Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

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Lansing State Journali

Lansing, Michigan

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WEDNESDAY EVENING THE STATE REPUBLICAN MARCH 24 1897 GRANITE SALE New York Bazaar On riday March 26 we will slaughter the price of Granite Ware A lot of manufacturers seconds have been shipped us through mistake and we purpose disposing of the whole lot on riday with no regard for value In fact the price on the entire line will be less than half the regular price of this ware SomBtnino NOW WROUGHT IRON Umbrella Stands Removable Brass Water Pan Beautiful at 8175 SAUCE PANS 1 qt 9c 2 qt 13c 3 qt 18c 4 qt 2Oc 5 qt 23c 6 qt 2Sc 8 qt 30c PRESERVING KETTLES Same Reduction DEEP BASINS 1 qt 8c 1qt 10c 2 qt 12c 3 qt 15c 4 qt 18c WASH BASJNS Large Size 10c GrombdGliGr Holder 106 Washington Avenue South All $1 75c and 5Oc Plates 38c each Booth English Semi Por celain 100 piece Dinner Set $846 Simon 111 Washington Ave North COMING EVENTS at board of health WHIRL SOCIETY PERSONAL MOVEMENTS 055 008" prisoners were to await exam Rep and Mrs Graham and Rep and Mrs OB uller will entertain at 508 Washington' avenue north this evening Regular meeting of Lansing lodge No 44 of Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Mr and Mrs George Pratt Michi gan avenue west entertained the Sup per club last evening A conference of the republicans of the third ward has been called for this evening at Room Hotel Downey A full attendance is desired Gauntlet lodge No 42 Knights Pythias will give a dancing party their hall this evening Miss Lou Hopkins 508 Michigan ave nue west will entertain at 6 dinner tomorrow evening in honor of Mrs Stanley Turner Mrs Charles Wynkoop and Mrs Otis A Henderson will entertain to morrow afternoon at the home of the former Washtenaw street west The home and educational1 depart ment of the Unity club will meet at residence of Mrs Hough 132 Larch street south tomorrow after noon at 2 union meets at central labor hall tonight Mr and Mrs Robert Smith enter tained at 6 dinner last evening Covers were laid for Prof and Mrs Theodore Burgess Mr and Mrs Elgin Mittlin Mrs Robert Steele Mrs Mullet and Hilton street the mud and the into the road We have a 16 room house 4x10 lot Michigan avenue east location excel lent Will sell it to you at just a little more than cost of making out papers Blood Howe of at is in receipt on Special communication of Lansing lodge No 33 A Thursday evening Work on the degree Mrs class in physical cul ture will meet at the home of Mrs Robert Smith Capitol avenue north tomorrow evening The members of the Home Culture club met with Mrs Katherine Blair last evening and after the regular study appointed the next meeting with Mrs Charles Gauntlet lodge No 42 of will give a dancing and card party at their hall this evening Music will be fur nished by the Bristol and Meech or chestra Refreshments furnished by the Rathbone Sisters All knights and friends most cordially invited Lansing tent No 276 is preparing to give a dancing party Maccabee hall pril 8 last evening stating that her father Davis was very seriously ill Grove Ballard who has been visiting at the home of ree Smith has gone to Grand Rapids Herrick of Grand Rapids was the guest of his nephews and Herrick yesterday Mrs Rohrbacker and Miss Edith Rohrbacker of Laingsburg are guests of Mrs Hasler Miss Maggie Kunkle of Blanchard is the guest of her aunt Mrs Mc Lachlan 107 Michigan avenue east Mrs Chapman of Chicago is the guest of her sisters Mrs red Lee and Miss Smith Capitol avenue south Charles Garner went to Ann Arbor this afternoon to adjust a loss for the Michigan Mutual ire Insurance Co Misses Edna Waters and Agnes Bar clay of Laingsburg are the guests of Miss Mabel Smith Chestnut street south Mrs Spratt of Jackson was in the city yesterday in the interests of the Daughters of America She is a fine parliamentarian and thoroughly un derstands the working of the order which she represents Epworth Bay View reading circle will meet tonight at the Central church in the study The Gang club was pleasantly enter tained by Mr and Mrs George Caine Seymour street last evening Next week the club will meet with Mr aud Mrs James Urquhart Grand street south A number of the pupils of the School for the Deaf at lint w'ho took part in the concert at the irst Baptist church last evening will give an entertain ment at Representative hall this even 8 Weather Bureau orecaat Snow flurries this afternoon air tonight with cooler in southeast por tion Thursday fair and warmer Brisk northerly winds Max temperature yesterday Min temperature last night Mean temperature yesterday Normal mean tern yesterday Precipitation during 24 hours ending at 7 a today Normal precipitation yesterday ord North is in Detroit Gardner is in Port Huron 1 fl rank Wells Jr went to Greenville this morning Miss Jessie Tompkins has returned