CALL I'LASSIHLI) TO SKLL Ok HUY TODAY! 758-JOOI, Longview Nt-ws-Journul 6 Wuliu-sihiy, August 25, 20(14 8130 8060 8020 8020 IffiSml 8020 53337130 LOST OR FOUND A PET? tic, A ti i hI i LAND AND LAKES FOR HUNTING AND FISHING deep East Texas Farm, Rice, Soybeans Wheat, Wooded Open Land, Ducks Deer Groups or Individuals Welcome 903-277-7518 903667-5684 903 276-5933 903 667-3323 Come see what's new in Longview! Introducing the Newest Affordable Luxury Community with unbelievable amenities at affordable rates. Now Leasing 1,2 and 3 Bedroom homes. Churchill EEy 81 20 Lonsiview 41 A 1501 E. Whalcy Loncview, Tx. 75601 9090 LOTI Nice lot to build your dream home on.
Good view. Only See this onol CHLROKXE ASSOCIATES 903 643 3955 NICE HOMEI Lots of room in this 32 brk gameroom, fenced yard, nice BH wsun deck. Great water view. Check this out! CHtRO-KEE ASSOCIATES 903 643-3955 ONE ACRE Southslde, 31 Vil'i. Groat woek-endor or livo-in while building dream home! 95K.
512 797 3702, 903 643 2169 Owner. 21 BRICK ON LAKE, (Crystal Cove), chca, 24x24 steel beautiful wooded lot. 'SOrVowner, 663 0676 9130 3.2 2cp, appls, fenced, above ground pool, 3 stge bldgs. Window ACs, Overton. Owner, 903 834 3058 days or after 6pm 834 6792 For Sale to be Moved.
1 Br, 1 Ba. remodeled, refng, stove, micro, trash compactor, chca bdrm suite. Call 903 984 9612 ORE CITY 3 2 bnck on 7 489 heautiui c. 3 1 on ig 'enceo lot 3 2 on 1 ac. '84 500.
2 1 ig 'ot SPRING HILL 4 2 pool DIANA 3 2 tx'ik AVncrt 2 64 7 '17. WO. Residential Property Management Services Available. Experienced Professional. Call Misty Frazier 903-746-7243 2 9133 1 acre up.
latum ISD. south of airport. Seotic A an utii. Owner fm. avail.
903 238 3655 2 Ac btwn GilmerLGV Water Avail. 903-730-3861 or 903 238 4992. 22ACRES. All with road frontage to Hwy 271 near I 20. Pipe fence with custom gated entry.
3, 2'2carport manufactured home. Fenced and cross fenced. 903 663-2358; 903 720 2930. 28.9 ac. imprv'd pasture, lake, hwy frontage, $2995 ac.
Farrell A Boswell 903 553 1646 I tntrTwi i 19140 2 kittens, r'vs cut. -tyi'it CLRIIHID ADOPTION i V. 'i VAi I V. IlL. Citcus quality tu-ns.
iloiH'd. Golden Retriever t'v nig I js.u Kitten. 7k i'u1. ".1 IV t. i l.if' nti, i i i liVCli t)tlC(l -i I i ii lii.
tiled kittens. li.vetlo CVSiHOLSES AAS'VEST --jS020 V.OMH e.iew i 2' on uri Plai.e 1 Country lrpo3o 1 Nicest ill;, H.iHA 1700 i SF, irv rircT I-'. I 'I mmv 9211 IMC HOUSE APAR1MIWS CW1) 757-5626 Month I Rill tteiSroom tinly. Moe-ln tty September 1, 2004.
1 i i 3.34 Acres. Excellent lot for new home, cleared. Kilgore ISD. Restricted. Elderville water, underground electrical 903-643 9194 after 5pm.
58 ac, Sabine ISD, mostly pasture, 2 ponds. Farroll Boswell Realty 903 553 1646 19 ac, Liberty City, sm stream, unrestnetod, $1700ac. Farrell Boswell 903 553 1646 Between L'vlew Tatum-ACRE sot-up for Mobile-New septic, water line, etc. $985 down, $287 pr mo on LeasePurchase. 903 757-5263 BOB STURROCK WOOD INC.
