertown to enjoy the visit with her.
Northwestern Increases Dividends.
Dennis McTigue and Vincent Fitzpatrick recentlyreturned from a trip to Milwaukee. While in Wisconsin Mr. McTigue attended thefuneral of his uncle, P.J. Coyle, of Klenville, that state. Mr. McTigue tells usthat the Northwestern Mutual insurance company of which he is a representative,has passed the $3,000,000,000 mark in amount of insurance in force, has over$650,000,000 of assets and an income exceeding $10,000,000 per month, all ofwhich is the property of the policyholders. He also informs us that a furtherincrease in dividends is to be paid to policyholders beginning in 1926.
Keith Gowans is Some Better
James Gowans, who arrived some from Pittsburg, Pa., afew days ago, reports that there is some improvement in the condition of his sonKeith but he is still quite weak. His mother will remain with him for some time.
Myles, John and Ed McNally of This City
The last of the week John McNally received word from Green Bay that his brother,Thomas McNally, recently died at that place at the age of 90. He visitedEmmetsburg on several occasions and will be remembered by many of our readers.He is survived by one son. Mr. McNally was born at West Port [co. Mayo] Irelandin 1835. He came to the United States when a comparatively young man. He servedfor some time during the Civil War and after returning home, spent most of hislife in Wisconsin. His wife and one son are dead. His death is mourned by fourbrothers-Myles, John and Ed of this city and Alex of Rockford, Iowa. All havethe sympathy of our many readers.
302 Cases of Rabies
The Iowa board of health reports 392 cases of rabies duringthe past year- an increase of 100 per cent. Keep an eye on the actions of yourdog.
Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break upthe congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time.
"Red Pepper Rub" is the cold remedy thatbrings quickest relief. It cannot hurt you and it certainly seems to endthe tightness and soreness right out.
Nothing has such concentrated, penetrating heat as redpeppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, achingmuscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once.
The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel thetingling heat. In three minutes the congestion spot is warmed through andthrough. When you are suffering from a cold, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck orsore muscles first get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, at any drug store. Youwill have the quickest relief known. Always say "Rowles."
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
2 Sep 1925
Wm. T. Rhodes, a banker and pioneer ofEstherville, died last week at the age of 62.
An illness resembling sea sickness has been prevalentin many sections of the state. Some call it the "summer flu" butwhatever it may be is not very pleasant.
Father Kelly of Graettinger is busy raising $2500 fora new pipe organ that will be installed in the Catholic church this fall. Thecost of the organ was $2,175. A motor driven bellows will cost $150.
Everett Jones, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.Harry E. Jones of Spencer was drowned Friday morning of last week when a boat inwhich he was riding with two other boys overturned in the Des Moines river atEstherville.
The farm on the Blairgowrie farm in Freedom township,was destroyed by fire last Wednesday afternoon. Two men were trying to smoke outa swarm of bees that had taken lodging in the house and the torch accidentallyset the building on fire. The house was an old land mark and one of the bestfarm homes in the county.
Irma Johnson, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.E.Johnson, died last Friday, August 29th, at the home of her parents near Onawa,Iowa. The little girl had been ill with summer flu for sixteen days and herunexpected death came as a shock to the family. She was 3 years, 5 months, and12 days old.
The funeral was held at the Adventist church in Ruthven onMonday forenoon at 2 o'clock in charge of Elder Anderson of Sioux City. Burialtook place in the Ruthven cemetery.
She leaves her parents, two brothers and three sisters. Thefamily is well known around Ruthven, having moved from here to Onawa lastJanuary.
Albert, the 10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs .E.B. Swanson ofnear Ayrshire, was kicked by a horse Wednesday noon. He was passing behind theanimal and for some reason kicked, both feet striking him in the face. He wasimmediately taken to the Coleman hospital at Estherville. An examination by thedoctors revealed that one cheek bone and all the bones in his nose were broken.All of the bones of the cheek and nose had to be removed and the little fellowis in a very serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson are with him at thehospital and it is hoped that the injury is not as serious as it seems and thatAlbert will be about again.
A large number of friends and neighbors surprised Mr. andMrs. W.J. Willis in honor of the 25th anniversary at the opera house on Friday,August 28th. The evening was an enjoyable one and they danced until a late hour.At midnight, Mr. and Mrs. Willis went through a mock wedding ceremony, FosterReed acting as minister. Mrs. Chas. Amons of Ayrshire, acting as bridesmaid andWelsey Rhinehart as bestman. Misses Leone Anderson and Mable Myers played thewedding march, which was "won". Refreshments were then served and thenall retired happily.
One of the most pleasant parties of last week occuredThursday afternoon, when Mrs. R.M. Johnson entertained in honor of Miss RuthAnderson and her house guests, Miss Florence Trenkenshuh, of Rock Island, Ill.
Bridge formed the pastime for a few hours, there being threetables in play and Miss Linea Linden won the prize for high score.
The hostesses concluded the afternoon by serving daintyrefreshments.
Those sharing the courtesy were: Misses Olga, Lucile, andKathaleen Berg, Theovina and Lenora Osterhus, Charlotte Summer and Mesdames J.H.Anderson, D.L. Modisett and H.H. Tripp.
- Everett Compton of Pleasantville, Ia., visited his sister, Mrs. W.J.Willis, and father, Mr. James F. Brown.
- Albert Bicklehaupt left last Sunday for Des Moines where he has a goodposition.
- Mrs. Alfred Peterson of Cedar Falls, returned to her home Friday aftervisiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hermanson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bale are the proud parents of a baby boy, born August 26.The boy's name is Kieth Dewey.
- Friends and relatives of Goldie Osterson helped her celebrate her birthdaylast Sunday at the state park.
- Mrs. Mabe, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clyde Fiscus, returned toher home in Emmetsburg last Sunday.
- Miss Elisa Larsen returned Friday to Sioux Falls to resume her duties asmatron in the school for the deaf at that place.