from Chicago Miss Amelia Heider is visiting her sister in Charlotte Mrs I Glicman and Miss Truman re turned from Detroit last evening Miss Josephine Healand has returned from a visit with her mother in Onon daga Mrs Herrick and son returned from a week's visit in Williamston this morning 1 Mrs Henry Miller and Mrs ay Strickland went to Sunfield today to visit friends Mrs George Davis was called to Keene New Hampshire by a telegram Col Deland is confined to his house by illness Mrs George Taylor Hillsdale street west is ill with grip Charles Burridge of this city has been granted a patent on a skirt fast ener A conference of the republicans of the fifth ward will be held riday evening at feed store Several Lansingites who witnessed a performance of Merry at Grand Rapids last evening recom mend it very highly The funeral of Noah Talmadge was held at 2 this afternoon at his late home 141 Larch street north Rev Ernest Allen officiated The electric light and water commis sion held a very brief session last even ing and the only business transacted was the allowance of such bills as were presented Stockton Loomis have purchased the printing establishment of A Reynolds and it is rumored that a new free silver paper will be launched up on the unsuspecting public Major Jacklin inspector of the Michigan department of the A is at department headquarters today filing his reports which will be heard at the national meeting Stephen Morehouse was arrested this afternoon with a wierd jag which was the result of a prolonged indulgence in alcohol He will be arraigned on the charge of being a common tippler tomorrow Seats for the New York male quartet which appears at Central church Wednesday evening March 31 under the auspices of the Independent lecture course may be secured at Crotty book store William Leach was acquitted of a charge of larceny in Justice court yesterday afternoon It was al leged that he had stolen a pocket book but the jury did not think the evidence warranted a conviction Osgood who has been suffer ing from an attack of heart trouble since last riday is failing very rapid ly and it is not believed he will sur vive the day His daughter has been summoned from her home in Maine The conference of the gold demo crats which was held at the office of Kilbourne last evening was ad journed until riday evening so that they may know what has been done at the conventions of the other parties 1 Edward Robinson of Bellevue who was a popular member of the Lansing baseball team two years ago is in the i city today for the purpose of securing ine management oi me team wnivu a nvpicwuiauve may be put in the state league this sea 1 ing before the legislators son up announces tnat ne does not care to play the game this year The examinations of William Levan way on a charge of keeping a house of ill fame and of Lilly Galloway on the charge of being a common prostitute was adjourned yesterday afternoon for one week and both taken back to Mason ination Reports to the state show that influenza bronchitis neural gia tonsillitis and rheumatism in or der named caused most sickness in Michigan during the week ending March 20 Consumption reported at 163 places measles 81 diphtheria 29 scarlet fever 28 typhoid fever 16 and I whooping cough at 11 places The military board will hold a meet i Ing a week from tomorrow when the I question as to where the state encamp I ment shall be held this year will be discussed and probably settled There are about a dozen places after the en campment and some good inducements are offered Among the cities that want the encampment are Detroit Kalamazoo Cadillac Mt Clemens Al gonac and numerous others I The condition of the roads in the country may be judged by the expe 1 Jrience of a man who was attemptingto draw milk from the vicinity of Grand Ledge to the Condensed Milk company this morning He had 4000 pounds of milk on his wagon and seven horses to draw it but eight miles west of the city on Saginaw wagon got stuck in the driver emptied the milk and returned home The State Republican of a letter from a lady residing Sycamore street who is desirous of ex pressing her mind upon the dog nui sance She prophesies that within a short time the city clerk will stock up with dog licenses and that that means that any dog wearing a collar upon which hangs one of the little brass tags will be privileged to run in and' take possession of houses and when flower beds are laid out destroy them She suggests that the dog catcher could do a wholesale business if he would pitch his tent upon the corner of Ottawa and Sycamore streets Or on any other corner for that matter City News Briefly Told The last meeting of the Jolly Twentj Two club was held at the home of Mr I and Mrs red isher Shiawassee I street east last evening Progressive I pedro has been the club game during the season and last evening the honors I were presented to Mrs rank Cush I man and red isher The consola i