Buying and harvesting timber and timborland since 1969. Call Bob Slurrock 1-800-409-5680 or Lance Sturrock 903-5 9 6 0 4 2 8. WE BUY LAND! LAND-2 Tracts: 36.25 acres, Harmony ISD. Very nice! '2500 per ac.
104 Acres, Pritchett area, Gladewater ISD, '1500 per acres. Call 903 215 0450 Agent Lovely 3 or 4 Br2. 5- Ba2. 2650SF. Privato 5 to 8 wooded acres.
Excellent condition! Close to LGV mall LGV city limits. HISD. Ready to move in. owner. 903 234 1610 REDUCED $118,000.
to Home on 8 ac. 3 2. Ore City. Farrell Boswell Realty 903 553 1646 SECLUDED on 10.8 Acres Custom built. 4 open den.
dm. bkft area. Ige cov'd patio, 2 story wkshopw elec. '210Kby owner. 903 734 4640 or 903 576 1315 Best Deal in Diana! Brick 3 21.5 with bonus room on 1 acre with beautiful ing'ound pool firm.
Call Century 21 Cam, 903 720 0312 Everything new A fresh in this 2 yr old home! a 2. split bdrm; Mueller metal horse barn eiec. match, stg. rm on -4 acres 903-797-4722. 918 6300 NEW HOME on Segolily Rd.
1st house on left. 3 Br, 2 Ba Ige cot. Everything the best! On 2 lots. by owner, call 903 759 5063 9160 AMAZING BUY) Fixer upper. 3,2 Mbl Home, on .5 acres.
1213 Lynn. 8,500. call 903-736-8914, 903-736 5890. 9160 Estate 903-845-2146 JOYCE WILSON 903-236-3874 203GREENHILLRD. $139,000 wuntry living, DeautiTuiiy landscaped.
1 acre, 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 car garage, spacious den wWBFP. Large garden area of loop 281. To Advertise Here Call Amanda Pine Tree. 3'2lcp, foncod yd. '700mo '350 dep.
618 Millid-gan. Rel's teq. McD.ide Properties, 7b9 535J PT. 32 brick. 1300 si, Ige yard wooden p.itio.
1 yr Ic.ise. Rof's. Non smokers '800 mo (500 dep. 297 1189 PT, 32, nice, secluded, tipd.ited. VliOmo.
Witter pd.Call 903 297 78b3 PTISD. 322, whip, wd conn, fenced yd. No smokers. '875mo, '5CX)dp, 903 234 0555 Rent Snle 3 2 on aoout 4 ac Mcirmony Schools 700.00mo or 80.000 will owner finance call 985 b90 6378 or 985-503 1940 needs TLC Sharp efficiency, WD, 4iK)mo. 3 4 AC, 750mo 720 1798 White Oak, 2 Br 1 Ba.
appis. Quiet area. '(500mo. 903 297 1078 WOISD. 1 br quiet area, no pets.
Ret's required. 325 mo '300 dep. 903 759 9613 LUtlwo 345-475 mo Bv Movies 9. no at'p 'ee. nice vVlrtfasri pd.
753 2259 14X75. 2 2, chca, VV D. nice' 300do. 903 734 4315 2-BR MH in country, water turn. '350mo 000, 903 759 9041 2-Br 1 Ba ttrnte OaK.
3'0ri'O. "2(HXlep, No pets. 903 759 5836. 759 9469 or 241 5793 2 br 1 ba. Lgv.
'25 liXleo, ref's Also tots. 753 7. 2 1, HISD '410 mo us Pd event e'ec. 553 0911 or 918 2929 421 W. Hone 2 1, Pme tree ISO '300mo 903 759 8 737 No rent till 1st.