- Lester Bickelhaupt returned from Des Moines Saturday evening where he has beenattending the Military training school.
- Mrs. Ted Gardiner and children of Estherville, have been visiting at the homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Blunt.
- E.L. Archer sold a truck to J.L. Crew of Ayrshire, a tractor to W.R. Hawks anda tractor to Harry Degman.
- Miss Rosie Rasmusson left Saturday morning for Plover where she will teach inthe Plover high school. This is her second term at that place.
- Mrs. Ed Myers is helping at the George Rouse home in Terril. The family has an8 1/2 pound baby girl, who has received the name, Ruth Mable.
- Prof. C.H. Christiansen returned to his school duties at Huron, S.D. afterspending his vacation with his father, Mr. J.A. Christiansen.
- Mrs. Joy Nurse will open a beauty shop in her residence, known as the B.E.Blunt house in the north-western part of town. Mrs. Nurse has recently graduatedfrom a leading beauty culture school in the east. Read her announcementelsewhere in this week's issue.
- Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Nelson and family and Miss Helen Nelson motored to ArmstrongSunday. They also visited Interlaken and various other points in Minnesota. MissHelen remained at Armstrong where she will teach the following year.
- About seventy-five friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Reedto surprise Mrs. Reed. The occasion was Mrs. Reed's birthday. Everyone boughtwell-filled baskets and a very enjoyable evening was spent by all.
- The many friends of Mr. E.C. Miles of Ayrshire will be sorry to hear of hissickness. He was taken sick Saturday of last week, since which time he has beenconfined to his bed. Doctors pronounce his trouble a nervous breakdown.
- Chas. C. Flater of Des Moines, who has camped many summers at Babco*ck's pointon Lost Island, died from a stroke of paralysis in Des Moines. Mr. Flater iswell known in this vicinity and has many friends here.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
9 Sep 1925
Jacob Tindall, a civil war veteran and a resident of Spencerfor 30 years died at his home there last Friday of summer flu, which developedinto pleurisy. He was 85 years old. He was the oldest member of AsotusCommandery K.T. of Spencer. His wife and two daughters, Mrs. Otto Bjornstad andMrs. Mary V. Coleman of Kuns, Idaho, survive him.
- A very serious accident occurred five miles south of Ayrshire Sundayafternoon when the autos driven by Herman Cooklin and Mr. Stafford collided. TheStafford car was turned completely around facing south and overturned. Therewere six children in the car with. The oldest girl, who is 12, had her collarbone broken; a boy, aged eight, had his nose broken and suffered other injuries.The other children received slight injuries while Mr. Stafford's back wasstrained. Mr. Cooklin escaped injury. Both cars were badly damaged.
Ole Garo, Ames Legionaire and brother of Miss Bertha Garo,circulation manager of the Iowa Legionaire, was seriously injured in a fall atthe new State College stadium at Ames, Monday, August 31. The ligaments in hisleft side were badly torn, he suffered a scalp wound, a battered left foot and anumber of severe bruises. He is now at the college hospital where it is fearedhe will be incapacitated for some time.
Ole Garo is a former Ruthven boy and is well known in thisvicinity.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wendt left on Wednesday of this week for Sherburn,Minnesota, where they will make their future home.
Highland township is now in possession of an up-to-datemodern rural school, recently erected in district No. 1. It is thirty two feetsquare with basem*nt and playroom, domestic science room and toilet rooms. Thisis perhaps the finest equipped rural school in the county.
Friends of Gay Larson will be surprised to hear of hismarriage to Miss May Ricker of Linn Grove. They were married at 6 o'clock Mondayevening at Linn Grove. After the ceremony the couple left for a trip toMissouri.
Ole G. Baker of Ruthven has been a shoemaker for nearly 70years and has worked at his trade in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and America. Hesays he was born twice, once in 1846, 14 miles from Oslo, Norway, and again whenhe first set foot on the shores of America at New York.
Mr. Baker started to learn the shoemaker's trade when a smallboy. He worked with a country shoemaker for a year and then went to Oslo, wherehe labored without pay for 2 years and 10 months in a large shoe shop. At theend of that time a pair of boots and a pair of shoes that he had made were sentto the city's shoemakers' lodge for inspection; from there they were forwardedto the state authorities. When the boots and shoes were returned, Mr. Bakerreceived a certificate three feet square, stating that he was a master shoemakerof extra rank. From this time on he had no trouble getting a job, for shoemakersof his rank were very scarce.
From Norway Mr. Baker went to Sweden, from Sweden to Denmark,and then back to Norway, where in 1873 he obtained a passport to the UnitedStates. He first settled at Austin, Minn., where he lived about a year, and thenremoved to Iowa. He was married in 1877 and his wife died 17 years ago. He isthe father of 11 children, four of whom are living.--Sioux City Journal.
School opened here on Monday, September 7th, with a totalenrollment of 228 to date, 105 in high school and 123 in the grades. Allindications point to a very successful year.
The following is the faculty with the subjects and gradestaught:
B.N. Eshelman, Supt. economics, general science, and advancedalgebra, Miss Marguerite Logan, Prin., modern history, industrial geography andAmerican history. Miss Oliver, English, Chas. Stroup, ath. coach, manualtraining, agriculture and physics, Miss Smith, geometry, algebra and Caesar.Miss Jones, Music, home economics, practical law; Mrs. Baldwin, 7 and 8 grades;Miss Rasumsson, 5 and 6th grades; Miss Monk, 4 and 5 grades; Miss Hughes, 2 and3 grades and Miss Eldrid, Primary.
Mrs. Homer Drennan delightfully entertained a group of ladiesFriday afternoon at four tables of bridge. The house was prettily decorated withflowers. Mrs. John Anderson held high score.
An excellent two course luncheon was served by the hostess.
One of the delightful social events of the past week wasgiven Sunday when Miss Violet Nelson presided as hostess at a 12 o'clock dinnergiven at the Nels Nelson home. The color scheme was carried out with gardenflowers of pink and gold.
