Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (2024)

Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (1)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
So I just got Dark Arisen and I'm about to start and I've got some questions before I do: Mostly are any classes desperately bad? Like if I pick to be a warrior will I spend 99% of my time chasing enemies just so I can smack them while the NPCs do all the work? Also are hybrid classes worth the investment?
#¿Sep 1, 2013 04:58
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Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (5)
#¿Jun 28, 2024 17:33
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (8)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
Good to hear that it's not like some other games where all but one class is good though! I Guess I'll start as a fighter and work my way up to a mystic knight unless something catches my eye!
#¿Sep 1, 2013 05:43
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (12)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
After a super long download time and a billion updates I can finally start. My PSN is LordNue if anyone wants to add me for whatever reasons.

EDIT: Jesus, this game really does feel a lot like a Berserk-inspired game. First impressions are pretty rad.

Nuebot f*cked around with this message at 09:36 on Sep 1, 2013

#¿Sep 1, 2013 08:50
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (16)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
I don't think I'm good at this character creation thing. My pawn came out looking like a tiny green trucker.
#¿Sep 1, 2013 23:49
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (20)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
Here's a question: About how much does it take to get a class to rank 9? Level-wise at least. Like would maxing one or two classes take me until level 100 or would it be way less?
#¿Sep 2, 2013 22:44
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (24)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
Oh man, thanks a ton guy who gave my pawn that hilarious jester outfit! I can't help but snicker every time I look at him now.
#¿Sep 4, 2013 04:24
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (28)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

WeaponBoy posted:

Yeah, I figured it would work well. The staff is also handy because I don't have to give a poo poo about reviving him.

e: Out of curiosity, about how many rift crystals did you get from him when he came back?

I don't remember. A lot though I think because I had like 200k when I decided to purify the bitterblack stuff you gave me and story-wise I've only completed one of the wyrmhunt quests. Speaking of which, I got some awesome stuff from those so thanks! a "Delta Guard" and the "Mistletoe Circlet" notably, and a new stick for my pawn that does some mad damage!

Also I have a question for anyone who might know. Is it possible at all to get the Eternal Ferrystone if you already have the game started? Because I'd love to get it, but I don't want it bad enough to restart my save.

EDIT: 173k that time!

Nuebot f*cked around with this message at 02:06 on Sep 8, 2013

#¿Sep 7, 2013 23:23
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (32)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

Nahxela posted:

Nah, I don't think you can, since it's a check before you start into Dark Arisen and the item can't be traded via Pawns.

Sad but not worth restarting. Ferrystones aren't that much of an issue. If I ever feel compelled to start a new game I'll have to steal someone else's dragon's dogma data though.
#¿Sep 8, 2013 07:20
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (36)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
So I just found out if you kill the gryphon in Griffin's Bane too quickly, it can screw you up forever. Delightful.
#¿Sep 9, 2013 03:57
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (40)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

jonjonaug posted:

I'm pretty certain that it doesn't screw you over at all? What do you think you're missing out on?

If you don't kill it in the first encounter, but rather before the appropriate gates are open on the tower then you can't reach the top of the tower forever. And there's a story quest that requires you to reach the top of the tower after. I wound up getting a friend to give me a forgary of that quest item so I can complete the story.
#¿Sep 9, 2013 06:17
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (44)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

a kitten posted:

Aren't there two ways up the Tower? I thought the second quest up there took a slightly different path, one that didn't go through all those portcullises. There's a room with two doors and one goes the Griffon way, and the other the Sorcerer, and which one is open depends on what quest you're on.

The other door is one of those "one-way because there's a block of wood barring it that you have to hit from the other side" doors. So the only way to go through that way is to go up top and then come back that way, then you can use it as a shortcut.
#¿Sep 9, 2013 06:51
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (48)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

Scob posted:

Ok I bought this game a few weeks back and im confused about something, I have been dicking around and havent had my audience with the duke yet for the wyrm hunt and I still have some message board quests like kill 55 skeletons, 35 crows, etc. ect. and some dark arisen island quests as ive goofed around over there some. My question is the guy tells me all my current tasks will be voided if I go talk to the duke does that mean those collecting quests and the island quests? or is it side mission quests for the main game hes talking?

There's a few quests that get voided. Like that "follow the guy from the castle" one, it gets cancelled. But when I did the duke meeting one, none of my generic "kill X Skeleton" quests got touched. Don't know about Bitterblack though.
#¿Sep 9, 2013 08:38
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (52)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

WeaponBoy posted:

Yeah, but gently caress Valmiro. Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (53) That rear end in a top hat's last quest broke a times-sensitive quest I had in Cassardis because there was no warning that I was about to spend 24 hours sitting around. Then he showed up as my beloved and I nearly give him up because ughhhhhhhhh.

Isn't there a quest you can do to remove him from the game?
#¿Sep 10, 2013 06:02
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (57)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
So the "From a different sky" quests. What's their deal? The game gave me the first six then no more showed up.
#¿Sep 11, 2013 06:30
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (61)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
So funny story. I spent a few hours plinking away at a condemned gorecyclops doing very little damage per shot and running out of stamina after twelve or so shots. After it killed two pawns I decided to waste all this time on principle and in the end got one level and a level 1 novelty item out of it. I don't think I'm going back to bitterblack for a while.
#¿Sep 13, 2013 05:39
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (65)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

mirarant posted:

I hope you looted the numerous chests in and near goreclops' room, if I remember correctly they have a chance for armor lv3, novelty lv3 and other lv 1-2 stuff.

I did, the only level 3 I got was a novelty sadly.

EDIT: So warrior isn't a whole lot of fun.

Nuebot f*cked around with this message at 04:17 on Sep 14, 2013

#¿Sep 14, 2013 01:45
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (69)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
Has anyone encountered this glitch before? My main pawn was vanishing earlier in Bitterblack. He'd be alive and well, no status effects or anything. I'd transition to another area. He'd vanish and no longer be a part of my party. It was the weirdest thing.
#¿Sep 15, 2013 07:47
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (73)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money

Shima Honnou posted:

Haven't seen that one. Are you sure he didn't have a run in with Death or one of the many, many bottomless pits in BBI?

Fairly certain. I know death didn't show up and the second time I don't think there was any pits in the Dark Bishop's room were there? He was standing right next to me when I opened the door to exit. But when I came out on the other side he was gone.

EDIT: My game also seems to be skipping the whole revival phase when my main pawn dies. I don't know why, but any time he gets knocked out he just fades away instantly. What's going on?

Nuebot f*cked around with this message at 11:52 on Sep 15, 2013

#¿Sep 15, 2013 08:51
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (77)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
It hasn't happened since so I can only assume my game was really messing up or I was doing something seriously wrong.
#¿Sep 17, 2013 08:30
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (81)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
I give up. Bitterblack is just not fun anymore and the fight with Daimon has every not fun gimmick stacked in one. It's a drat shame because the core game is great, it just lacks substance. But bitterblack is just every bad idea they had piled onto one and labled "endgame". Daimon was just the poo poo cherry on top of an unfun experience for me.
#¿Sep 18, 2013 03:33
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Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (85)
#¿Jun 28, 2024 17:33
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Feb 18, 2013
Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (88)
The developer of Brigador is a secret chud, don't give him money
I was trying to get my magic up a few levels before swapping to mystic knight but I always just felt way too weak. Half the enemies in bitterblack felt like they were made to annoy you and the other half just to kill you if they hit you, which they never did.
#¿Sep 18, 2013 04:01
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Dragon's Dogma: Grapple a Griffin, Slay a Cyclops, Climb a Cow, Pitch a Pig (2024)
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