2 1. water pa. SHlSD. '400moap 452 1956 Only Brand new 3 B' 2 Ba doutve de. set uD on beaut 'u' 'ot in Ha-isvne.
Can 903 530 5348 1,2 3-Bdrm's An pad. 29 7 9'04 CES2E18080 Side City-4307 Hennedv. ige tree lot for dW W'de MH. '225mo. call 903 663 88X4 1015 W.
Loop 281. rie.t to s. 750SF Can 903-759 6962. 1500SF Warehouse sukO. S.
LaU man Rd.Lfiv. 759 9082. 1800 Eastman Rd for lease. 9.0OO sq.ft. Gen-oral retail.
Call 903 753 3086 4400sf offices warehouse near Good 'lOOOmo or will soil. 903 720 0949 6,000 sq.ft warehouse W'th rest room, overhead door. 1316 Hw-y 42, White Oak. 903 295 8085 General office or den tistry space. Great location by Oak Forest Country Club.
903 753 8301 BUYINC SELLING RELOCATING Call Marjorie Thieman 903-736-3430 for personal, professional real estate services. 4' WINSELL COLEMAN Home Loans Available! FHA'VA Conventional Refinance GoodBad Credit Okay Stop Foreclosures Now! "Making Your Dollar (') Dreams Come True" MAHJC initivmn. vns, uni 7363430 -ft brand 8060 Beautiful 3 2, fenced yd. 1210 Miami '850 in '700dp. 903 74ti 4788 Big Sandy doutue riot' -le.
No wts. '450, -200. 845 6158 Big Sandy, country tirK. 2 1 '00mo, 903 593 7108. 312 0375 Do you own rental pmp- tvty rod of the Mass manar'S Let us 00 tfat a.i for you.
Very reasonable rates no f'idden tees. Hea I state Management, LLC. 903-295 8A8 Exec. Home Hamps'ine Pace. 3 2.
cer, e. 1 ftp, aai. Sep. 1 1. '1095 -dep.
Judson MSch 903 757 AZS Gladewater 2 2. Ch CA sv.e. 'enced. ca'port. 400 '300.
844 0202 Gladewater 21. fenced, appi, no pets. I 400' 200. 845 6158 I Gladewater Lege 3 2. CA.
enced, ca'txjrt. 1 600 '350. 844 0202 Gladewater Large 1 br. CA, stOkP. ret.
deck, i '3 75 300.844 0202 GOOD SOUTHSIDE LOCA'IONS. Mouses I CpiO'l'S Hfjrl P'OP I 903-758 7271 Hallsville. 3 2 2 New ya.r-t. carpet. v6f P.
rg v.Vd. D'P '5iXl. 903- 663 -018 0' 235 7 789 HISD. for lease. 3 2 Hn'orr-ces.
Lge. fercca ver, can, new pa nt 'VkiO -500 dep. 758 8798 Holly Lake Pa- cn, 2t" 2 Da, a screened po'en. I Gated golf 695mo i 0ues. 903 769 1182 New construction ava arj.e Sent.
15th. 714, 716 4 718 Ho.i.brooK. "1475rro. i2i A.I 1 vr. le-Bse 903 663 654 3.
NO CREDIT Check OOAh. trte Over my is. 903 399 6025, Owner Finance. NeAy r.vr.otJe.ea. 4 B' 1.5 Ba 1 14 JEAEL DP So.
LGV Down, '650mo, 972.897.4719. Pine Tree 1 b'. carV)l. gas water pa.d, stoMtfe. 325250.
844 0202 Pine Tree, brick 3BPv I 2BA carport, cov patio. No pots, smokers. Pef's. '8 75. mo.
Call Emily. CB Lenhart. 903 238 728 7 Pine Tree. 2 fir, CH CA. fence, g.irage, workshop '500, '350.