Cover were laid for the Nels Nelson family and Mr. and Mrs.Roy Frad of Spencer. An excellent three course menu was served which was asfollows:
Fruit co*cktail.
Fried Chicken with brown gravy
Macaroni and Cheese Mashed potatoes
Dill pickles Hotbuns.
Mint Jelly
Cheese Straws Stuffed Tomatoes
LemonPie Coffee
The afternoon was spent in a social manner and Miss Nelsonhas proved herself a delightful entertainer and hostess.
- A six pound baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Perry Cedarholm, on Friday,September 4th.
- Hazel Anderson left last Friday for South Dakota where she will make herfuture home.
- Mr. Wm. Connor who has been spending the summer at the Henry Whitford homeleft Thursday evening for El Campo, Texas, where he will look after his farminginterests. He will return to the Henry Whitford home before winter.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Fehuyler and family and Mrs. Fehuyler's mother and Mrs.Mable Hogart were guests at the T.J. DeBolt home Thursday.
- Margaret Smith attended school Monday after being absent on account of havingher tonsils removed.
- Miss Kathleen Berg left for Launa, Iowa, where she will teach school.
- Jim Cory is now at Whitman, N.D. He will remain through the harvest.
- Miss Olga Berg left for Waukon, where she will teach school during the comingyear.
- Roy McMillin left Wednesday for Des Moines after a short visit with hisparents here.
- Mrs. E.A. McMillin left last Thursday for a visit with her mother atMaquoketa, Iowa.
- Margaret Grady left Monday for Sioux Falls where she will teach school.
- Marion Patrick of Spencer is helping at the Patrick store during the absenceof Clyde Patrick.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Coats of Mingo, Iowa, visited this week with their daughter,Mrs. A.B. Anderson.
- Mrs. C.H. Bennett of Freeport, Ill., is here visiting her brother, C.G. Myers.
- Miss Ruth Nelson left Sunday for Armstrong, where she will teach school thecoming year.
- Carrol Shartle left Monday for Cedar Falls where he will attend the StateTeachers college.
- Ralph Gates and sister, Bessie, and Mr. and Mrs. Gates drove to Mallard tovisit Mrs. Gates' mother.
- Miss Mary Currans left Friday morning for McGregor, Ia., where she will teachschool.
- Miss Linnea Linden left Monday for Cedar Falls where she will attend the StateTeachers college.
- Attorney Charles Hughes of Belle Plaine, Iowa, is visiting here at the home ofhis mother, Mrs. T.J. Hughes.
- Miss Lenora Osterhus left Sunday for Ottumwa where she will supervise homeeconomics for the coming year.
- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Steil and son left for their home at Tulsa, Okla., Wednesdaymorning.
- Miss Pearl Nolan of Spirit Lake is spending several days here with herparents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Nolan.
- Miss Alma Wigdahl left Friday morning for Edgewood where she will teach homeeconomics.
- T.M. and S.E. Hanna enjoyed a visit from their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.O.C. Hanna of St. Joseph, Mo., over Sunday.
- Miss Helen Foley broke the records around this vicinity by swimming 1 mile in14 minutes. Miss Foley used the trudgen crawl.
- Lewis Miller went to Lakefield, Minn., Friday afternoon for a few days visitat the home of his aunt, Mrs. M.J. Kelly.
- Ben Schade left this week for Louisville, Kentucky, where he was called onaccount of the serious illness of his father.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kelly of Lakefield, Minn., were visitors at the home of hisgrandmother, Mrs. W.M. Winn over the weekend.
- Pete Malden and Andy Anderson left Sunday morning for Cedar Falls where theywill continue their school work this year.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Herb Snyder of Rodman Saturday morning.Mrs. Snyder is a sister of Mrs. Walt Hughes.
- Mrs. Mable Burke and children went to Graettinger Friday evening for a visitat the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Grady. She came home Tuesday morning.
- Mr. and Mrs. Art Bergum left Monday for their home at Cedar Falls, aftervisiting at the M.P. Junker home. Mrs. Junker and Mrs. Bergum are sisters.
- Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Samin and daughter returned to their home at Oklahoma City,Okla., Tuesday after a visit at Mrs. Samin's mother, Mrs. T.J. Grady.
- Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Springmire and daughters, Merle and E??n, returned to theirhome near Iowa City, Friday morning, after visiting at the home of Mrs.Springmire's brother, F.H. Garnett.
- Chas. Smith and Emery Smith and daughters, Alberta and Sueela, and son,Oliver, of Ft. Dodge, were visiting Saturday at the J.R. Phoenix home. The Mr.Smiths are nephews of Mrs. Phoenix.
- A birthday party was given at the Carl Wigdahl home last Monday evening forC.V. Hofstad. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Hofstad, Mr. and Mrs. SeimerWigdahl, and Miss Mildred Jones. A dinner was served at six thirty.
- Edwin Hill, of Canton, S.D., came the first of the week for a visit with hissister, Mrs. E.A McMillin, and on Wednesday Mrs. McMillin and brother autoed toElwood where they visited their mother.
- Miss Emma Logan left Friday for Cedar Falls to take up her duties ascommercial teacher in one of the city schools.
- Aileen, Vivian and Mary LaVon Myers held a very enjoyable party at their homeFriday afternoon. Every little tot reported a good time and good eats, whichwere ice cream, lemonade and cake. Just the cousins and intimate friends of thelittle girls were present.
- Dr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson of Sheldon, arrived in Ruthven Monday for a visit atthe C.G. Myers home. Mr. Myers' sister, Mrs .Bennett, from Freeport, Ill., whohas been visiting her brother, returned to Sheldon with them for a visit beforereturning to her home.
