標題校園環境中的垃圾問題的提送日期是2022-06-01 20:09:48, 提議者是蔡智婷, 附議數量是167, 附議門檻是5000, 留言數量是0, 利益與影響是1 免洗餐具對環境的引響 (Harms of disposing plastic utensils in natural environments) a. 海洋生態系破壞 (Polluting the ocean and involved ecosystems) b. 紅樹林汙染 (Poll..., 提議內容是請願書介紹 (Introduction of petition) 環境議題在台灣一直都是一個被重視的問題。其中一個主要環境汙染來源便是一次性塑膠餐具的使用,為了減少大眾對於這種難以自然降解的物品之使用,STay ECO致力於讓台灣的學生們也能夠加入保護環境的活動。我們的創辦人蔡智婷和STay EC....
publishDate | 2022-06-01 20:09:37 |
網址 | https://join.gov.tw/idea/detail/ce49ac90-2fde-4860-96ae-632d5bc1781a |
標題 | 校園環境中的垃圾問題 |
提議內容 | 請願書介紹 (Introduction of petition) 環境議題在台灣一直都是一個被重視的問題。其中一個主要環境汙染來源便是一次性塑膠餐具的使用,為了減少大眾對於這種難以自然降解的物品之使用,STay ECO致力於讓台灣的學生們也能夠加入保護環境的活動。我們的創辦人蔡智婷和STay ECO團員們希望能透過公共請願的方式,讓學生族群有機會挑起環境保護的一根大樑。透過減少台灣校園環境中所使用的一次性塑膠餐具,來解決愈發嚴重的環境問題。我們認為,只需要小小的改變,便可以對世界帶來莫大的影響,因此我們需要你們及台灣政府的支持。 The environmental situation in Taiwan has long been a concern. One of the major causes of the environmental degradation is the usage of disposable plastic utensils. To combat the excessive usage of items that are difficult to decompose and harmful to nature, STay ECO works to let students in Taiwan participate in environmental protection activities. Our founder Ting Tsai and fellow members of STay ECO wish to initiate a petition that offers students the opportunity to take the responsibility to protect our land. Specifically, we hope to mitigate our environmental situation by reducing disposable plastic utensils in school campuses in Taiwan. As part of our goal, we hope to make small changes into big impacts with the support of our government. 資源回收 (Recycling) 資源回收是一極為基本卻十分重要的動作來保留一個完好的環境給後代,因此教導年輕世代知道此舉的重要性亦為重要。雖然大部分的學校都有實行資源回收,但一部分的學生仍然不知道資源回收的原因及方式,這便是我們提出以下解決方案的原 因: Recycling is an important and essential action that can allow us to create a better environment for future generations. People need to be educated on recycling and its importance from a young age. However, many students are still not fully aware of how to recycle, as well as its significance. That’s why we propose solutions that can improve school environments such as: 一,舉辦班際競賽,此舉能夠有效鼓勵學生進行資源回收,並有立竿見影的成效。 One method to encourage and motivate recycling in schools is to introduce class competitions for students to actively participate in. This would allow effective actions to be taken in a short period of time to help improve the status quo of our environment. 二,成立環保議題相關的學生議會,來增進學生的環保認知,並將眾多還環境保育相關議題帶入學生生活之中。除了讓學校與學生群體皆能對此類議題有完整認知,並提供學生增進領導能力的機會。 There should be a student run committee in schools to raise awareness on various topics relating to the environment as essential to school life. This committee would then serve as a reliable foundation to keep the school and students informed and also provide students with opportunities to improve our environment together. 三、鼓勵老師確保學生都有完備的環保意識,例如介紹與環境議題相關極具教育意義的演講。 Teachers should also be encouraged to ensure that students are well aware of recycling, such as by introducing speakers who make meaningful speeches about the related topics and their careers since this may be very beneficial to the students. 四、製作宣傳海報製作宣傳海報來推廣資源回收的正確方式,以多元媒材,例如:藝術創作、影片等模式來促進學生對於環保的熱誠。學校也可以透過舉辦藝術比賽,在推廣藝術知能的同時增進環境意識。 There should also be posters, engaging videos, and artwork that promote environmental awareness and enable students to express themselves in the work that they do. They may also help with raising awareness of the importance of recycling so that more students will know how to recycle properly. School art competitions can also promote the use of artistic talents and abilities to raise awareness about the environment. 五、政府跟學校可以舉辦抽獎提升參與率-- 學生們期待的抽獎活動可以消去很多人對廢棄物和垃圾消極的態度,所以藉由跟廢棄物再利用有關的抽獎活動,師生都可以縮短他們跟這話題的距離。 In addition, raffles or giveaways could be conducted at governmental and school events. These activities can effectively get people to participate by motivating them with awards. 六、標準化的處理模式對需長期環境政策至關重要,因次我們應標準化對於垃圾桶(回收桶)的樣式、圖案和顏色,使學生能夠輕易地分辨資源回收的分類。舉例來說紙類回收可以放在綠色的垃圾桶,玻璃可以放在灰色的。不同的垃圾桶也可以用不同的標記或圖案去做區分。這樣可以節省很大的時間跟人力。 