844 0202 Patrick Noon 237-8598 1 600 Auburn HI Caddo Lie 224 Nolan on 35 Acres 2.22 KJfr2 Evamjelinc 322 Honcsurklf Rd. 39-arres Fairmoni Tomihomes 3.2.2 LOOP OFFIf'E SPACE FOR LEASE ALL SIZES. Properly nwnmjf mr-nt available. 1VU1, Jonefi Angle 0J-J3S-J93J 903 235 680J 903-239-0114 www.ta,ullO(l com MTERMSE 1218 DAFFODIL CHEST 903 BAZ2ELL 12 521CTEVEYRD. 596 NORTHRIOGE RD.
22 11 J4 1202 JASfSNE 215 DRIFTWOOD 12 tafcM, in an ii Offices for small to largo businesses. High traffic, well kept. Must see. 903 757-4440 UP to 8300 SF retail office space, Hwy 80 by Super One. Call 800 509 8161 Veterinarian facility for lease, tst.
Longview clientele 903 445 2930. DEER LEASE '600 gun, Panola County 903 622 7020. 9010 2bdlba For Sale 900sq house best offer Harlton area 903 923 9961 705k sq.ft. Industrial bui'ding in tan poor condition on 44 acres in Athens. Tevas.
ror sale bv Bankruptcy Trustee. Contact Ben Barnett 214 840 7151 New location for your f'ce stand mg riu.iding yery prot ie on high traffic intersection between downtown 4 mall. Easy access 4 'Cg'oss f'om 2 d.tV'onl streets. App 16tXlSF for fast food Dnve in window good parking. Another space for office (also 1600SF legal, real estate, etc.
for into ca'l owner Tod Toland 903 738 7341 LS19040 By owner. Small Country Store on 1 acre. ISD. Can before 7pm, 9o3-845 6567 lv msg. Rent House for
3Br 2Ba, 2 car. gar. 'enced vard, 2205 Tree 903 2.16 0071 11 9050 Harleton ISD, 3 ac. uM, aerobic SvS. home te, 1 903 395 2859 '0 down on new dou-biowide A land set up in Cherokee Village all the amenities.
3 A 4 bedroom ava iatne. Call 736 8214 or 746 5317 0 down on 2H80 dou-biewide set on acre lot near airport. 4.3 decks, fenced yd. concrete driveway, carport. Call 903 746 5317.
736 8214 or 297 7012 1994 Fleetwood MH, 16X76. 3 2. 1178SF. fp. 845 6614 2001 Oakwood 28X56, 4, 2 on 2 acres, beautiful lot in Sandalwood Subdivision, Hallsville ISD.
Home in mint cond cpt. Fin. Call 903 452 2236 DAN WALLACE 'torsos to this 2ac. Iracl w3 slal: stable separate nay barn. 32 MH has been remodeled.
Fence all around ready lo move-mto Hallsville Heights Rd. LAND LAND LAND Gilmer: Beaoma Rd. 67 99ac, FM 2454 33 ac. Harleton: Davidson Rd. 137ac.
Kilgore: Goforth 8ac Rabbit Creek Sac Carthage: FM 31-32ac, Hwy im 14ac. Dan Wallace 903-746-6458 www Susan Smead Russell Loan Olllcur Home Loans Great Rates Fast Approval HaverIck 32 43 DW's with PRE-APPROVED FINANCING set up on land wimprovements. Call 903-927 2310 for brochures. H13I35154 3,2 DW, in park, PTISD, '590mo. Flexible w.dwn pymt.
903 663 5275 ABANDONED DOUBLEWIDE. Call 903 927-2310 for details. RUI3514 Abandoned Slnglewide homes. Authorised to liquidate. Guaranteed financing.
Low down payments. Uuy here, pay here. Don't wait, call Larry, Big Oak 903 668 4385 New Used homes for sale. Small down, ownor finance. Gilmer ISO.
Call 903 797 3773. New doublewldes 28V80. 5 3. 80 0 624-7010, 903 968 4046 Tommy POND, BIQ PORCH SEPTIC included land home fHA Pkg. '1000 down low mo payments.