tion prizes for the season were given to Mrs Hugo Delfs and Edward Gibbons WATCHMAKERS OARE GOOD JUDGES of quality in mechanical our judgment told us that the Pierce was our experience has verified our judgment Richmond OLD POSTOICE I A Scientific Boon: Doctor I place this thermometer under your tongue Mrs Henpeck and keep your lips closed Mr Henpeck (after a few minutes of speechless de I light) will you take for that instrument urnished rooms to rent? All mod ern conveniences 205 Grand St So The Independent Order of oresters I will hold a regular meeting Thursday evening Three candidates will be in itiated and several members of the legislature will be present BURNHAM Second Great Sale Carpets COMMENCES TUESDAY MARCH 23 Our work rooms have been crowded to their fullest capacity in making and executing the large volume of orders taken during our unprecedented sale of Carpets which closed two weeks ago These orders are now filled and we are READY OR ANOTHER GRAND RUSH Here are the sale prices on the best grades of Carpets commencing Tuesday March 23 and closing Saturday night March 27 Heavy Extra Super Double Warp Ingrain Carpets Sale price 25c Heavy Union Ingrain Carpets handsome patterns Sale Price 35c ine Heavy All Wool Ingrain Carpets will be sold at this sale at 381c Extra Super All Wool ingrain Carpets choice of the best styles will be sold at At this sale we offer the choice of our magnificent line of high grade Ingrain Carpets including Brussels Ingrain and all the very best makes former prices 85c and $100 every piece is offered until the close of this sale at 65c per yard Handsome Brussels Carpets at this sale 50c per yard Brussels Carpets fine quality latest styles 85c and 90c goods sale price 65c We will make and lay the best Body Brussels during this sale at 95c Choice Moquette Carpets the best goods will be made and laid during this sale at 85c AXMINSTER CARPETS The best line of choice styles in these goods will be found in our the price made and laid during this sale will $100 per yard We have employed several additional sewers and fitters in our manufacturing depart and hope to be able to Lay all Carpets on the date promised Our new and Improved methods of Making and Laying Carpets is meeting with great favor from the public Remember the above prices are for this week and this Sale only BU RNHAM CO RO We have a complete Lining Department ORGANDIE LININGS Both Sheer and Silk finish in the new shades at 10c 12c and 15c All the ancy Colors in rench Percaline with Moire inish 15c AST BLACK SKIRT I INING With Colored stripes AMAZON All black Skirt Lining in Stripes All the Good Kinds of Waist Linings in Silesias Sateens and Percalines Ask your Dressmaker how important it is to get Good Linings Ask Her what kind we sell Simons Dru Goods 60 OH 1 fllTWw' iiwi' ilrH New Spring Dry Goods Now Ready or the Trade We arc prepared for business with the Latest Stock Most Desirable Styles and More Reasonable Prices than ever before We be lieve the times demand good values small profits and satisfaction to our customers Three floors tilled with all the Newest Spring Merchandise OUR DRESS GOODS is overflowing with the latest creations tn oreign and Domestic Dress abrics Exclusive Dress Patterns at $750 $1000 $1200 upwards All the new weaves in Checks Homespuns Covert Cloths at 45c 5Oc 75c 90c $100 $135 per yard An enormous line of Black Dress Goods including for 25c to $150 per yard New New Velvets New Trimmings Our Cloak Second loor Elevator We have all the newest effects in TAILOR MADE Blazer Eton Suits at $750 $1O $12 $13 $14 $15 each AU'alterations made guaranteed Ready Made Black Skirts at $195 $2 $250 $288 $3 $450 $5 $6 $750 $8 $950 $1O and $12 each Alterations ree A new Hue of Capes and Jackets at $5 to $10 each ASK TO SEE OUR CLOAK DEP If lull I A I iWKni CARPET Thrtfloor We have the trade coming our way Our Superior Qualities Our Desirable Patterns Our Lower Prices meet the approval of the trade New line of Velvets in green and blue at $100 yd Extra quality of Thpestry Brussels at 75c yd Our 50c All Wool Carpets are the best values in the state Our 55c 6Oc and 65c qualities are the best AU Wool Ingrains mate See our Mattings at 12c 15c 2Oc 25c yard Linoleums at 75c 85c and $100 running yard two yards wide are the best values ever offered New Wash Goods New Underwear New Spring Goods in every Department McCall Patterns tor April 10c and 15c each ALRED RONK SlmORS DU GOOdS GO Carriages IS WAY AHEAD The Heywood Cab has all the latest improvements including the new patent wheel fastener and hub rubber tires the Heywood brake the latest nov elties in parasols the sleeper arrangement This year the same old line we have handled for the last ten years The Heywood Sleeper Heywood Carriage BUCK URNITURE CURTAINS AND UNDERTAKING I awWw' I Sa fig KM.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Author information

Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.