Finally, it is important to use the same bins and symbols for each type of trash across campus so that students can easily sort them. For example, recycled paper could be placed in green bins while recycled glass could be placed in gray ones. These different bins may also be distinguished by visual symbols. This would help people with identifying the different types of trash and make it less time-consuming for the recycling station with sorting out different types of trash. 一次性餐具對環境的危害以及我們如何解決 (The environmental threat of single-use utensils and how we could resolve it) 「依統計資料顯示,國內外食人口每天約一七七零萬人次,平均每餐約六百萬人次,免洗餐具之 使用量每年約五•九萬噸,其中塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具之使用量每年約四•三萬 噸」(行政院主計處)。台灣每年的塑膠餐具使用量非常可觀,台灣行政院主計處的免洗餐具統計包括但不限於塑膠餐具,但保麗龍和紙製餐具之塑膠膜都屬於環境無法消化的材質之一,因此本文將統一稱之為免洗餐具並統一討論。 According to the Accounting and Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan, there are about “17.7 million people eating outside from restaurants every day, 6 million people eating out per meal, and 50,000 to 90,000 tons of disposable utensils being emitted per year.” (Accounting and Accounting Office, Executive Yuan). The annual consumption of plastic utensils in Taiwan is huge. The statistics of disposable utensils gathered by the Accounting Office of the Taiwan Executive Yuan include but are not limited to plastic utensils. Because the plastic film of styrofoam and paper utensils is one of the materials that cannot be digested by the environment, they are just single-use utensils. 免洗餐具造成最嚴重的問題便是海洋生態的破壞。每年,大量未妥善處理的免洗餐具排入河川大海,垃圾沿著河川沿路摩擦碰撞、甚至沿路散佈堆積。塑膠再沖刷也無法被分解,它們只會由大片塑膠破碎成小片塑膠,最終成為極難清除的塑膠微粒,進入海洋食物鏈,最終回到人類身上。 The most serious problem caused by disposable utensils is the destruction of marine ecology. Every year, a large amount of disposable utensils that are not properly disposed flows into the rivers and the sea. The garbage would hit against the river banks as it makes its way to the sea, causing damage. Plastics cannot be decomposed. They will only disintegrate from large pieces into small molecules, and eventually become particles that are so small that they are extremely difficult to remove. As they enter the marine food chain, they return back to humans when we eat fish. 當塑膠垃圾沿著河川沖入大海時,將有大量垃圾堆積於河海交界處----紅樹林。紅樹林有淨化水質、穩固海岸線、提供生物棲地等多種用途,因此其生態價值極高。然而近年來台灣紅樹林生態係受到嚴重汙染,大量塑膠垃圾和免洗餐具堆積於紅樹林泥灘上,受到汙染的紅樹林發出惡臭並嚴重影響整個生態系。紅樹林作為河海交界處,有著有著不可忽視的重要性,因此免洗餐具的問題也是當前必須注意之議題。 When plastic waste flows into the sea, large amounts of waste will accumulate in the mangrove forest, which is where the river meets the sea. Mangroves have a high ecological value. It purifies water, stabilizes coastlines, and provides biological habitats. However, in recent years, Taiwan’s mangrove ecosystem has been seriously polluted by the large amount of plastic waste and disposable utensils accumulated on the mangrove mudflat. The polluted mangroves emit a stench and badly affect the entire ecosystem. Mangroves have an important position that cannot be ignored or replaced. Therefore, this is another reason why the issue of disposable utensils is a serious issue that must require attention. 免洗餐具作為塑膠垃圾之一,回收時經常被忽視,並且沒有妥善的處理。以紙餐具為例,雖然有一回收分類為「紙餐具」,但是很多場所的回收分類並沒有分到這個種類,無論之後是直接當做一般垃圾處理掉或者當做紙類回收,最終都有可能被送到焚化爐焚燒處理,而焚燒塑膠即會造成嚴重空氣汙染。燃燒塑膠可能產生戴奧辛和極細小之塑膠微粒,漂浮於空氣中,研究表明,2019年倫敦市民平均每日吸入高達五萬顆塑膠微粒,而2022年三月,根據英國《衛報》報導,科學家首次在人類血液中發現塑膠。塑膠微粒可以由飲用或食用、甚至於吸入體內,而進入肺部和血液中的塑膠微粒造成的危害更是我們無法想像的。 Disposable utensils are often neglected during recycling and are not properly disposed of. Taking paper utensils as an example, although there is a recycling classification as “paper utensils,” it is still not commonly labeled as recyclable. Whether it is directly disposed of as general garbage or recycled as paper, it may eventually be sent to the incinerator, which causes serious air pollution. Burning plastic may produce dioxin and very tiny plastic particles, which float in the air. In 2019, a research shows, London residents inhaled up to 50,000 plastic particles every day on average. The Guardian reported in March 2022 that scientists found Plastic in human blood for the first time. Plastic particles can be drunk, eaten, or even inhaled. This is critical since the harm caused by plastic particles entering the lungs and blood is severe. 