Call 903 927-2310 for directions. KUI35154 Used mobile homes for sale '500 '20OO, Take yoi i puk. 758 2570. fSSil9085 i Best buy at HS mo. I '5 70 tn, pool, pier, boat I i a Lake fork.
903 878 7265 9090 i A PERFECT SETTING! SN 55A. 3 2.5 plus lo't. 3staii H. sprinkler I sec. svs.
'389K. Add'l 1.5 a-re new 30X40 i Oarn avj-lalne across sfeet. 9i)3 643 2555 GREAT LOCATION! 2 2 brk.frm wsunroorn. Bright cheery. Fenced.
2 stg dg. RV port, BH, ir See this1 CHI ROME ASSOCIATES 903 643 3955 LAKE CHEROKEE CAROL COOLIDGE Real Estate 903-643-2828 Alice 643-3207 NellRapef 543-7415 Patty CM $43-2833 Kaye Suire 643-2016 Sue Bonduf 643-51 Carol 643-2017 ww InliKhrmket com CHEROKEE ASSOCIATES 643-3955 ilu'riiirejuiHijtfi com FRANCES EVERETT 903-643-7547 BILL EVERETT 903-643-7547 TRALISA HARGROVE L. 003-235-2202 PAUL CAROLYN MATTER 903-643-3969 (Mmei.Hn'lW mi MAPS OF LAKI JANNETTE WOODS Mortgage Broker LOCALLY OWNED FIXED RATES QUICK APPROVALS LtJ Lonavie ISD Homw $140's 1201 Ruth 5Ui Pine Iree ISD Homw 102 Overlook Of. -42 5 SIBO'i 720 W.Fairmont 32... $150's 1230 Marigold In.
42 5 $1S0't Hallsville ISD Hornet 4115 Curtis eiack 43 $184K Kllaore ISD Home: 93K Sorina Hill ISD Home: 3706 Bill Owen 43 S219K www hom*os4Tx Com iini I h) (903) 758-6000 8040 Pine Tree Dupees on Tt-eima Cout. 2 1. 0 conn. ciH'd rear parking, fenced On ste rranaicemont. '595mo.
738 49cU PTISD, 2 1 '450mo. '2Aiep. No pets, no 0 must fiae 'C's C.i'i R' o'Hta I-. 8.i"i to 5pm 759 94iU PTISD. 3 2l, UPfp' rt'ri'oaeied.
a ASAP No pets. t- 7 5 '300 I Vav pd. 903 297- 67 or 235 7351 I PTISD. 2 tv 2 ba. ut.
i i cov ca'S. (-H CA. 'f-i? "ct w.i't" ca'e 90'3 759 5581 I SHISD. 2 1. V-cea.
-'0 I'e'S '425 845 6158 Spring Mill 2 1. ate No vane p'ts. 'lo 93 759 2112 8060 1 Exec 1 2 2. l-0 s-i rt 13 75. 3 8 84 345-475 mo B.
Vov es i- j.t ve i 2-BrTBarTcpt. A .1 BtS 'v. '2t-- 211 Davis. Lease a 0" to 5 3 Da a 1 enc. 50..
"00 a '3500 an. C.1 74b IkS 758 Cv27 3-Br29-Ba So'i' is 4 ast i'e, ept No nets No smofc-- ti 9')3 452- 3 Br 3 Ba, gameroom, 1 )iiS-, 1 Aces KiK '1 OOODep. "SHISD JV'8 P. Call 903 757-3377 3 2 2 garden fo'e. 10-30 PT'SO -r' -'03 Z'-t 7 3 j.
4 "2 siTw wet tr 7 ha "3-. 1175. 758 3415 301 Davis. Lease or- to hii, or 1 ba a a 1 ti a 2 "90 a 3500 Qn. Ca state 746 1658 or 758 002 7 4 2 foreclosure! o' f-'jr listings HCX) 749 8124 703 620 Louisiana 3 1.