- Mr. Dick Jackson took part in the old fiddlers' contest at the state fair,which was won by J. Petty of Perry. Mr. Petty was 87 years old. Three years agoboth these men were in a similar contest at Algona, and Mr. Jackson was chosenthe winner at that time. There were ?06 contestants in the state fair contestand Mr. Jackson says he enjoyed the occasion immensely.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
16 Sep 1925
Louis Robert Selhaver, 16 years old, of Spencer was committedto the state industrial school as incorrigible by Judge Coyle at Emmetsburg.
Figures compiled at Waterloo show that it takes twenty-threepounds of milk to produce a pound of creamery butter in the average Iowa plant.
Frank L. Peckham, former Humboldt man, was on the Shenandoah,but fortunately was among those who escaped death when the dirigible waswrecked.
Friday evening while dancing in the roof garden at ArnoldsPark, Alphonsus McDonald of Spirit Lake dropped dead. He had been suffering fromweakness of the heart. He is survived by his wife and two children.
Rev. Father M.P. Dobberstein, who gained state prominence bybuilding a grotto at West Bend, has commenced another as a memorial for worldwar veterans. It will be located on the area in front of the church.
L.C. Peters of Ft. Dodge, a tree surgeon, was drowned atAlbert Lea Sunday while boating. He was doing some work in a park at that place.
B.C. McMeekin of Rockwell City won the grand prize offered bythe merchants of Spirit Lake for the largest fish caught at the lakes during thesummer season. On June 29 he pulled out a 42 inch pickerel weighing 20 poundsand 8 ounces.
A woman of good appearance and smooth ways calling herselfMrs. B.F. Wilson "worked" merchants of Spencer and Estherville for$165 week before last with checks that came back marked "no funds." Itwas reported that she got considerable from Spirit Lake stores in the same way.
Last Thursday morning Ferus Garcia, one of the sugar beetworkers cast, a Mexican, was arrested by H.L. Alexander, deputy state gamewarden, for hunting without a license. He was fined $15 and costs and his shotgun forfeited. The Mexicans had been killing dong birds to eat.
Four young women got back to Spencer last week after an eightthousand mile automobile tour through the far west. They were away from theretwo months and a half and had a grand time. The four who made the trip were Mrs.Ruth Kirkpatrick of Milwaukee, formerly of Spencer; Miss Hester DeWulf and MissLouise Knight of Spencer; and Miss Mildred King of Rolfe.
Miss Tillie Johnson, a former Ruthven girl, was kidnapped bybandits in Kansas City last Thursday night. Miss Johnson and an escort were ontheir way home from Swope park when the bandits stopped their car and compelledher to get into the bandit car. Miss Johnson finally succeeded in jumpingfrom the bandit's car in spite of their efforts to hold her. The young ladywandered about most of the night, but was apparently none the worse for herexperience. Miss Johnson's father is now living at Milford.
Friday, September 18th is the day set for American Legiondrive in this vicinity, for the purpose of helping raise a fund for disabledveterans and orphans of the veterans. Committees have been chosen to canvas thecommunity and everyone should be willing to give towards this worthy cause.
The civilian committee is as follows: J.A. Berg, L.J. Foy,H.K. Drennan, E.P. Barringer, Ed Grange, F.E. Smith, E.A. McMillin and F.F.Mortenson.
The Legion committee is as follows: D.G. Logan, chairman; D.L.Modisett, W. Henderson, C. Redden, R.C. Patrick, R.M. Johnson, L.M. Hadley, S.T.Sampson, and Lewis Hawkins.
Be ready, act quickly, "for those who gave themost."
Chas. Winn and Mable Madsen stole a march on their manyfriends Wednesday, September 9, and went to Jackson, Minn. where they wereunited in marriage. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCoy. Rev. Hawkensof the M.E. church officiated and after the ceremony they returned to Ruthvenwhere the groom's mother served a very delectable supper.
The bride and groom are well known to this community and areto be congratulated by all. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JimHansen.
The Kill Kare Klub will meet with Mrs. S.E. Hanna on Tuesday,Sept. 22, with Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. Oscar Suss as assistant hostesses.
Roll call. "Canning and storing of fall vegetables forwinter use."
Please bring receipes for preparing vegetables for the table.
-Several vigilantes committees have been organized in Humboldt county to giveprotection against bank robbers.
- Mary Singleton has been granted a divorce from Bert Singleton.-- EmmetsburgDemocrat.
Yesterday afternoon Lane Miller of Ayrshire, who hadsecured a new rifle and four or five boxes containing 20 large shells each,fortified himself in his room and threatened to shoot all the members of hisfamily. Deputy Sheriff Hilton and night marshall Early drove to that place andbrought him to the city. He has been placed in jail. He attempted violence ofthis kind at Ayrshire several months ago and they adjudged him insane. Afterspending a month in the state hospital at Cherokee, he escaped. He willdoubtless be returned to the asylum.--Emmetsburg Democrat.
- Arnold Roland started work in Berg & Brennan store on Monday.
- Herman Peterson is building a barn on his farm in the south-east part of town.
- James Geelan left Monday for Dubuque where he will resume his studies atColumbia college.
- A clay-block silo is being built on the Robinson ranch north-west of Ruthven.
- Mrs. Mame Murry of Davenport is here visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Moan.
- Pete Sandvig left Saturday for Pocahontas for a visit with his daughter, Mrs.Earl Chambers.
- Miss Alma Lande and Miss Matilda Badke, left Ruthven Friday for Ames wherethey have positions.
- Ralph Toland left Wednesday for Iowa City where he will enter school for thecoming year.
- C.G. Myers is calling your attention to his large line of radios. Read hisadvertisem*nt.
- Mrs. Arnold Eye left Friday for Iowa City, where she will enter the hospitalfor an operation.
- Mr. Mike Kelly of Charles City, visited over Sunday with his sister, Mrs.Margaret Moan and Mrs. T.J. Grady.