塑膠微粒是現代環境破壞的最大元兇之一,而製造它的途徑有非常多,但是台灣身為免洗餐具使用大戶且近年來淨灘廢棄物時常入圍前十名,必須開始嚴格審視免洗餐具的規範和使用。 Microplastics are one of the biggest enemies of modern environmental damage, and there are many ways plastic can be produced. Taiwan has a large use of disposable tableware. In recent years beach cleaning waste has been up on the list. Therefore we must start to strictly examine disposable tableware specification and use. |
利益與影響 | 1 免洗餐具對環境的引響 (Harms of disposing plastic utensils in natural environments) a. 海洋生態系破壞 (Polluting the ocean and involved ecosystems) b. 紅樹林汙染 (Polluting the mangroves and related habitats c. 空氣汙染像是如 NOx 和 VOCs 之類的懸浮粒子 (Increase of air pollutants such as but not limited to particulate matter, NOx, and VOCs) d. 環境中將充斥塑膠微粒 (Fill the environment with microplastic particles that are harmful towards the human body) 2. 解決辦法 (Solutions) a. 管制餐廳提供環保餐具並嚴格執行 (Request cafeterias to provide reusable utensils) b. 學校等公共場所細分資源回收分類 (Clearly mark the recycle bins in schools and public places) c. 學校宣導學生環保觀念 (Lecture about environmental friendly concepts in schools) d. 向民眾宣導免洗餐具的回收方法 (Raise public awareness of recycling plastic waste and single-use utensils) e. 鼓勵淨灘和紅樹林志工活動 (Encourage beach cleaning and other environment activities) 環境問題及垃圾問題皆為台灣校園常存的問題,我們希望透過以下的方式來改善這些問題。 Environmental and trash issues are still ongoing in the campuses around Taiwan, and we wish to change that. 教育學生環境保育及資源回收的重要性。很多時候問題總是諸於不了解,因此在讓大家能夠做出實際行動之前,充足的知識是基本,才不會想幫忙卻弄巧成拙。 It is important to educate students about the environmental problems and recycling. Problems often result from a lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is important for people to learn more about the environmental problems prior to taking action environmentally to prevent people from doing a disservice. 如果能夠深植環保意識在每一位學生心中,便有機會能夠影響他的家庭,甚至對未來的工作環境也能有正面的影響。透過此舉,學校也能變得更加乾淨舒適並且更適合學習的環境。 The benefits for students recycling properly are significant. It is likely for the students to take their recycling and eco-friendly spirit back home or even to the future – their workplace! Schools will therefore become cleaner and more comfortable places to learn. 學校應該要標明或增加垃圾桶(回收桶) 在垃圾問題尤其嚴重的區域與總體校園區域。目前有些校園的垃圾桶可能一個星期只有清潔一次造成學生沒有垃圾筒倒垃圾,所以為了讓環境更衛生和乾淨,人們應該設置更多的垃圾桶或者更頻繁的清理垃圾桶。 Schools should either add more bins or clean the bins more regularly in areas that are more heavily concentrated with garbage. Currently, there are not enough bins for students to discard their waste because the trash is only cleaned out once per week. Therefore, to improve the sanitation and reduce the costs of cleaning the areas with trash discarded on the floor, people should either place more trash bins or, more preferably, clean the trash bins more often. 結論 (Conclusion) 為了改善校園環境和推廣永續發展,我們應該要以國家為單位做出行動。這不僅僅會讓環境跟乾淨,也會增加我們的生活和教育品質,乾淨的環境也可以讓學生的在校園更舒適不管是身體還是心靈。我們誠摯地邀請您為這份請願書投下寶貴的一票。感謝您! To improve the school environments in Taiwan and promote sustainability, we should take action as a country together. This would also help improve the quality of our education and living status because cleanliness would help maintain the physical health and mental well-being of our students. Therefore, we would like you to consider voting for this petition. Thank you very much! |
附議數量 | 167 |
附議門檻 | 5000 |
提送日期 | 2022-06-01 20:09:48 |
關注數量 | 29 |
留言數量 | 0 |
googleAnalytics | 無 |
提議者 | 蔡智婷 |
publishDate2022-06-01 20:09:37 |
網址https://join.gov.tw/idea/detail/ce49ac90-2fde-4860-96ae-632d5bc1781a |
標題校園環境中的垃圾問題 |