550. Mo Yr. Lease No pets. i a 235 1066 TRUDY GOOSEY, GRI 903-738-6764 WOISD 3.22 PTISD 42.2 PTISD 3 2x2 SHISD 412 PTISD 413 SHISD 442 RAY PEDEN 903-845-5427 3.2.2. Well maintained home In nice neighborhood.
Updates, include: ne caret, fresh paint, Sluvt lop. wuiiieilups. iitny; (mors, ouiside tnm. ne pooi liner. SaPme ISD.
4076. $135,000, Garden room ttlth inside hot tub. 4th hedrponi or oflice. 16j2 woshop on ext'a lot, pipe fencra in front, privacy fence in backvard, motor home carport plus etra carport storaiet Sabine ISD. 4073 www.rochett-realty.con MftWliiria1JMMMM I ii I I mmmmmtmmmmmm 8030 2-br 2 ba.
fP. '850 mo. No in'fs. Vont'eai. 9i." 3 iV15.
EXECUTIVE TYPE (J-ifdS. At1' p. vtod. pat o. o- -I- va-d No pets k'3 9916 Quiet TH 2 rr.
O' i smi V3 3395, -0 TOvN LAKE VILLAGE 722 ORHTOWN CT. e'. cm' i o. I e.we No pets. 1 2 br 1 ba.
i i- C-V t.V J'C ig. 4 19 A Dawn Circle 1 br. 1 ba. 1714 Preston Rd 1 HA 2 br ba. 2 1 1 tOve.
2 1. Spring 2012 Secretariat i i' I I- i 2 or 3Br I Ba! 7 i .1 3 2. Damn Cir 1'f -i' "9 4rJ 3 2. Pine Tree. CACh.
i 1 i' ejM' 'J 3 2 1. TlSD 0 jZ rj 0 5B Grayon Court, cul-de sac, 0'v s. w-ij 2 2. 'j't 'v I. -o ''Jv 795 i' ca'O, No tiffs o' 903 0709 Avail 9 1 -r P'rir.
Tree. 1 'itw back ya'd. i -I'e. Security 97 0' i'59 4250 Gladewater 2 1, ra'-go. Nu puts.
450 Ta Gladewater 3 2. No pets. 650 J90. 845 6158 GOOD SOUTHSIDE LOCATIONS. Houses iiiii Hnarn Prop r-58-7271 Hallsville.
2-brl-ba. Avd conn, CHOA. No pets. 903 -23(5 7070. Large, 3 Br2 Ba, W.
Minnont. Wbfp, carport yr lease. 903-759-9211 Ore City. 42, cov'd piirking, 2-story, appls, patio, fenco. 1 blk from school No pets '595 450.
903 797 6835 Pine Tree 2brlba, ceiling fans, wcl all electric, '400dep. 525mo 738 4903. well so Do weld ki i jGladewater Church rrupeny Large Auditorium with 436 theatre seats, basem*nt with classrooms, annex with offices, kitchen. Fellowship Area. Only 175,000.
II Rffj II -CI Wi I 1 1 rHI I rfe- km Jtf lJ i i i i jti i iii lis. Jr II a III a Ill I i nnrvi wi I oi.r i i ill I I j-, 111 I I HALLSV LLE Brain vour III I It III HALLSVILLE Bring your i iicn Raymond Allen Real RITA BODIFORD 903-399-6487 599,900 ill km mi im $98,000 $189,900 $132,000 $108,500 $219,000 $141,000 $299,500 PTISD PTISD Linda Aorri Sr. Account Executinl Loan Ofpctr m-23Wm Wtll) "34 Years of Serving Those Who Serve Us" Specializing in VA and TX Vet Home Loans Hidden Hills We Have It All! Service, Size, Location 100 OffV Month's Rent! Expires the Lnd of August VOTED BEST OF EAST TEXAS! (il Gilmer Road LonKvicw, TX 903-757-7595 (s) Senior Citizen Ditrnuntft! 57"MKi tt MiWM.iMMI in IMMMI4(MI.