- Mr. and Mrs. Byron Lathrop of Plover, visited here last Sunday with hermother, Mrs. E.H. Rhinehart.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rooney of Primghar visited with her mother, Mrs. E.H.Rhinehart in Ruthven last Sunday.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Tripp of Dickens visited here last Sunday with hermother, Mrs. E.H. Rhinehart.
- Mrs. Mary Wilcox is enjoying a visit from her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.Frank Ranney of Orange City, California.
- Mrs. Nels Nelson and daughter, Mrs. Linden and daughter, attended the LaborDay celebration at Graettinger Monday of last week.
- Mrs. Ed Dewey was elected president of the W.F.M.S. instead of Mrs. Brand aswas stated in last week's issue.
- Miss Velma Johnson and Miss Esther Rasmusson left Monday morning for Iowa Citywhere they will attend the state university the coming year.
- Will Lukins, of Spencer, is here visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Brennan.
- Fred Johnson and family have moved from Dickens and are now nicely settled inthe Wendt house.
- Mr. and Mrs. Cole of Corpus Christi, Texas, are here visiting their daughter,Mrs. Floyd Tishenbannr.
- Miss Pearl Matthews of Spencer has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. ReMillard thisweek.
- Miss Anna Torphy, who has been keeping house for her brother, Jim, the pastsummer, returned to her home in Madison, Wis., Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Fries and Mrs. Esther Cook of Milford, visited Sunday withMrs. Fries' grandmother, Mrs. Cook.
- Cyril Berg and Harry Thatcher left on Monday for Iowa City where they willcontinue their studies at the State university.
- Mrs. Geo Klass and son Ray, and Miss Anna Cooper of Peterson, Iowa, spentSunday with Mrs. Klass's daughter, Mrs. Will Prew.
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNett and daughter, Della, visited Mrs. McNett's daughter,Mrs. Glendon Roland, Sunday at Mallard.
- Mr .and Mrs .Vernon Laton of Spencer were visiting at the home of Mrs. Laton'smother, Mrs. Della Archer and also with her brother, E.L. Archer.
- Mrs. Andrew Hermanson is enjoying a visit with her daughter, Mrs. AnnaPeterson, at Cedar Falls for a few days.
- G.W. Monsell purchased a new Chevrolet coach and George Bigger purchased a newChevrolet touring car of the local Chevrolet dealer.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hynes and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers left Sunday morning forClare, Iowa, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lahaf.
- A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Logan on Thursday, September 15. Thelittle girl received the name of Margrette Ione.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Anderson, accompanied by their daughter, Ruth, left Mondayafternoon for Iowa City, at which place Miss Ruth will attend school.
- Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Raimey of Orange, Calif., for the past week have beenvisiting their sister, Mrs. Mary Wilcox. They returned to their home Mondayevening.
- Miss Mary Hastings left Saturday evening for Evanston, Ill., where she willtake up dramatic art in the North Western University. Mrs. Hastings accompaniedher.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dewitt and daughters, Ruth and Rosemary from Sioux City spentthe weekend with Mrs. DeWitt's mother, Mrs. Susan Currans.
- Carpenters are completing a new house on the G.J. Carver farm north-???? oftown. The house is 28x38 foot, one story, modern throughout, and has a fullbasem*nt.
- The hunting season in Iowa opens today. Prairie chickens are protected in thisstate this fall, and wild ducks are not as plentiful as usual on account of thedry season.
- Tom Jackson left Friday for St. Paul, where he met Mrs. Jackson. She has beenthere for three weeks where Wana and Harold have been receiving treatments undera specialist. They returned home Saturday evening.
- Ayrshire Chronicle - Memorial Services for Mr. John Firth, who died at Assum,India, Aug. 25, were held in the Baptist church Sunday evening Sept. 13. Mrs.Firth, then Miss Webster, was a charter member of the church and Rev. Firth wasthe first pastor.
- Mrs. Sarah Lowe, who has been a resident of Mallard for many years, died ather home there last week at the age of 67 years.
- Tuesday afternoon of last week, W.H. Godfrey, 70, a well known retiredfarmer, was killed near Algona when a shot gun which he was dragging through afence after him was discharged, and the charge entered his head. Mr. Godfrey wasat the farm of his son, George Godfrey, and was going out to shoot some pigeons.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Hermanson are the happy parents of a baby girl, whoarrived at their home, Monday, September 14th.
- While Jack Anderson and Ruby Drury of Emmetsburg were driving to Des Moineswhere they were to be married met with an automobile accident that almostchanged their plans for the future. When they reached Pomeroy a large touringcar crashed into their car and completely demolished it. Miss Drury was carriedout of the wreck and was unconscious for a time while Mr. Anderson wasconsiderably shaken up.
The census reports completed a short time ago shows thatthere are 3289 inmates in the poor house of Iowa. There are 2084 men and 1295women. Five counties have no poor houses. They send neighboring towns those whohave no means. The published report which gives only a few counties in northwestIowa, credits Cherokee with 24 inmates, Calhoun 14, Buena Vista 10, Clay 10,Crawford 16, O'Brien 19, Lyon 10, Dickinson 6, Emmet 3 and Palo Alto 2.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 11, 1925
- Miss Helen McQuire of Mason City isvisiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.T. McQuire.
- Mr. Ed. Elye and Mr. and Mrs. ?. Sampson of Emmetsburg attended the funeral ofMrs. Olson last Wednesday.
- John Sandvig is building a new tenant house on his farm north-west of town.
- Miss Beth Eldrid left Friday for Des Moines where she will visit her motherfor a few days.
- Mrs. Will Bailey has returned to her home at Terril after spending ten dayswith relatives in Ruthven.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lee of Emmetsburg drove over Wednesday to attend thefuneral of Mrs. B.B. Olson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Kurfferman are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. JohnMoan.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Roland visited last Sunday at the home of their son, G.G.Roland, near Mallard.
- Mrs. Henry Snyder of Dickens arrived Friday for a visit at the home of herdaughter, Mrs. Mable Burke.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Snyder of Spencer visited Sunday at the home of his sister,Mrs. Mable Burke.