提議內容請願書介紹 (Introduction of petition) 環境議題在台灣一直都是一個被重視的問題。其中一個主要環境汙染來源便是一次性塑膠餐具的使用,為了減少大眾對於這種難以自然降解的物品之使用,STay ECO致力於讓台灣的學生們也能夠加入保護環境的活動。我們的創辦人蔡智婷和STay ECO團員們希望能透過公共請願的方式,讓學生族群有機會挑起環境保護的一根大樑。透過減少台灣校園環境中所使用的一次性塑膠餐具,來解決愈發嚴重的環境問題。我們認為,只需要小小的改變,便可以對世界帶來莫大的影響,因此我們需要你們及台灣政府的支持。 The environmental situation in Taiwan has long been a concern. One of the major causes of the environmental degradation is the usage of disposable plastic utensils. To combat the excessive usage of items that are difficult to decompose and harmful to nature, STay ECO works to let students in Taiwan participate in environmental protection activities. Our founder Ting Tsai and fellow members of STay ECO wish to initiate a petition that offers students the opportunity to take the responsibility to protect our land. Specifically, we hope to mitigate our environmental situation by reducing disposable plastic utensils in school campuses in Taiwan. As part of our goal, we hope to make small changes into big impacts with the support of our government. 資源回收 (Recycling) 資源回收是一極為基本卻十分重要的動作來保留一個完好的環境給後代,因此教導年輕世代知道此舉的重要性亦為重要。雖然大部分的學校都有實行資源回收,但一部分的學生仍然不知道資源回收的原因及方式,這便是我們提出以下解決方案的原 因: Recycling is an important and essential action that can allow us to create a better environment for future generations. People need to be educated on recycling and its importance from a young age. However, many students are still not fully aware of how to recycle, as well as its significance. That’s why we propose solutions that can improve school environments such as: 一,舉辦班際競賽,此舉能夠有效鼓勵學生進行資源回收,並有立竿見影的成效。 One method to encourage and motivate recycling in schools is to introduce class competitions for students to actively participate in. This would allow effective actions to be taken in a short period of time to help improve the status quo of our environment. 二,成立環保議題相關的學生議會,來增進學生的環保認知,並將眾多還環境保育相關議題帶入學生生活之中。除了讓學校與學生群體皆能對此類議題有完整認知,並提供學生增進領導能力的機會。 There should be a student run committee in schools to raise awareness on various topics relating to the environment as essential to school life. This committee would then serve as a reliable foundation to keep the school and students informed and also provide students with opportunities to improve our environment together. 三、鼓勵老師確保學生都有完備的環保意識,例如介紹與環境議題相關極具教育意義的演講。 Teachers should also be encouraged to ensure that students are well aware of recycling, such as by introducing speakers who make meaningful speeches about the related topics and their careers since this may be very beneficial to the students. 四、製作宣傳海報製作宣傳海報來推廣資源回收的正確方式,以多元媒材,例如:藝術創作、影片等模式來促進學生對於環保的熱誠。學校也可以透過舉辦藝術比賽,在推廣藝術知能的同時增進環境意識。 There should also be posters, engaging videos, and artwork that promote environmental awareness and enable students to express themselves in the work that they do. They may also help with raising awareness of the importance of recycling so that more students will know how to recycle properly. School art competitions can also promote the use of artistic talents and abilities to raise awareness about the environment. 五、政府跟學校可以舉辦抽獎提升參與率-- 學生們期待的抽獎活動可以消去很多人對廢棄物和垃圾消極的態度,所以藉由跟廢棄物再利用有關的抽獎活動,師生都可以縮短他們跟這話題的距離。 In addition, raffles or giveaways could be conducted at governmental and school events. These activities can effectively get people to participate by motivating them with awards. 六、標準化的處理模式對需長期環境政策至關重要,因次我們應標準化對於垃圾桶(回收桶)的樣式、圖案和顏色,使學生能夠輕易地分辨資源回收的分類。舉例來說紙類回收可以放在綠色的垃圾桶,玻璃可以放在灰色的。不同的垃圾桶也可以用不同的標記或圖案去做區分。這樣可以節省很大的時間跟人力。 Finally, it is important to use the same bins and symbols for each type of trash across campus so that students can easily sort them. For example, recycled paper could be placed in green bins while recycled glass could be placed in gray ones. These different bins may also be distinguished by visual symbols. This would help people with identifying the different types of trash and make it less time-consuming for the recycling station with sorting out different types of trash. 一次性餐具對環境的危害以及我們如何解決 (The environmental threat of single-use utensils and how we could resolve it) 「依統計資料顯示,國內外食人口每天約一七七零萬人次,平均每餐約六百萬人次,免洗餐具之 使用量每年約五•九萬噸,其中塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具之使用量每年約四•三萬 噸」(行政院主計處)。台灣每年的塑膠餐具使用量非常可觀,台灣行政院主計處的免洗餐具統計包括但不限於塑膠餐具,但保麗龍和紙製餐具之塑膠膜都屬於環境無法消化的材質之一,因此本文將統一稱之為免洗餐具並統一討論。 According to the Accounting and Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan, there are about “17.7 million people eating outside from restaurants every day, 6 million people eating out per meal, and 50,000 to 90,000 tons of disposable utensils being emitted per year.” (Accounting and Accounting Office, Executive Yuan). The annual consumption of plastic utensils in Taiwan is huge. The statistics of disposable utensils gathered by the Accounting Office of the Taiwan Executive Yuan include but are not limited to plastic utensils. Because the plastic film of styrofoam and paper utensils is one of the materials that cannot be digested by the environment, they are just single-use utensils. 免洗餐具造成最嚴重的問題便是海洋生態的破壞。每年,大量未妥善處理的免洗餐具排入河川大海,垃圾沿著河川沿路摩擦碰撞、甚至沿路散佈堆積。塑膠再沖刷也無法被分解,它們只會由大片塑膠破碎成小片塑膠,最終成為極難清除的塑膠微粒,進入海洋食物鏈,最終回到人類身上。 The most serious problem caused by disposable utensils is the destruction of marine ecology. Every year, a large amount of disposable utensils that are not properly disposed flows into the rivers and the sea. The garbage would hit against the river banks as it makes its way to the sea, causing damage. Plastics cannot be decomposed. They will only disintegrate from large pieces into small molecules, and eventually become particles that are so small that they are extremely difficult to remove. As they enter the marine food chain, they return back to humans when we eat fish. 當塑膠垃圾沿著河川沖入大海時,將有大量垃圾堆積於河海交界處----紅樹林。紅樹林有淨化水質、穩固海岸線、提供生物棲地等多種用途,因此其生態價值極高。然而近年來台灣紅樹林生態係受到嚴重汙染,大量塑膠垃圾和免洗餐具堆積於紅樹林泥灘上,受到汙染的紅樹林發出惡臭並嚴重影響整個生態系。紅樹林作為河海交界處,有著有著不可忽視的重要性,因此免洗餐具的問題也是當前必須注意之議題。 When plastic waste flows into the sea, large amounts of waste will accumulate in the mangrove forest, which is where the river meets the sea. Mangroves have a high ecological value. It purifies water, stabilizes coastlines, and provides biological habitats. However, in recent years, Taiwan’s mangrove ecosystem has been seriously polluted by the large amount of plastic waste and disposable utensils accumulated on the mangrove mudflat. The polluted mangroves emit a stench and badly affect the entire ecosystem. Mangroves have an important position that cannot be ignored or replaced. Therefore, this is another reason why the issue of disposable utensils is a serious issue that must require attention. 免洗餐具作為塑膠垃圾之一,回收時經常被忽視,並且沒有妥善的處理。以紙餐具為例,雖然有一回收分類為「紙餐具」,但是很多場所的回收分類並沒有分到這個種類,無論之後是直接當做一般垃圾處理掉或者當做紙類回收,最終都有可能被送到焚化爐焚燒處理,而焚燒塑膠即會造成嚴重空氣汙染。燃燒塑膠可能產生戴奧辛和極細小之塑膠微粒,漂浮於空氣中,研究表明,2019年倫敦市民平均每日吸入高達五萬顆塑膠微粒,而2022年三月,根據英國《衛報》報導,科學家首次在人類血液中發現塑膠。塑膠微粒可以由飲用或食用、甚至於吸入體內,而進入肺部和血液中的塑膠微粒造成的危害更是我們無法想像的。 Disposable utensils are often neglected during recycling and are not properly disposed of. Taking paper utensils as an example, although there is a recycling classification as “paper utensils,” it is still not commonly labeled as recyclable. Whether it is directly disposed of as general garbage or recycled as paper, it may eventually be sent to the incinerator, which causes serious air pollution. Burning plastic may produce dioxin and very tiny plastic particles, which float in the air. In 2019, a research shows, London residents inhaled up to 50,000 plastic particles every day on average. The Guardian reported in March 2022 that scientists found Plastic in human blood for the first time. Plastic particles can be drunk, eaten, or even inhaled. This is critical since the harm caused by plastic particles entering the lungs and blood is severe. 塑膠微粒是現代環境破壞的最大元兇之一,而製造它的途徑有非常多,但是台灣身為免洗餐具使用大戶且近年來淨灘廢棄物時常入圍前十名,必須開始嚴格審視免洗餐具的規範和使用。 Microplastics are one of the biggest enemies of modern environmental damage, and there are many ways plastic can be produced. Taiwan has a large use of disposable tableware. In recent years beach cleaning waste has been up on the list. Therefore we must start to strictly examine disposable tableware specification and use. |