- A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lars Holmberg on Monday, November 9th.
- Mrs. Nels Nelson and daughters drove to Spencer to visit Mrs. Nelson's sister,Mrs. Ray Frad.
- Howard Culver and John Flack of Dickens visited Howard's cousin, Miss LeoneAnderson last Sunday.
- Archie Brott of Estherville visited here at the home of his brother, DaleBrott, last Wednesday.
- Fred Grange and Otto Olson have purchased Atwater-Kent radios of W. O. Miller.
- E.J. Brown has been confined to his home with an infection in his legresulting from barb wire scratch.
- Dave Bates of Guthrie Center arrived Saturday evening for a visit with hissister, Mrs. Walter Henderson.
- Miss Gladys French of Emmetsburg visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Geo. French of this city.
- Mr. Arthur Johnson of Dickens was here last Wednesday to attend the funeral ofMrs. B.B. Olson.
- We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ben Shade, who has been ill for a few days,was taken to the Coleman hospital on Tuesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davikners left last week for Goldfield, Iowa, where theywill make their future home.
- Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Doerr left Tuesday for a visit with their son, William Doerr,who is a druggist at Charter Oak, Iowa.
- Miss Margaret Logan returned from Waverly Friday evening where she attendedthe wedding of her brother, Hugh Logan.
- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Bert T?in of Estherfville arrivedWednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. B.B. Olson.
- Will Geelan and sister, Miss Rose Geelan, were visiting at the home of theirbrother, Henry, in Whittemore on Tuesday.
- Martin Sampson and children arrived Wednesday from North Dakota to be presentat the funeral of Mrs. B.B. Olson.
- Elmer Zenor and family of Terril attended the funeral of Mrs. B.B. Olson herelast Wednesday at the Lutheran church.
- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Eaton drove to Rodman Wednesday to attend the funeral ofMrs. Eaton's uncle, Mr. Bernard, who passed away Sunday evening.
- Mrs. W.O. Hampton and two sons of Murdo, S.D., arrived Saturday for a visitwith Mrs. Hampton's sister, Mrs. Ole Olson.
- Mr. and Mrs. Masters left Sunday for West Union for a visit with Mrs. Masters'mother. Mr. Masters will go to Dexter, Iowa, where he has bought another shop.
- Andrew Johnson of Terril was in Ruthven last Wednesday to attend the funeralof his sister, Mrs. B.B. Olson.
- Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Fassett and daughter, Esther, of Spencer arrived in RuthvenFriday. They will make their home in Ruthven during the winter with Mrs.Rhinehart.
- Mr. and Mrs. Rouse entertained a number of relatives at dinner last Sunday.Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zielstra and family of Lake Center, Mr.and Mrs. George Rouse and family of near Terril, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brumburgerand son of Curlew, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Eaton and family. The occasion beingthe 74 birthday of Mr. W.W. Rouse. All enjoyed a very pleasant time.
- There will be a basket social and dancegiven at the Highland No. 5 school house on Wednesday, November 18th. Ladies arerequested to bring well filled baskets and the men well filled pocketbooks. A good time is assured. Miss Mary Ruddy, teacher.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
November 18, 1925
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed O'Neil autoed to Esthervillelast Sunday to visit his mother, Mrs. O.E. Platter and family.
- A.W. Burley, who recently purchased the Masters meat market, moved hishousehold goods here from Cylinder last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritchart and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Myers were callers at theElmer Myers home last Saturday evening where they enjoyed a radio program.
- Helen Schoonmaker, who has been quite ill with pneumonia is improving nicelythis week.
- Joe Grady and family spent the weekend with Mrs. Grady's sister, Mrs. MableBurke.
- Mrs. P.B. Townsend of Dickens is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs.A.L. Bragg this week.
- Harry Rasmusson autoed to Arnolds Park last Saturday evening where he playedwith a Spencer orchestra.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Clasing are the parents of a fine baby boy born lastSaturday, November 14th.
- Miss Theovina Osterhus returned Friday from Sioux Falls where she had hertonsils removed.
- Miss Ida Helgen of Mason City spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs.O.O. Helgen last week.
- Clyde Aldrich left Saturday for Des Moines to see his two daughters who areboth ill with appendicitis.
- Mrs. Isabella Baxter of Ayrshire died on Tuesday of last week at the age of 76years.
- Ross Hanco*ck has a badly sprained arm caused from cranking his car lastSaturday.
- Ernest Johndahl went to Des Moines last Friday to bring back a new Fordroadster.
- Mr. and Mrs. Art King entertained the Bridge Club at their home Thursdayevening. Mr. Bower won high score.
- Mrs. Glen Brown of Emmetsburg is here caring for her mother, Mrs. T. Needham,who is ill.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Myers visited Thursday evening with relatives at Sheldon.
- A.C. Christianson autoed to Emmetsburg Saturday and visited his daughter, Mrs.Percy Warnke.
- W.V. Masters, who recently sold his meat market at this place, is now locatedat Dexter, where he recently purchased a meat market at that place.
- Among the new Ford owners the past week are: Fred Mortenson, Mr. Bartelson ofMilford, John Flack of Dickens and Francis Jackman.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hughes left Wednesday morning for Des Moines where theywill consult a specialist in regards to Mr. Hughes' health.
- A civet cat, a near relative to the skunk, entered a store at Ayrshire onenight last week and for a while had possession of things. It wasn't what theintruder took, but what he left that caused a commotion.
- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Loomis of White Earth, North Dakota, visited here a few dayswith her brother, G.H. Meek. They came here to attend the funeral of Mr. Loomis'mother at Ayrshire.
- C.G. Wigdahl attended the Radio convention at Des Moines Wednesday andThursday of last week. Mrs. Wigdahl and daughter, Lois Ann, visited at Spencerwith her parents, Mr .and Mrs Olaf Hofstad during his absence.