利益與影響1 免洗餐具對環境的引響 (Harms of disposing plastic utensils in natural environments) a. 海洋生態系破壞 (Polluting the ocean and involved ecosystems) b. 紅樹林汙染 (Polluting the mangroves and related habitats c. 空氣汙染像是如 NOx 和 VOCs 之類的懸浮粒子 (Increase of air pollutants such as but not limited to particulate matter, NOx, and VOCs) d. 環境中將充斥塑膠微粒 (Fill the environment with microplastic particles that are harmful towards the human body) 2. 解決辦法 (Solutions) a. 管制餐廳提供環保餐具並嚴格執行 (Request cafeterias to provide reusable utensils) b. 學校等公共場所細分資源回收分類 (Clearly mark the recycle bins in schools and public places) c. 學校宣導學生環保觀念 (Lecture about environmental friendly concepts in schools) d. 向民眾宣導免洗餐具的回收方法 (Raise public awareness of recycling plastic waste and single-use utensils) e. 鼓勵淨灘和紅樹林志工活動 (Encourage beach cleaning and other environment activities) 環境問題及垃圾問題皆為台灣校園常存的問題,我們希望透過以下的方式來改善這些問題。 Environmental and trash issues are still ongoing in the campuses around Taiwan, and we wish to change that. 教育學生環境保育及資源回收的重要性。很多時候問題總是諸於不了解,因此在讓大家能夠做出實際行動之前,充足的知識是基本,才不會想幫忙卻弄巧成拙。 It is important to educate students about the environmental problems and recycling. Problems often result from a lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is important for people to learn more about the environmental problems prior to taking action environmentally to prevent people from doing a disservice. 如果能夠深植環保意識在每一位學生心中,便有機會能夠影響他的家庭,甚至對未來的工作環境也能有正面的影響。透過此舉,學校也能變得更加乾淨舒適並且更適合學習的環境。 The benefits for students recycling properly are significant. It is likely for the students to take their recycling and eco-friendly spirit back home or even to the future – their workplace! Schools will therefore become cleaner and more comfortable places to learn. 學校應該要標明或增加垃圾桶(回收桶) 在垃圾問題尤其嚴重的區域與總體校園區域。目前有些校園的垃圾桶可能一個星期只有清潔一次造成學生沒有垃圾筒倒垃圾,所以為了讓環境更衛生和乾淨,人們應該設置更多的垃圾桶或者更頻繁的清理垃圾桶。 Schools should either add more bins or clean the bins more regularly in areas that are more heavily concentrated with garbage. Currently, there are not enough bins for students to discard their waste because the trash is only cleaned out once per week. Therefore, to improve the sanitation and reduce the costs of cleaning the areas with trash discarded on the floor, people should either place more trash bins or, more preferably, clean the trash bins more often. 結論 (Conclusion) 為了改善校園環境和推廣永續發展,我們應該要以國家為單位做出行動。這不僅僅會讓環境跟乾淨,也會增加我們的生活和教育品質,乾淨的環境也可以讓學生的在校園更舒適不管是身體還是心靈。我們誠摯地邀請您為這份請願書投下寶貴的一票。感謝您! To improve the school environments in Taiwan and promote sustainability, we should take action as a country together. This would also help improve the quality of our education and living status because cleanliness would help maintain the physical health and mental well-being of our students. Therefore, we would like you to consider voting for this petition. Thank you very much! |
附議數量167 |
附議門檻5000 |
提送日期2022-06-01 20:09:48 |
關注數量29 |
留言數量0 |
googleAnalytics無 |
提議者蔡智婷 |
根據名稱 校園環境中的垃圾問題 找到的相關資料
無其他 校園環境中的垃圾問題 資料。
[ 搜尋所有 校園環境中的垃圾問題 ... ]
營業稅中第12條特種飲食業稅率調整 | 提送日期: 2021-11-07 15:26:53 | 提議者: 紅澍 | 附議數量: 3 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 我除了提出我個人對「陪侍服務」的見解外,也提供政府對其特種飲食業合理稅率之想法,回到最根本的特種行業四大要件下,「有包廂」多5%、「娛樂性節目」多5%、「有提供酒類」多5%、「有提供客制化陪侍」多10... | 提議內容: (特種飲食業之稅率)特種飲食業之營業稅稅率如下:一、夜總會、有娛樂節目之餐飲店之營業稅稅率為「百分之十五」。二、酒家及有陪侍服務之茶室、咖啡廳、酒吧等之營業稅稅率為「百分之二十五」。 政府長期... |
公職人員(含所有公務人員、民選公職人員及其附屬助理、官派公職人員)全面義工制 | 提送日期: 2022-12-17 08:34:26 | 提議者: Executive Yuan | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一、大大精簡國家財政支出 二、廢除考試院等無效益公務機關 三、人人皆可參與公共事務,不再受任何條件限制或特定人物把持 | 提議內容: 公職人員(含所有公務人員、民選公職人員及其附屬助理、官派公職人員)全面義工制 一、公務乃公眾之事務,但可實際參與決策或執行公共事務的人卻少之又少,為特定人所把持或需經過高門檻的考試才能進入公務部門。... |
請教育部放過所有人:停課不停學的概念再澄清 | 提送日期: 2021-05-16 16:32:06 | 提議者: YUANSING | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 「停課不停學」應是學生自主學習的轉化體現,而非強迫式的線上學習。 如教育部能領頭停止「停課不停學」線上學習計畫呼告, 相信能達到以下幾點: (1)國人能全心全意傾盡全力安心做好防疫工作 ... | 提議內容: 近來疫情嚴峻(本土案例連兩天破百),當人與人之間必須拉出距離,使得停課疑慮再起,線上不停學的概念油然而生。 停課不停學立意本是良好,學生本分即是學習,但學習能有多種方式,線上媒材只是其一, 且又因... |
調高基本工資至3 萬元 | 提送日期: 2017-12-12 16:33:29 | 提議者: 如果早知道 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 1、增加就業率: 勞工的薪資增加,使得加班時數減少,公司必需增加更多勞工,增加就業率。 2、減少少子化: 勞工的薪資增加,使得加班時數減少,與親人相處時間增多,有更多機會製造台灣的下一代。 3... | 提議內容: 目前勞工基本薪資過低,迫使勞工不得不長期加班來賺取維持生活所需的薪水,調高勞工基本工資,減少勞工加班時數,增加勞工與其親人相處時間。 |