Ruthven Free Press
Ruthven, Palo Alto, Iowa
December 9, 1925
- Charles Whitford is on the sick list andunable to be about for a few days.
- Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding left this week for Chicago where they will make theirhome for the winter.
- Mrs. Hasting of Ayrshire is visiting at the house of her daughter, Mrs. HanleyMeek.
- Mrs. C.H. Richart left Tuesday morning for Des Moines for a visit with hermother.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Anderson are the proud parents of a baby girl bornWednesday, December 2.
- Mrs. Ed Myers is nursing at the home of Lawrence Anderson.
- Lester Bicklehaupt, Walter Hiltonburg, Walter Williamson, left Monday morningfor Coon Rapids to attend the funeral of Harley Ridgeway.
- Mr. and Mrs. O.B. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Logan andfamily autoed to Storm Lake last Sunday to attend the funeral of Clint Stanton.Mr. Stanton passed away Friday after a long illness.
- Mr. and Mrs. M.T. Washington entertained at a three course dinner lastThursday in honor of Mrs. L.J. Belshaw of Chicago, who is visiting here withrelatives. Those present were: Messrs. James and Cornelius Nolan, Miss LorettaNolan, Mrs. Anna Nolan, Bernard Nolan, and Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Goff anddaughter, Mary.
- The Ladies Aid of the Sacred Heart church will meet Thursday afternoon at MissMary Donlon's residence. Important business will be brought up and all themembers are urged to attend.
- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brennan went to Fort Dodge Thursday to consult a specialistin regard to an abcess on Mr. Brennan's ear. Mr. Brennan has been laid up thepast two weeks and has suffered considerable.
- Miss Hazel Broadie of Grand Island arrived home Friday for a visit with herparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Broadie. Miss Broadie teaches school at Grand Island.
- Henry Culver of Dickens bought a new Ford touring car of the Ruthven Forddealer.
- Theodore Paton of Graettinger has purchased a new Ford touring car of E.L.Archer of Ruthven.
- A.W. Burley was called to Harris, Iowa last Tuesday on account of the seriousillness of his father.
- Mrs. George W. McMahon of Gowrie visited at the home of her brother, A.L.Bragg in Ruthven over the weekend.
- Walter Emerson of Nevada, Iowa, is spending a few days with his grandmother,Mrs. Jane Hallowell. He is also visiting several uncles.
- Rev. and Mrs. Halsey E. Dewey of Calcutta, India, have a baby daughter, whowas born on December 3rd. The news came by cable last Friday.
- Ole Watt and family returned Monday evening from northern Minnesota where theyvisited a week with Mr. Watt's parents. This is their first visit home afterfifteen years.
- L.E. Anderson received word last Monday that his sister was seriously injuredin an automobile accident in Omaha. Her spine was broken in two places and shesuffered other injuries. She will recover.
- Mrs. A.T. Gilbertson left Friday of last week for St. James, Minn. Her mother,Mrs. John Warling, having had the misfortune of falling down a flight of stairsand was quite severely injured. Mrs. Gilbertson returned home last Wednesday andreports her mother greatly improved.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
April 7, 1926
W.H. Nally With Gen. Goethals Co.
Visits Many States in Making Appraisals of Properties. Interesting Work.
Saturday, in conversing with W.H. Nally, who was called home a few days ago
by the death of his mother, we learned that he is in the employ of the
George W. Goethals company of New York City. When the writer visited the
Panama Canal nearly 20 years ago, General Goethals was in charge of the
plans and the general construction work. Many editors from all parts of the
United States visited with him and the other officers, all the points of
interest on the canal and he explained many important details to them. The
great work he accomplished will live in history. After the completion of the
canal. General Goethals returned to New York where he opened an appraisal
office. The work of his company is the valuation of railroad lines, mines,
factories and various other lines of industry. On account of his engineering
skill and his special ability in other ways, his estimates are considered
standard by financial houses that make loans on his valuations of property.
His labors also cover income tax estimates. His son, Colonel Goethals,
visited Gilmore City a few years ago to value the plant at that place.
Mr. Nally has been with the company for four years. He was engaged with a
Chicago valuation firm before going to New York. He has visited many cities
in the United States and is finding his labors enjoyable as well as
profitable. His experience will be very valuable to him later in life. He
will return to New York in a few days. His brother Ray left for Chicago last
John Hall, who is a student at the University at Des Moines, spent the week
end with his parents, Mr and Mrs Edward Hall.
Lester Price arrived from Cedar Falls last week. He began work April 1. He
is assisting his brohter Wilbur on his cream route.
Miss Bernice Hughes, who teaches in the Ruthven schools, enjoyed her spring
vacation with her parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Hughes, of Emmetsburg.
Joseph Joynt and niece, Miss Bernice Joynt, returned home from Algona last
Thursday where they visited Mr. and Mrs Charles Joynt and family.
Miss Ruth Freeman, who is a student at Grinnell college, arrived home
Thursday to spend her spring vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs W.B.
He Violated the Mann Act
Wednesday Mr and Mrs Harry C. Carmen, the latter formerly Miss Laura Harris,
of Memphis, Tenn., were separated at Mason City when federal officers took
the husband on charges of violating the Mann act and sent the 15-year-old
bride back home. It was claimed that Carmen has another wife in Wisconsin.
Spanish-American War Comrades Spent a Few Pleasant Hours With Him
Last Wednesday evening the local Spanish-American veterans, after holding
their usual camp meeting, visited the home of Sergeant Nelson where a few
pleasant hours were spent. They brought with them delicious refreshments.
Sergeant Nelson is one of the most deserving officers of the organization.
It is needless to say that he appreciates the honors of this kind. The
gathering will be recalled with pleasure.