依藥事法103條辦理中醫師檢定及格人員及中藥商參加中藥師考試資格 | 提送日期: 2021-04-26 14:08:24 | 提議者: 承定 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一、中醫師檢定及格人員是通過國家舉辦的國家考試并領有合格證書,政府沒有理由犧牲掉中醫檢定及格的權利一、 目前執業的藥師約有3、4萬人,但真正登記在中醫醫療院所執業的藥師只有180、190人,比率僅約0... | 提議內容: 一、查民國87年修訂之藥事法第103條第4項規定:「上述人員(得繼續經營者),以及中醫師檢定考試及格或在未設中藥師之前曾聘任中醫師、藥師及藥劑生駐店管理之中藥商期滿三年以上之負責人,經修習中藥課程達適... |
108課綱新型學測擴大自然考科與社會考科考試範圍至高二選修課程內容 | 提送日期: 2023-10-07 18:05:32 | 提議者: Leo Hu | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 0 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 今年5月,台大、清大等校,陸續有教授反映, 首屆108課綱入學的大一學生,有微積分、 普通化學等理科學科平均成績下滑,數理能力弱化現象令人憂心, 嚴重可能衝擊產業人才發展與培育, 擴大現行108課綱新... | 提議內容: 現行108課綱新型學測自然考科與社會考科只考必修範圍, 但是目前108課綱的必修範圍僅含高一全學年的課程, 並未如同過去的學測,考到高二全學年結束,建議如下: 1. 現行108課綱新型學測自然考科擴... |
藉由捐贈國際的口罩行銷台灣 | 提送日期: 2020-04-03 23:47:26 | 提議者: 不用暱稱我叫李軍 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一來可以行銷國際,讓更多人看見台灣。 二來可以避免口罩被第三人以不法手段取走。 | 提議內容: 既然台灣要捐口罩給國際,向國際伸出援手,是不是能夠藉由此次機會,行銷台灣到全世界。 我想提議: 在不影響口罩製程的情況下,是否可以評估在台灣捐贈國外的口罩上印上台灣國旗,或是能夠讓國際看見台灣的任... |
改善與增設公立動物收容所 | 提送日期: 2022-04-22 10:04:07 | 提議者: j | 附議數量: 115 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 改善環境有助於提高流浪貓狗的健康程度以提高被領養的機率,目前多數地區面臨收容所爆滿的窘境,過多的貓狗將導致環境難以維持整潔與乾淨,所以增設收容所可視為為提高領養率所做的投資,若再配合TNR及以上所提的... | 提議內容: 讓政府確實落實: 1.收容所中貓狗分開住,或是改善隔音設備。2.政府定期稽查環境、貓狗健康狀況,及貓狗是否有被不合理對待等,違反者予以懲罰。3.對於老舊、環境堪憂之建築,政府撥款協助整修。4.目前收... |
因應疫情對住宿業之衝擊,應補助民宿業者 | 提送日期: 2020-05-12 13:21:49 | 提議者: Luo | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 提供補助給民宿業者,幫助業者在疫情衝擊下度過難關。 | 提議內容: 1.針對合法民宿提供單月1萬之補助2.最多領取6個月3.領取補助期間不得歇業 |
年金改革建議方案 | 提送日期: 2017-01-21 09:19:43 | 提議者: Jasmine Hsu | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 我們都支持年金改革特別是剛出社會的我剛聽到年金要改革實真的很興奮以為原本按月砸錢扔水裡終於有希望可以領回來了也不明白為什麼老一輩的退休人員只是少領一部分為什麼不能為了國家永續讓步後來仔細去了解內容才發... | 提議內容: 年金改革是攸關全民生死存亡的大事不能兒戲一例一休、房地炒作已經造成物價水平和薪資水平嚴重不對等了應優先以永續為前提作出讓民眾看得懂得計算說服民眾願意多繳少領晚退已共同基金為基礎,調整替代率實現公平正義... |
國土保護 | 提送日期: 2017-11-25 17:11:45 | 提議者: Miky | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 保護生態,保護山坡下居民,莫讓腐敗地方官恁意造災害,强奪百姓土地 | 提議內容: 有鑑於山坡保護區濫墾日益嚴重,凡未經申請而濫墾者,除應嚴懲外,必須恢復濫墾前樣貌,而不是像中央推拖地方自治,自行決定,縣市政諸多假借防災之名,蓄意讓濫墾者完成開發,政府應保護自然生態,不可讓腐敗地方官... |
總統薪資透明化 | 提送日期: 2017-03-02 16:17:21 | 提議者: HE01595793 | 附議數量: 8 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 讓民眾了解總統薪資狀況。 | 提議內容: 根據總統副總統待遇支給條例第二條:「一、月俸:指本條例規定依法應領取之基本給與。二、政務加給:指月俸以外,因所任職務之職責程度,另加之給與。」 又根據總統副總統待遇支給條例第五條:「總統、副總統之政... |
將勞基法排入高中高職必修課程 | 提送日期: 2020-07-21 16:10:01 | 提議者: 海燕 | 附議數量: 98 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 勞基法若能在高中時期 就讓青年學子懂得該法案 將來出社會工作 或是當老闆 由於台灣人民都了解法案 也可以讓無良雇主 不再妄為 | 提議內容: 勞基法是攸關人民最基本的法案 很遺憾的事 我國政府單位 從來不重視這部法案 許多高中時期的學生 就必須打工 可是連自己的權益也不懂 被許多雇主欺詐 矇騙 我國政府卻未能順應時代潮流 將... |
黃牛猖獗,影響台灣藝文活動市場,提議推動藝文表演票券「購票、取票、入場三階段票券實名制」 | 提送日期: 2022-11-28 00:47:24 | 提議者: Sandy | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 0 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 1. 期望藉由「購票、取票、入場三階段票券實名制」,讓藝文表演回歸於對其有興趣的民眾,而不是讓票券被不肖民眾大量持有成為競標、漫天喊價的商品。 2. 黃牛現象不僅影響藝文表演團體的利益,也導致想購票... | 提議內容: 【緣起/主訴求】 在台灣疫情趨緩後,各類演藝活動積極舉辦,不論是台灣或他國歌手都如火如荼的開始展開活動、舉行演唱會,但黃牛票的亂象卻更加猖獗。 台灣的黃牛亂象甚至被他國歌手點名(韓國知名團體SUP... |
政府對全國人民發放無條件基本收入 | 提送日期: 2020-05-18 20:13:29 | 提議者: 以利亞 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 無條件基本收入的六大優點: (1)降低貧富差距各項數據都指向社會的財富分布往頂端的1%集中,造成M型社會,貧富差距不斷增大,無條件基本收入看似齊頭式平等,但仍能幫助弱勢,因為相同數目的金錢對於身價新... | 提議內容: 無條件基本收入是什麼? 無條件基本收入,簡稱基本收入 ,是指沒有條件、資格限制,不做資格審查,每個人民皆可定期領取一定金額的金錢,由政府發放給全體人民,以滿足人民的基本生活條件 無條件基本收入的五... |
營業稅中第12條特種飲食業稅率調整提送日期: 2021-11-07 15:26:53 | 提議者: 紅澍 | 附議數量: 3 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 我除了提出我個人對「陪侍服務」的見解外,也提供政府對其特種飲食業合理稅率之想法,回到最根本的特種行業四大要件下,「有包廂」多5%、「娛樂性節目」多5%、「有提供酒類」多5%、「有提供客制化陪侍」多10... | 提議內容: (特種飲食業之稅率)特種飲食業之營業稅稅率如下:一、夜總會、有娛樂節目之餐飲店之營業稅稅率為「百分之十五」。二、酒家及有陪侍服務之茶室、咖啡廳、酒吧等之營業稅稅率為「百分之二十五」。 政府長期... |
公職人員(含所有公務人員、民選公職人員及其附屬助理、官派公職人員)全面義工制提送日期: 2022-12-17 08:34:26 | 提議者: Executive Yuan | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一、大大精簡國家財政支出 二、廢除考試院等無效益公務機關 三、人人皆可參與公共事務,不再受任何條件限制或特定人物把持 | 提議內容: 公職人員(含所有公務人員、民選公職人員及其附屬助理、官派公職人員)全面義工制 一、公務乃公眾之事務,但可實際參與決策或執行公共事務的人卻少之又少,為特定人所把持或需經過高門檻的考試才能進入公務部門。... |