An Emmetsburg Teacher Given High Rank
Mrs. Martin Morrissey and her daughter, Miss Florence, returned home from
Sioux City Saturday morning after an absence of several days. Miss Florence
attended the teachers' convention at that place instead of Fort Dodge, as
her two sisters, Misses Veronica and Josephine, have good positions at that
place. The teachers of Sioux City are graded in five classes and Miss
Veronica is, we are pleased to report, holding first rank for efficiency and
devotion to duty. She is at present in charge of a committee of teachers to
arrange special grade work recommended by Superintendent Clark, who is rated
high among school men. Mrs. Morrissey reports that she attended Epiphany
cathedral Thursday and Friday during the holy week exercises. A large number
of priests from the various parts of the diocese assisted Bishop Heelan. The
edifice was jammed during all the exercises.
Sheldon Man Injured at Sioux City
Saturday night W.J. White of Sheldon was run over by an auto while crossing
a street at Sioux City. He was taken to St. Joseph's hospital where it was
discovered that one of his pelvic bones was broken. His right eyebrow was
badly cut and he sustained other bruises. He regained consciousness some
time after he was carried to the hospital.
Emmetsburg Democrat
Emmetsburg, Palo Alto, Iowa
June 9, 1926
Miss Genevieve Gusland arrived home from Waldorf college at Forest City last
J.A. Duffy of Des Moines enjoyed a few days of the past week with his
mother, Mrs. T.J. Duffy.
Mrs. Frank Fordyce and Mrs. W.W. Frost went to Keokuk Friday to attend a
Service Star meeting.
Frank Atkinson, who is attending college in Des Moines, arrived home
Saturday to spend his vacation with his parents.
Mrs. Mattie Willingham arrived in Emmetsburg from Kirksville, Missouri,
Saturday, to visit her sons, Henry Montie and Jack of this place.
Miss Corrine Jackman, who is attending summer school at Cedar Falls, came
Friday to spend the week with her parents of this place.
Mr and Mrs E.E. Cook and Mr and Mrs Jack Chaim will leave tomorrow for
Bemidji, Minnesota, where they will spend several weeks fishing.
Dr. L.C. Scott returned from Indianapolis Wednesday of last week where he
visited for a short time. He was accompanied home by Roy Wessar, who is
attending a dental college at that place. They made the trip by car.
Mr and Mrs P.D. Barrick and Mr and Mrs Ross Pendelbury arrived home from Des
Moines last Wednesday. They visited relatives at that place for a short
Miss Mary Selle, who attended college at Dubuque, came home Thursday.
Attorney E.B. Stillman as president of the day at the Memorial day exercises
at Mason City.
Leo Berger arrived home Monday from Dubuque to spend the summer months with
local relatives.
Miss Nora Dunigan returned to Chicago Monday. She was visiting her mother
and other local relatives.
Leonard Neary came from Kansas City during the past week to visit his
parents, Mr and Mrs Matt Neary.
F.L. Johnson of Havelock entered Mercy Hospital at Fort Dodge last Wednesday
for a surgical operation.
O.J. Nordby of near Depew left the last of the week for Savannah, Missouri,
where he will spend some time with relatives.
Steward Saunders of Wichita, Kansas, spend the week end with his parents, Mr
and Mrs Wm. E.G. Saunders.
Mrs. Jay Letson and son returned to Cedar Falls last Wednesday. They spend a
couple of weeks with relatives in this locality.
Patrick Bannon of Graettinger as in Emmetsburg Thursday. He was on his way
home from Dubuque. He at one time lived in that locality.
Successful Year for St. Ellen's.
Closing Exercises in St. Thomas Church. Year's Enrollment Was 120.
Sunday, May 30, the commencement exercises of St.Ellen's school were
held in St. Thomas church immediately after the last mass. The awards were
as follows:
Diploma for honorable completion of the grammar schoolcourse awarded
to Mary Katherine Beck, Neva Hester, Donald Hughes, Ruth Joynt, Thomas
Jackman, Margaret Laughlin, Josephine Martin, Mary Eleanor McTigue, Richard
Prize for the highest average in Christian Doctrineawarded to
Josephine Martin, Margaret Laughlin, Mary Eleanor McTigue. Second prize
awarded to Thomas Jackman. Third prize to Donald Hughes.
Prize for the highest average in Irish History awardedto Mary
Katherine Beck.
Prize for perfect attendance merited by Arlo Adams,Gerais Mueller,
Virginia Laughlin, Robert Adams, Kenneth Hughes, Francis Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Bernice Hughes. Drawn by Bernice Hughes.
Prizes for application merited by Robert Adams, GeorgeAppleby, Jesmin
Dunnigan, Vivian Hayes, John McElroy, helen Gray, Helen McTigue, John B.
Kelly, Robert McTigue, Edward McMahon, Fred Mueller, Thos. Hughes, Virginia
Laughlin, Emmet Martin, Michael Kerwick, Francis Rozen, Francis Laughlin,
Edna Jackman, Jeanne Devlin, Dorothy Nolan, Tene Jackman, Charlotte McMahon,
Joseph Brennan, John Kane, Jeanne Rutledge, Donald Mentzer, William Mulry,
Irvin Joynt, Francis McCarty, Marie Kane, Edna Fitzpatrick, Louise Martin,
Marjorie Hughes, William Korleski, Kenneth Mentzer, Mary Gray, Margaret J.
Cretzmeyer, Vincent Joynt, Eugene Joynt, Mary Katherine Beck, Ruth Joynt,
Neva Hester, Mary McTigue, Francis McTigue, Josephine Martin, Richard
McCarty, Margaret Laughlin, Thomas Jackman, Donald Hughes, Hester Thompson,
Rachel Sherlock, Margaret Dunigan, Dorothy Hayes, Emma Murphy, Merle
McCarty, Edward Brennan. Drawn by Francis Cretzmeyer.
The total enrollment was 120. The year was a verysuccessful one. The
good Sisters have reason to feel pleased over the success of their efforts.
They will leave June 25 for their annual retreat. Some will go to Dubuque
and others to Des Moines and Chicago.
Palo Alto County IAGenWeb