請教育部放過所有人:停課不停學的概念再澄清提送日期: 2021-05-16 16:32:06 | 提議者: YUANSING | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 「停課不停學」應是學生自主學習的轉化體現,而非強迫式的線上學習。 如教育部能領頭停止「停課不停學」線上學習計畫呼告, 相信能達到以下幾點: (1)國人能全心全意傾盡全力安心做好防疫工作 ... | 提議內容: 近來疫情嚴峻(本土案例連兩天破百),當人與人之間必須拉出距離,使得停課疑慮再起,線上不停學的概念油然而生。 停課不停學立意本是良好,學生本分即是學習,但學習能有多種方式,線上媒材只是其一, 且又因... |
調高基本工資至3 萬元提送日期: 2017-12-12 16:33:29 | 提議者: 如果早知道 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 1、增加就業率: 勞工的薪資增加,使得加班時數減少,公司必需增加更多勞工,增加就業率。 2、減少少子化: 勞工的薪資增加,使得加班時數減少,與親人相處時間增多,有更多機會製造台灣的下一代。 3... | 提議內容: 目前勞工基本薪資過低,迫使勞工不得不長期加班來賺取維持生活所需的薪水,調高勞工基本工資,減少勞工加班時數,增加勞工與其親人相處時間。 |
依藥事法103條辦理中醫師檢定及格人員及中藥商參加中藥師考試資格提送日期: 2021-04-26 14:08:24 | 提議者: 承定 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一、中醫師檢定及格人員是通過國家舉辦的國家考試并領有合格證書,政府沒有理由犧牲掉中醫檢定及格的權利一、 目前執業的藥師約有3、4萬人,但真正登記在中醫醫療院所執業的藥師只有180、190人,比率僅約0... | 提議內容: 一、查民國87年修訂之藥事法第103條第4項規定:「上述人員(得繼續經營者),以及中醫師檢定考試及格或在未設中藥師之前曾聘任中醫師、藥師及藥劑生駐店管理之中藥商期滿三年以上之負責人,經修習中藥課程達適... |
108課綱新型學測擴大自然考科與社會考科考試範圍至高二選修課程內容提送日期: 2023-10-07 18:05:32 | 提議者: Leo Hu | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 0 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 今年5月,台大、清大等校,陸續有教授反映, 首屆108課綱入學的大一學生,有微積分、 普通化學等理科學科平均成績下滑,數理能力弱化現象令人憂心, 嚴重可能衝擊產業人才發展與培育, 擴大現行108課綱新... | 提議內容: 現行108課綱新型學測自然考科與社會考科只考必修範圍, 但是目前108課綱的必修範圍僅含高一全學年的課程, 並未如同過去的學測,考到高二全學年結束,建議如下: 1. 現行108課綱新型學測自然考科擴... |
藉由捐贈國際的口罩行銷台灣提送日期: 2020-04-03 23:47:26 | 提議者: 不用暱稱我叫李軍 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 一來可以行銷國際,讓更多人看見台灣。 二來可以避免口罩被第三人以不法手段取走。 | 提議內容: 既然台灣要捐口罩給國際,向國際伸出援手,是不是能夠藉由此次機會,行銷台灣到全世界。 我想提議: 在不影響口罩製程的情況下,是否可以評估在台灣捐贈國外的口罩上印上台灣國旗,或是能夠讓國際看見台灣的任... |
改善與增設公立動物收容所提送日期: 2022-04-22 10:04:07 | 提議者: j | 附議數量: 115 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 改善環境有助於提高流浪貓狗的健康程度以提高被領養的機率,目前多數地區面臨收容所爆滿的窘境,過多的貓狗將導致環境難以維持整潔與乾淨,所以增設收容所可視為為提高領養率所做的投資,若再配合TNR及以上所提的... | 提議內容: 讓政府確實落實: 1.收容所中貓狗分開住,或是改善隔音設備。2.政府定期稽查環境、貓狗健康狀況,及貓狗是否有被不合理對待等,違反者予以懲罰。3.對於老舊、環境堪憂之建築,政府撥款協助整修。4.目前收... |
因應疫情對住宿業之衝擊,應補助民宿業者提送日期: 2020-05-12 13:21:49 | 提議者: Luo | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 提供補助給民宿業者,幫助業者在疫情衝擊下度過難關。 | 提議內容: 1.針對合法民宿提供單月1萬之補助2.最多領取6個月3.領取補助期間不得歇業 |
年金改革建議方案提送日期: 2017-01-21 09:19:43 | 提議者: Jasmine Hsu | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 我們都支持年金改革特別是剛出社會的我剛聽到年金要改革實真的很興奮以為原本按月砸錢扔水裡終於有希望可以領回來了也不明白為什麼老一輩的退休人員只是少領一部分為什麼不能為了國家永續讓步後來仔細去了解內容才發... | 提議內容: 年金改革是攸關全民生死存亡的大事不能兒戲一例一休、房地炒作已經造成物價水平和薪資水平嚴重不對等了應優先以永續為前提作出讓民眾看得懂得計算說服民眾願意多繳少領晚退已共同基金為基礎,調整替代率實現公平正義... |
國土保護提送日期: 2017-11-25 17:11:45 | 提議者: Miky | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 保護生態,保護山坡下居民,莫讓腐敗地方官恁意造災害,强奪百姓土地 | 提議內容: 有鑑於山坡保護區濫墾日益嚴重,凡未經申請而濫墾者,除應嚴懲外,必須恢復濫墾前樣貌,而不是像中央推拖地方自治,自行決定,縣市政諸多假借防災之名,蓄意讓濫墾者完成開發,政府應保護自然生態,不可讓腐敗地方官... |
總統薪資透明化提送日期: 2017-03-02 16:17:21 | 提議者: HE01595793 | 附議數量: 8 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 讓民眾了解總統薪資狀況。 | 提議內容: 根據總統副總統待遇支給條例第二條:「一、月俸:指本條例規定依法應領取之基本給與。二、政務加給:指月俸以外,因所任職務之職責程度,另加之給與。」 又根據總統副總統待遇支給條例第五條:「總統、副總統之政... |
將勞基法排入高中高職必修課程提送日期: 2020-07-21 16:10:01 | 提議者: 海燕 | 附議數量: 98 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 勞基法若能在高中時期 就讓青年學子懂得該法案 將來出社會工作 或是當老闆 由於台灣人民都了解法案 也可以讓無良雇主 不再妄為 | 提議內容: 勞基法是攸關人民最基本的法案 很遺憾的事 我國政府單位 從來不重視這部法案 許多高中時期的學生 就必須打工 可是連自己的權益也不懂 被許多雇主欺詐 矇騙 我國政府卻未能順應時代潮流 將... |
黃牛猖獗,影響台灣藝文活動市場,提議推動藝文表演票券「購票、取票、入場三階段票券實名制」提送日期: 2022-11-28 00:47:24 | 提議者: Sandy | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 0 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 1. 期望藉由「購票、取票、入場三階段票券實名制」,讓藝文表演回歸於對其有興趣的民眾,而不是讓票券被不肖民眾大量持有成為競標、漫天喊價的商品。 2. 黃牛現象不僅影響藝文表演團體的利益,也導致想購票... | 提議內容: 【緣起/主訴求】 在台灣疫情趨緩後,各類演藝活動積極舉辦,不論是台灣或他國歌手都如火如荼的開始展開活動、舉行演唱會,但黃牛票的亂象卻更加猖獗。 台灣的黃牛亂象甚至被他國歌手點名(韓國知名團體SUP... |
政府對全國人民發放無條件基本收入提送日期: 2020-05-18 20:13:29 | 提議者: 以利亞 | 附議數量: 0 | 附議門檻: 5000 | 留言數量: 0 | 利益與影響: 無條件基本收入的六大優點: (1)降低貧富差距各項數據都指向社會的財富分布往頂端的1%集中,造成M型社會,貧富差距不斷增大,無條件基本收入看似齊頭式平等,但仍能幫助弱勢,因為相同數目的金錢對於身價新... | 提議內容: 無條件基本收入是什麼? 無條件基本收入,簡稱基本收入 ,是指沒有條件、資格限制,不做資格審查,每個人民皆可定期領取一定金額的金錢,由政府發放給全體人民,以滿足人民的基本生活條件 無條件基本收入的五... |